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IOA | Hagrid's Motorbike Adventure | Intamin LSM Launch (Dragon Challenge replacement)

I means they aren’t letting anyone else into the queue so the ride isn’t running into stupid hours of the morning.

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Yeah I just meant I wonder how long they consider capacity queue but did t word that in my question :)

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The queue for DD/DC was absolutely enormous anyway, nevermind addint to it which they seem to have done. I just love this project, though.
Watching that video gives me flashbacks to when I rode Dragon Challenge in 2016 and it was pretty much walk-on, but it still took about 10 minutes just to walk the length of the queue!

It would seem that riders of this coaster won't be having that problem any time soon, though!
I've been thinking and I think there is a bit more to this midday opening than meets the eye. The ride has been so popular people have been arriving at the front gates really early in the morning so they can get to hagrid's before there is a queue- saying it doesn't open till lunchtime prevents this from happening
Probably some logistical tinkering going on -if it's as popular as it sounds, everyone heading to it first thing, people aren't shopping and spending money elsewhere around the park and their immediate impression of the park is one long queue.

This at least gives them a reason to force people to visit other parts of the park, hopefully spend some dosh, and then head towards Hagrid.
Probably some logistical tinkering going on -if it's as popular as it sounds, everyone heading to it first thing, people aren't shopping and spending money elsewhere around the park and their immediate impression of the park is one long queue.

This at least gives them a reason to force people to visit other parts of the park, hopefully spend some dosh, and then head towards Hagrid.
Having been out of town since before the ride opened... i got home this morning, at 5, slept a bit...and then made my way across the street to IOA. I had done my best to avoid any and all spoilers of the ride and refrained from watching any of the POV or really even looking at of the construction photos. I'm not a fan of Potter... and I hated the Gringotts ride....but I think Forbidden Journey is fun, I just don't really get what's going on. So... Hagrid's... as far as the coaster goes I thought it was surprisingly fun. (But like....hour or less line fun, not 10 hour line fun) It's definitely a better fit for the park than Dragons (booo). The continuous loading was neat, so many trains.....The trains are pretty cool looking too. The numerous launches have a good amount of force to them. The final launch being the most intense. The reverse spike was fun in the front seat although I'm sure in the back it's pretty useless... the drop track was absolute and complete garbage, really the only flaw I found.
I'd love to try the ride at night but I'll wait for the hype to die off a little bit more or wait for the slow season.
For what it's worth the standby line was posted at three hours and I only had to wait a little more than an hour... and you move at a pretty good clip through the line, especially now considering Express is not available, yet. I'm sure that will help screw it over...and right now the singles line is insane... someone in my group asked a single who got placed in front of us how long they waited and it was actually longer than what standby was...so yeah, that's a thing. You also can't access the single rider line until you've completed half of the outdoor queue.

Also, when returning to the station the ride went down with half of our train still sticking out the back..although since I was in car one I was able to get off. From the exit area you could see at least four other trains stopped along the ride course.. and I sat around and watched the ride reset. Kinda fun seeing all the trains roll back and forth slowly and then eventually launch full speed. Also saw people freak out when they saw another train going around while they were still stopped... people on the stopped train kept turning backwards as if the other train was gonna crash or whatever.

I went on it twice earlier this week and can echo some of what @CanobieFan said. An advertised 3 hour queue took just over 1, the drop track is a bit lame but ties into the story well. Also the Hagrid animatronic looks great but doesn’t seem to move too much, I’m not sure wether it’s synced up with the ride properly, it was better on the second ride but still not quite right. One of the best parts of the coaster is the narration from Hagrid, really adds to the experience for me anyway.

Even with a couple of little flaws it’s still a great coaster and if you’re fan of the movies like me you will absolutely love this ride.