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iPhone 4?!

Ben said:
I can get one on 3, and probably will in September, for only a fiver more than I'm on now. Just a n00by question, would I use more than one gig of internet a month?
No. I would consider myself a heavy user and have had my 3GS for a year and used 2GB in total. (I'm sot sure if that stat according to the phone usage screen includes Wifi or not though, I'd image it does.)

And for anybody who keeps bleating on about "you can get all this stuff cheaper on other phones that have been around for years", stop sounding so bitter!

The iPhone has the best interface and biggest varity of applications compared to any other smartphone that I've played with. The three drawbacks about the iPhone are lack of Flash, crap battery and non-connectivity to non-Apple products. A small price to pay for what is an exceptionial device...as well as a phone!

I'm pretty sure if they were more affordable then about half the population would have one.

Roll on January!
So it's not about the phone. But it's about phone plus design. Okies. Way to ruin my argument by contradicting yourself :( :p

Also, I did not know you could do the video calling for free on wifi. But surely then that requires both people to be: 1) on an iPhone4, and 2) connected to wifi (which they're more than likely paying for anyway so it's not free - lying bastards! :lol: ).

They've just created an army of sheep imo. There must be something addictive about it tehe.

Ian said:
And for anybody who keeps bleating on about "you can get all this stuff cheaper on other phones that have been around for years", stop sounding so bitter!

It only sounds bitter to you if you read it like that. ;)
Neal, do everyone a favour and stop posting in topics you clearly don't care about just so you can disagree with everyone.
Yeah, they've created an army of sheep by creating a brilliant product!
I'm not disagreeing (in fact, I even agreed with you, so you're just being MENTAL for the sake of it, as per these past few weeks :roll: ) - I WOULD get one. I was promised a revolutionary new phone - we got old technology newly wrapped up and packaged with a fruit on it. Just disappointed tbh :lol:

And I care enough to have looked into it before posting, it's not as if I'm - A) spamming or, B) posting in cred topics :p (then I really wouldn't care ;) )

And fair enough Ian :)
Ian has nailed it. My HTC Touch has everything the iPhone (essentially) has.

However, the interface is cluttered and the phone ranges from being "alright" to a "complete bitch" in terms of using it.

I'm a technical person, I can use technology and can overcome the problems - but I'd never suggest anyone else have one, even though "it does the job". It's just too much hard work and fighting with the OS.

I pick up an iPhone, and right away I'm able to "do stuff". There's no mucking around trying to understand technical gubbins, or working out why this app has a different interface to that app which runs in a different way to the other app.

Everything is packaged on the iPhone in a "nice" way.

I've absolutely no doubt it's not the best smart phone technically (and certainly not for the price) - but it IS the best in terms of a universal design. Apple have pretty much ignored the tech that goes into it, and everything is on making it simple for most people to use.

That's where it wins an that's why it's so massively popular.

If it works well for the man in the street, then it's a success. It's what made Nokia so popular in the early mobile days - simple to use phones everyone understands.

It's not about technology or applications. It's about presenting them in a way people understand and can use easily. I don't know if Apple will end up losing ground like Nokia did, as people understand the technology and usage. HTC et al quite possibly will start to gain ground. At the moment though Apple have the right product, with the right interface sold in the right way.
Totally agree furie - that's my view on the iPhone.

It's not the best, but the easiest to get the most out of. You don't have to own one to know how to use it, unlike HTC and Blackberry which are definitely developed skills :lol:

The way I see the iPhone is like Th13teen though. We are promised so much, but the end product is not what it was advertised as, which leaves me disappointed and not wanting it. :p
The new Mazda 5 comes out when I'm due to replace my car. It's the same, only with swirly sides and a thicker seat cushion.

I don't care it's just the same, I'm not going to be asking the Mazda dealer to sell me an old model when the newer - mildly improved - version is available.

I don't think anyone was "promised" anything fantastic, new and wonderful? It's just an upgrade adding some extra functionality and little improvements here and there.
Her'es the list of rumours:
http://gizmodo.com/5451175/the-complete ... or-roundup

Nothing at all that wasn't given - or wasn't completely stupid (we'll ignore the video conferencing bit :lol: )

Sorry - point!

If you're already an iPhone user, then the "little additions" will mean a LOT to you. If you're not, then you'll get one because you're jealous :p
well i qued up from 7 at my local o2 store as they told me they opend at 8 they then decided not to open till 10 the ****es. Anyways after a lot of fafing around with apples new upgrade system which is pish we have them YAY. there just waiting for the micro sim to activate. I would have been happy to wait if i a.HAdnt been due an upgrade and b.Sold both our old iphones on ebay for £200 each lol hehe. I hav to say though it is a rather impressive little thing the new screen is amazing its just soooo clear. the phone itself running on the A4 chip as really fast and shifts from task to task really quick and the wifi and 3g is also very fast too. As for the data Ian it does not include wifi in the stats as i checked mine last night and found i had only used 18meg in data in 18 months lol and that includes the sat nav so not much as most of mine is wifi, Speaking of wifi it is unlimited and free on iphone but the data which is when there is no wifi available is 500 meg a month which is plenty for anyone to use. The camera is a real improvement with autoflash and auto focus you can even touch which bit of the pic you want it to focus on more and it does it all auto and the real time tagging is cool too so it knows where you where when you took the pic and logs it for you. Not tested the video yet not had chance. As for text and phone calls i will get back to you when the sim activates lol but i presume its all the same with voice activation if need bee lol. Anyways its an awsome litle bit of kit and recomended to all when you can get to one. As for the shop we got our from when we left they still had 650 16gig left and 530 32gig left so no shortage here i just think shops have hyped it for more people to que and get it lol just like we do at GAME for new consoles and stuff
Even Apple said the biggest difference was from a 3g to a 3gs, a 3gs to a 4 is not big. That was from Apple. This is why a lot of people today were up grading from a 3G and not the 3GS.

It is not old stuff wrapped up in a new case, Neal do some reading please and not just listen on people against Apple there is loads of stuff on the internet about it. If it had a Nokia sticker on the back you would love it.

Neal I think we all know you do not like them.

The screen is brand new technology for starters it has the best screen on the market, it has the most powerful cpu on the market.

Furie the reason why Apple will not really loose ground is due to the apps, people have paid for them so will not want to loose them. The new HTC is better in just about every way tbh, but they are prone to crashing in testing.

I should be getting mine at 4pm today :)
nealbie said:

marc said:
Even Apple said the biggest difference was from a 3g to a 3gs, a 3gs to a 4 is not big. That was from Apple.

BS to be honest, sorry Marc. I'd have thought you'd have looked it up at least before having a go at me :lol:


20 seconds to 45 seconds - this is from Apple, it's the biggest move forward since the original one according to them.

marc said:
It is not old stuff wrapped up in a new case, Neal do some reading please and not just listen on people against Apple there is loads of stuff on the internet about it.

I have looked into it, it's everywhere, it's hard not to. So stop undermining me for the ****ing sake of it, it's not nice - or necessary :p .

I've already pointed out that you clearly haven't been paying full attention and are just sprouting things. I could just as easily say you've only looked on the positive side of the coin - but I wont, because it's rude and assuming.

marc said:
Neal I think we all know you do not like them.

I don't know why you're so determined to put me in that camp despite all I've said. It's clear I don't dislike the product itself, it's very good. It's the marketing I'm against. Video calling is not new, yes they have stronger glass and longer battery life, slightly better camera than they had before, HD resolution filming.

All very good, but at the same time, something you'd expect from a phone for starters. Shockingly, I like a phone that doesn't break as easily as fire alarm glass ;) .

Take it to PM's if you want to argue marc, because to be honest, you're pissing me off. Much love xx
Neal, it's REALLY good you're not trying to get a career in marketing, you really don't understand it!

What are Apple supposed to say? "It's not that different to the one you have... Personally, I wouldn't bother..."
It's not a phone, it's an accessory. People aren't buying it because it does video calling, because it has a touch screen. They're buying it so they can go OMFG I HAVE THE NEW IPHONE AND ITS MADE BY APPLE AND STEVE JOBS TELLS ME IT'S THE BEST PHONE EVER.

And so on.
No need to take it to pm as I am not getting worked up over a phone. xx

It may look like I singled you out, that was not the intention. But it did come across that you hated the iPhone and could not understand why people would want one so I was replying to your comments that was all.

I have read what has been said by Apple I don't need a YouTube video to tell me. A 3 page document tells me more than a video. The iPhone4 is there to replace to 3G not the 3GS.

For me being on a 3G the phone is a huge step forward, I will get a load more features etc. As I said the iPhone 4 is aimed at people like me, people who have a 3G.
The way I see it, this is a brand new phone, rather than an upgrade of a previous model. ie iPhone to iPhone 3g and then to iPhone 3gS. (They have all kept their original shell and basic use etc). Nokia do the same thing all the time, release a phone and then re-release it with added features six months later etc, rather then release a whole new model.

Personally, whether people like it or not, I <3 Apple technology. (on a side note - My imac is one of the best investments I have ever made in my life and has enabled me to get on with my music in leaps and bounds)
This doesn't mean I have a downer on any other brands though. It is all about serving a purpose.

I really love my Blackberry. It has served me well. However, I only got that because I couldn't get an iPhone.

Why would I chose the iPhone over anything else. Well, FOR ME, it does exactly what I need it to with some bells and whistles attached. As much as I love my Blackberry I would still take the iPhone over it any day.
Why? Not because I buy into all the hype and whatever. I want it for Sheer style. The iphone will take everything I already have but wrap it up in a much nicer, sleeker, stylish bow and probably chuck in some new stuff (such as intergration with tunes - want) to boot. I think the phone LOOKS fantastic and by all accounts it will more than serve the purpose that I need it for.

Will I be getting the iPhone as soon as it hits TMobile... Darn tootin' I will!
After having a play around, here's a quick vid I recorded on mine, and 'edited' using the iMovie for iPhone app.


Not bad at all!
Danzibarr said:
After having a play around, here's a quick vid I recorded on mine, and 'edited' using the iMovie for iPhone app.


Not bad at all!

Christ for a Phone that is bloody good!!!! For a youtube vid of mates messing around it works fab. Personally, im of the opinion if you wanna make full length movies and have amazing quality go buy a camcorder...

Cheers for posting that. Cmon Tmobile, stop playing colon-push-with-your finger and release it already!