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Jade Goody


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Just beacuse nobody has started one yet, which I'm surprised about, and don't want the celebrity death topic to get clogged up in a few days/weeks.

Go on. Unleash.
She should just go away out of attention now. She's done all she can in "securing money" for her kids (which is a slightly admirable thing, i'd rather some of the money went to cancer research) but it's just getting tiring, and quite frankly depressing.

Cancer really isn't comething I want to be reminded everyday, and especially not by that pig-faced trout lipped slag.
Nobody deserves to go like that,But as said money should have gone to research,The kids will sell her story later.And money would have helped others now. I don,t think many people like her ,but she,s still those kids mum, Hurts to loose you Mum ,or anyone so close.
Never liked the woman.

Why is the country obsessed with a game show contestant?
Coz she got it the easy way she got all the atention and money from being dumn brainless and a slack gob. but who cares the sooner the press piss off and drop it the better. I bet when she dies it will be in the press for along time to.
Question: Would her jailbird husband been allowed out of jail today if she wasnt "famous" (and i use that term loosely?)
nope it would have been slaped back as a fat no. he only get let out due to her "fame"
spicy said:
Yay! lets all make comments about someone dying of cancer!!!

I was thinking more about all the bull **** surrounding it, not making fun of a dying woman. People die of cancer every day. It's horrible. Everyone knows it's horrible. This crap happening right now is not about cancer at all.

"Racist Jade!!!!" to an international martyr in the space of a couple of months. It's bollocks.

As soon as she's died, the press will go to town on the husband. At the moment he's "Brave Jade's caring husband Jack." I guarantee that will change within days of her snuffing it.
I don't care. She was a waste of space in life, and a waste of space in the ground or in a urn. Yes she has two kids which is a shame, and yes she wants to get money for it. But like tks said, she should've donated money to cancer research and promoted tests to see if you have early stages of cervical cancer.

Not being wheeled around Central London going "Oh hai you found me going around London inconspicously in a wheelchar"
tks said:
She should just go away out of attention now. She's done all she can in "securing money" for her kids (which is a slightly admirable thing, i'd rather some of the money went to cancer research) but it's just getting tiring, and quite frankly depressing.

Cancer really isn't comething I want to be reminded everyday, and especially not by that pig-faced trout lipped slag.
Exactly. She just disgracing herself now. Let's not forget that she's not the only one. Hundreds of people are in her position, some even worse. She's not that special.

I think she should just stop all the media attention now and let her family mourn in peace.
Ian said:
Never liked the woman.

Why is the country obsessed with a game show contestant?

I hate the way the British media look on in disgust to anyone who doesn't feel for her - they seem to forget they themselves branded her a national hate figure following her racists comments. But because she gets cancer, she becomes an absolute inspiration to the nation and a wonderful woman overnight.

She is famous for all the wrong reasons;

1. Getting her "kebab" out on TV.

2. Being thick as pig****.

3. Being a racist bully.
Though she has been a bitch the whole of her life, if she manages to save one person from what she has had to go through by raising awareness of cervical cancer, then she is a heroine.

My mum was diagnosed with cervical cancer about 8 years ago, and it was the worst thing that has ever happened to her.
I know she has been one of the most hated celebrities in British history for who she is, but I seriously feel sorry for her. She's generally a traditional Brit, not that we're all like her, but its the sad truth as the majority of British women "are" like this. Even sadder is the fact that she has so much media on her tail, if I was dying I would just want to be left alone and not be talked about across the country, and be with my family in private. I've experienced a family member who died in a similar way to how Jade Goody is; and I truly feel sorry for her. Also having your life spanned down to a length that short is horrific!
kebab said:
She's generally a traditional Brit, not that we're all like her, but its the sad truth as the majority of British women "are" like this.

The majority? Really? Speak on behalf of Dudley (not going to argue there), but most British women are like Jade Goody? Please.

Even sadder is the fact that she has so much media on her tail

Why are they there? Because she wants them to be. All she's ever wanted was to be on camera. Why would anyone go on Big Brother unless it's to attention whore.

The media didn't sneak into her hospital room. They haven't crashed her wedding.
You only feel sorry for her because she's a celebrity. Just watch when she's dead she'll become Dame Jade Goody. Then my friend this country has gone down the shtitter.
I know she is doing all the tv/newpaper stuff for money to go towards her sons but I think she should have spent more time with them rather than hanging out with Max Clifford.

When she was first diagnosed with the cancer I felt a bit sorry for her when seeing her sons visit her at hospital. But after watching the Living Tv programme which was following her around I've changed my mind of her. She really is a nasty piece of work and her boyfriend is even worse, what a scumbag and he is definitely just after her for the money. Also I'm sick to death of the endless amount of headlines about how many days/weeks she has left to live.

I feel sorry for anyone living with the cancer but Jade is still not a nice person.
Sure, she may not be the nicest person in the World, but, the fact alone that that woman has increased awareness of the disease AND increased the number of women going for the tests IS a good thing.

You might not like her, but, frankly, to say by putting her story out and potentially SAVING LIVES she's a "waste" is stupid. How many people on here will actually be able to say they've saved a life? She, very well, may have.