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Jade Goody

12 months ago, she was horrible racist pig faced greedy waste of blood and organs, now she is tragic, beautiful, loving mother.
I wouldn't be at all surprised if she jumped up and said ha ha fooled you all and now I am conciderably richer! She is a greedy waste who deserves no attention what so ever. She lost Big Brother 3 so why is she a celeb, oh yeah, 'cos she is greedy and refused to disapear. Proves how greedy she is, close to death but still trying to make money by making programs about her own slow death, which is sick. her kids will sell their stories anyway, she should give her money to charity, but she would probably think charity is a persons name.
Justice is being done if you ask me, and no, I will not stop laughing at the jokes about her, if you want some, ask, if you don't like them, dont.

jade Goody has cancer. Poor thing, must be hard to live with Jade Goody.
Ben said:
Sure, she may not be the nicest person in the World, but, the fact alone that that woman has increased awareness of the disease AND increased the number of women going for the tests IS a good thing.


I think it's a bit strange that the regular newspapers here (think The Times, Guardian, kind) had written quite a bit about her even here, so I knew right away who this person is, which however also says a bit of the papers here, having to write about former British Big Brother contestants...
I've experienced a family member who died in a similar way to how Jade Goody is; and I truly feel sorry for her. Also having your life spanned down to a length that short is horrific!

Ditto, and I don't care if she had said racist things. I'VE said racist things and I'm sure all of you have, does that mean that we all deserve to die of cancer now?

Cancer is terrible, and it's not like she's a murderer or something. She has probably done/said some bad things, but everyone makes mistakes and she DOES have kids and like Ben said, it is making people go for tests. Heck, I didn't even know they tested for that kind of cancer actually, so it taught me something even.

God, you guys can be such cows sometimes.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Ditto, and I don't care if she had said racist things. I'VE said racist things and I'm sure all of you have, does that mean that we all deserve to die of cancer now?


Everyone's a little bit racist... sometimes.
Hundreds of kid's parents die of cancer every year.
I know I have friends who have lost parents, and it is, I imagine, just about the worst place I could be. Having said this, their parents didn't make their money being controversial on ****house TV and then selling their story to whatever tabloid would prise it from their greasy mits, for vast sums of money.
I do feel sorry for her. I do feel sorry for her kids. The newspapers have taken complete advantage of a woman in an awful situation.
It is voyeuristic entertainment, and I am wondering who it is benefiting.
I'm fed up of it all now.
Seems the media in this country will do anything to shift a few papers.
Its the kids I feel sorry for. Who do you leave them with? The crazy drug-addict mother? The violent convict step-father, or the birth father that's had nothing to do with them in years. Gutted.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Hundreds of kid's parents die of cancer every year.

Exactly, but that doesn't make it any better that two more kids are losing a parent to cancer.

True, but should we feel more or less sorry for these kids, because their mother is an attention seeker?

I say we should be as indifferent as we are to all those others we don't know personally.
Well, any of those "normal" people that get cancer, I do feel sorry for them if I hear about them, even if I don't personally know them.

And I bet most of them would use the publicity to raise cash and awareness, they just can't!
ciallkennett said:
Though she has been a bitch the whole of her life, if she manages to save one person from what she has had to go through by raising awareness of cervical cancer, then she is a heroine.

I've been pretty nice through my life, and I convinced a girlfriend once to go for a smear against what she wanted. She had refused, but I convinced her and she needed laser treatment.

Should I be put on the front page of the newspapers and heralded a hero for saving her?

ciallkennett said:
My mum was diagnosed with cervical cancer about 8 years ago, and it was the worst thing that has ever happened to her.

The reason I know about it was because my sister had it. She asked me to support her through the treatment, which I did. I was about 16 at the time. Nobody is saying it's a good thing, just that it happens to thousands of women a year. Good women who certainly deserve a better break, and certainly deserve the money more than Jade. In fact, I reckon most of those women would make much better use of being in the public eye than Jade has.

LiveForTheLaunch said:
Cancer is terrible, and it's not like she's a murderer or something. She has probably done/said some bad things, but everyone makes mistakes and she DOES have kids and like Ben said, it is making people go for tests. Heck, I didn't even know they tested for that kind of cancer actually, so it taught me something even.

Darwin was a great man... ;)

LiveForTheLaunch said:
God, you guys can be such cows sometimes.


Seriously, she is just being selfish. She is dying exactly the same way she lived - in the public eye. She's not doing this for any other reason than to make sure that she is in the limelight, attention seeking.

Ben said:
And I bet most of them would use the publicity to raise cash and awareness, they just can't!

Possibly, but a lot of people would probably rather die respectfully in the peace of their close family, rather than in the centre of a media circus...
True, but should we feel more or less sorry for these kids, because their mother is an attention seeker?

Neither, but we shouldn't say "screw her" and all these other mean things. We should feel as sorry for these kids as we do to regular, everyday kids, and before you retaliate and say that I don't care about the regular everyday kids as much, that's not true (I won't explain it now, but trust me).

Well, any of those "normal" people that get cancer, I do feel sorry for them if I hear about them, even if I don't personally know them.

And I bet most of them would use the publicity to raise cash and awareness, they just can't!

Same, Ben. I hate when people tell me I don't feel sorry for regular people and I just ACT like I do. Sorry that I might experience some human compassion and emotion unlike some people on here do. And also, regular people do raise awareness for disease and stuff, what do you think Relay for Life, or any type of charity walk is? It might not be as wide scale as Jane Goody raising awareness because they're not as famous, but they're still doing good.

The reason I know about it was because my sister had it. She asked me to support her through the treatment, which I did. I was about 16 at the time. Nobody is saying it's a good thing, just that it happens to thousands of women a year. Good women who certainly deserve a better break, and certainly deserve the money more than Jade. In fact, I reckon most of those women would make much better use of being in the public eye than Jade has.

Possibly, but it still doesn't mean we shouldn't have some sympathy for her and her kids, whether or not she is a cow. And yes thousands of women per year experience this type of cancer, but that doesn't make it any more of a good thing.

Darwin was a great man...



Seriously, she is just being selfish. She is dying exactly the same way she lived - in the public eye. She's not doing this for any other reason than to make sure that she is in the limelight, attention seeking.

Possibly, but a lot of people would probably rather die respectfully in the peace of their close family, rather than in the centre of a media circus...

Maybe she is an attention seeker, but you know what? I like attention too. I've also made some racist comments in my life, in fact I've made plenty, so now if I ever get cervical cancer (which hopefully never happens), it's automatically a good thing because I like attention and have done some wrong in my life?
Taylor, read and digest, then reply.

I never said she deserved cancer. The only opinion I have is that I think she's attention seeking, and is being selfish. I don't wish her harm, and have never said so.

I also said we should treat her with the same indifference we treat all the thousands of other nameless, faceless people in this situation. No awards for heroism, no cries of happiness she's dying. She is a nobody, who made herself famous by being loud, brash and stupid. Like millions of other people, she has no redeeming qualities beyond the scope of her own life (her friends and family) and the effect she has on them. So why she is villainised, or canonised is beyond me. She is just an absolutely nobody and deserves nothing but ignorance from the general populace.

Oh, and it's Jade, Taylor ;) :lol:
^ If you'll notice, I said Jade in all my other posts. Just a mistake, no need to point it out. I think it's because of the similarity in name to Jane Goodall :p .

And no, Furie, I never said we should treat her any different but we shouldn't say things like "screw her" and "she had it coming".
I only have 2 issues really.

1. Her publicity seeking.. But then i can sorta understand that as she's building up a nest egg for her kids.

2. Seemingly preferential treatment given to her husband so he can get out of jail to see her.. Who is probably only after her money anyhows.

And I still half expect her to be "magically" cured... and it turns out this was all a max clifford publicity stunt.

Apart from that.. couldnt give a toss either way - people die every day, and it's not like i know her or even like her - as she sums up everything that's wrong with "celebrity" nowadays where you can be one without having an ounce of talent - see also paris hilton and russel brand.
If she does survive Im going to stab her through her fat skull with a rolled up Heat Magazine.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
And no, Furie, I never said we should treat her any different but we shouldn't say things like "screw her" and "she had it coming".

Yes, but you're making out like I said those things :roll: :p