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Just Been Dumped, On A Downer :(


Mega Poster
We have spent the last two weeks having the time of our lives at Pleasure Beach and now it is finished because she wants to spend time with her family. We did everything together. We went everywhere together. We kissed in the rain on the beach we were so close and she says 'We will be together again one day, but now I just need to be single' but it really really hurts :'(
Can anyone give me any advice? I don't think I can ever go to Pleasure Beach again now either. It actually hurts so much
Sorry to hear you news.

Give it time and see how it goes and don't keep on at her, maybe she will miss you and change her mind.

Your about the 5th person I know that has split up with someone after The Pleasure Beach.
Hahaha, or what mrclam calls Friday night :wink:

But seriously, you've got to get over it. You're only 17 for gods sake and did you say you were only together for two weeks? Or that you spent two weeks at The Pleasure Beach? Either way, I'm sure you'll be fine, it hurts for a while but you soon realise that it's really not the end of the world.
I hate when people say "oh you're only this age blah blah so just get over it, it can't be that bad". That's almost like saying that people his age don't have emotions, but depending on how serious your relationship was, it can hurt just as much as anyone else's breakups.

I don't really have any advice; I'm not a relationship guru myself. I guess all I can say is that yah it might be hard for now but you have hopefully many years ahead of you to find someone else who is better suited for ya.

Feel better!
I meant he's only 17 in the sense that a) He can't have been with her for an extended period of time and b) It's not like he's broken up a marriage and has kids and things to look after.

In my opinion breaking up with someone when you're older is much much harder as you might have family with them, life long experiences together and plus when you're older it is ten times harder to find someone else to be with, whereas when you're young it is generally easy.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
I hate when people say "oh you're only this age blah blah so just get over it, it can't be that bad".

When you're young, there really is plenty more fish in the sea

When you've only seen someone for 2 weeks - there's hardly even much of an attachment to it.

When you get to my age, and have just split up with someone youve been seeing for YEARS (not weeks), there are LESS alternatives around and it becomes harder to get dates (you're not going out as much, dont have such a big social group, you're putting on weight, going grey, losing your hair).. And there is a GENUINE prospect that you may miss out on ever having kids and stuff..

Then YES it IS easier when you're younger.
Get non-hooker Vagina. In other words, suck it up best you can and talk to other females.

At 17, you have alot more ahead of you. I can tell you that and I dont turn 21 until July.
Over it. Get this. You're 17, seriously. Gain a perspective.

And don't share your private life to all of us next time, thanks.
When you get to my age, and have just split up with someone youve been seeing for YEARS (not weeks), there are LESS alternatives around and it becomes harder to get dates (you're not going out as much, dont have such a big social group, you're putting on weight, going grey, losing your hair).. And there is a GENUINE prospect that you may miss out on ever having kids and stuff..

Then YES it IS easier when you're younger.

Yeah but you still can't say it wouldn't be hard to breakup with someone who you were dating for a long time even if you're 15-17 years old (not saying he was seeing her for a while because two weeks is hardly much, but still).
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Yeah but you still can't say it wouldn't be hard to breakup with someone who you were dating for a long time even if you're 15-17 years old

I didnt say that.. i just said it's easier than breaking up when you're almost "past it"

But as the grown up here - i feel maybe people are being a bit mean here.

It may sound pointless and all that stuff, but seriously mate you'll get over it.

Just go out with your friends, have some fun, and think of the freedom you now have...