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Giga Poster
I don't know if this deserves its own topic or not (in my opinion, it needs to be stickied), but according to This Article, the name Soccer actually originated in England and was used there.

Coupled with their team’s humiliating exit from the World Cup it might be another rude awakening to the Brits that soccer isn’t an American term, it is actually an English one. And it isn’t some modern fad that shows disrespect to the world’s most popular sport, it dates back to the earliest days of the game’s professional history.

Indeed, until the last few decades, even Englishmen would routinely refer to their favorite pastime as soccer, just as often as they would say football.

Clive Toye, an Englishman who moved to the U.S. and became known as the father of modern American soccer, bringing Brazilian legend Pele to play for the New York Cosmos, takes up the story.

“Soccer is a synonym for football,” said Toye, who helped launch the North American Soccer League in the late 1960s. “And it has been used as such for more years than I can count. When I was a kid in England and grabbed a ball to go out and play … I would just as easily have said: ‘Let’s have a game of soccer’ as I would use the word ‘football’ instead. And I didn’t start it.”

To trace the origin of “soccer” we must go all the way back to 1863, and a meeting of gentlemen at a London pub, who congregated with the purpose of standardizing the rules of “football,” which was in its infant years as an organized sport but was growing rapidly in popularity.

Those assembled became the founding members of the Football Association (which still oversees the game in England to this day). And they decided to call their code Association Football, to differentiate it from Rugby Football.

A quirk of British culture is the permanent need to familiarize names by shortening them. “My friend Brian Johnston was Johnners,” said Toye. “They took the third, fourth and fifth letters of Association and called it SOCcer. So there you are.”

So forget that English condescension and carry on calling it soccer, safe in the knowledge that you’re more in tune with the roots of the sport than those mocking Brits.

Take that, you mocking Brits. :p
So, the term football dates back further, and yet soccer has deeper roots?

Retarded article is retarded.

Plus, even if it was called soccer then, that doesn't mean it should still be now. You don't say "I'm going to **** my maiden", so, even that as a point doesn't stand up as far as language goes.
You're foot connects with the ball, therefore Football. Don't need some silly yank trying to tell me 'soccer' has deeper roots. If its been football since inception and works better then I think it should stay as football?

Most americans probably look at football and think "You going to pick that up yet?"
If they made that film I'd have to kill myself afterwards, since there would be no way that life could produce anything as amazing as that ever again.
What the hell, wrong topic much... Snoo, you're a mod, move it to the Potter topic, bitch :p
I would totally do that if someone didn't send seductive messages to me over XBox360.
I think the point us English are trying to make with the whole soccer/football thing is that soccer is fine to use when talking about football, but don't replace football with an American sport which seems to mostly involve throwing a ball.

Soccer isn't wrong, and we don't have a problem with football being called soccer, it's just because your reasoning for using soccer that is ridiculous, because you're using football to describe American football. Which shouldn't even be called American football really.

Surely you stupid yanks* can see that football isn't the correct name for the sport... you could call it ANYTHING else and it'd probably make more sense. Make up a completely new word if you want!

*tongue firmly in cheek, please don't take offense, you stupid yank.
Americans find 'soccer' boring because they need commercials every five minutes to entertain them.

They should watch games on ITV HD.
Even Americans know not to put commercials on during a "soccer" match. It's the only TV programming here that isn't interrupted by commercials.
East Coast(er) General said:
Even Americans know not to put commercials on during a "soccer" match. It's the only TV programming here that isn't interrupted by commercials.

Therefore making it awesome. :p
CMonster said:
To trace the origin of “soccer” we must go all the way back to 1863, and a meeting of gentlemen at a London pub...
Right! They call thereselves British; I'll show them what's British, call the firm lets go that London pub and...

Seriously get a grip, it's the name of a mediocre sport. And it's something millions of people take way too far. It just pisses me off why people debate the name of a sport in different countries so seriously, it's not like it's changing the course of Earth's orbit or anything. The majority of these people are English, it's a shame, and football/soccer is such an over-payed business it makes me laugh.

Pfft! :lol: