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IOA | Hagrid's Motorbike Adventure | Intamin LSM Launch (Dragon Challenge replacement)

Theming looks fantastic, but as I said a few pages back it looks very tame. There's nothing wrong with that, after all Universal has always had a lot of family experiences. It's just that the park doesn't really appeal to thrill seekers as it once did, replacing two huge B&M inverts with a (let's face it) Wave Breaker intensity level ride. The only good thrill ride left in both of the Uni theme parks is Hulk. Nothing wrong with going for families, the park just isn't for me anymore, that's all :)

Hopefully the new Jurassic coaster will be good though!

This ride is not tame in the slightest. Wait until you ride it.
5,053 feet is certainly a shocking length for this ride! We knew about the 7 launches from when Hagrid’s Magical Creatures’ track was under construction, as well as the “world’s first dual drop track”. I was pleasantly surprised with the coaster’s max speed being 50mph, as I anticipated it to be somewhere around 35-45mph. And on the topic of intensity; since it’s an Intamin, I believe that this ride is going to be more intense than we assume it to be. Even with all these reasons, however, I still think Steel Curtain is the best new coaster of 2019 (at least Stateside, as Hakugei and Untamed exist too).
Theming looks fantastic, but as I said a few pages back it looks very tame. There's nothing wrong with that, after all Universal has always had a lot of family experiences. It's just that the park doesn't really appeal to thrill seekers as it once did, replacing two huge B&M inverts with a (let's face it) Wave Breaker intensity level ride. The only good thrill ride left in both of the Uni theme parks is Hulk. Nothing wrong with going for families, the park just isn't for me anymore, that's all :)

Hopefully the new Jurassic coaster will be good though!
The new Jurassic coaster should be phenomenal; it looks like Taron, and that's up there with SteVe in terms of the amount of overwhelming praise it gets!

This also looks phenomenal, but for different reasons as it's aimed at a different market.
I'm also still a bit hurt about Dueling Dragons being removed but this does look like such a solid addition to the park. I mean length isn't everything as we know ;) but with the look of the new Jurassic coaster coming, I think they're going to be onto two absolute winners.
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Do we know when this is meant to open? We're heading there early August now.

Meant to be opening in a couple of weeks time, on 13th June i believe.

Assuming it not delayed for any reason, however even if it was i am sure it be running by time you visit in august
Word is... it is delayed. Still hasn't soft opened. And for a Florida Park/Ride... that's somewhat strange.
Thinking back on how Mako was running over a month before opening, Tigris a few weeks, but even rides like Forbidden Journey had soft openings.
I saw an article speculating that the unique train configuration was causing a rougher than intended ride...but that's all speculation.
If they are going to be delaying the opening as many people are saying, they really need to notify people as soon as possible. People will have booked flights and hotels from all over the world for this.
If they are going to be delaying the opening as many people are saying, they really need to notify people as soon as possible. People will have booked flights and hotels from all over the world for this.
By the same notion, don't announce it's delayed until you're 100% sure there's no way you can open it on time. Most people recognize there's a ton that can go wrong in the process before opening a theme park ride and delays can happen as part of the process. Will people be upset, sure but I believe people will be even more upset if they cancel they're flights/tickets etc and then it does open on time and they have to wait for who knows how long to get vacation time and everything re-booked.
By the same notion, don't announce it's delayed until you're 100% sure there's no way you can open it on time. Most people recognize there's a ton that can go wrong in the process before opening a theme park ride and delays can happen as part of the process. Will people be upset, sure but I believe people will be even more upset if they cancel they're flights/tickets etc and then it does open on time and they have to wait for who knows how long to get vacation time and everything re-booked.
True, it's a difficult balance. If I wasn't 100% sure that it would be open, I'd be honest with people and say so that they can re-arrange if they want to.

We have no idea if there is actually a delay or if it's all meaningless talk to be fair though. Hopefully it opens on time!
So apparently this thing has 14 trains and they are dispatching every 35 seconds. If that's accurate, this thing is going to just devour people.

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That gives a max theoretical throughput of about 1440 which seems average for a Universal headliner. It's going to be super satisfying watching those dispatches in the station though.
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That gives a max theoretical throughput of about 1440 which seems average for a Universal headliner. It's going to be super satisfying watching those dispatches in the station though.
They were saying 2200 actually is the hypothetical number. Somehow.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
I can't possibly see this running 14 trains. Tron only runs 7 (which are the same size as the trains on this btw), and that has a dual station as well as separate load/offload platforms. I heard 5 from somewhere, although that seems a little low, but 14 I think is insane. Although I am unsure on how the loading/unloading process will work, but 14 trains is a lot. Where did you about hear this @tomahawk?