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Kingda Ka VS Top Thrill Dragster, which is better?

What is better Kingda Ka or Top Thrill Dragster

  • Top Thrill Dragster

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kingda Ka

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Mega Poster
Kingda Ka VS Top Thrill Dragster, which is better?

I would have to say TTD because I am a CP fan and because it is not a "copy" persay as Kingda Ka. I think SF just wanted the record so they build a very similar spinoff off TTD. KK is only 36' taller and 8 mph. faster than TTD. So therefore I am infavor of TTD.

Tell me what you think?
I'm quite positive we've had this topic in the last 2 months, but I don't have much time to go paging through stuff right now.

But in terms of photogenic quality (since I've only been on TTD), I think I'd have ot go with TTD. I don't know why, because they both like really nice- but TTD just looks the better of the two, I'd say.

But I'll put this here, so READ THIS before replying:
If this topic just turns into a fanboy argument back and forth with no real reasons for voting and all that, then I'm gonna lock the topic. No sense in continuing an argument that's in just about every other topic anyway.
Another Ka vs Dragster topic.

Ka is better. Faster and taller. Stronger launch and an extra hill. Not way better, just very slightly better, but still better. :lol:
I know I'm a fanboy and everything, but that's not the only reason I'm saying TTD. I don't know if I would call Ka a rip off of Top Thrill Dragster, because that might be a little bit stupid since TTD is basically a ripoff from Xcelerator without the two overbanks, but it's actually the first of the two to actually be the type of coaster to break the record, and frankly, I do think Ka kind of copied the layout just adding an airtime hill in there for an extra element. I do give the hill props though, since it's better than going straight into the brake run I would assume.

Now, all the people who have been on Kingda Ka can say that the over the shoulder restraints don't touch you and blah blah blah, but could you honestly say you would prefer them to lap bars? Definately not. Lap bars give your body a chance to thrust forward and a chance for your shoulders and arms to be free (more free than OTSRs).

I'll say that Kingda Ka is better for the colours, so I'll give it that as well as an airtime hill, but I still think overall TTD is better.
It is rumoured that TTD's lapbars will be replaced with OTSRs. Personally I don't believe it because this an argument the fanboys use against TTD. However if TTD had the OTSRs TTD wouldn't have any particular thing making TTD better than KK unless a fanboy consider theming as the key argument.

TTD is more legendary for sure. It is the very first ride of this kind, speaking in terms of speed, size and the layout.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Now, all the people who have been on Kingda Ka can say that the over the shoulder restraints don't touch you and blah blah blah, but could you honestly say you would prefer them to lap bars? Definately not. Lap bars give your body a chance to thrust forward and a chance for your shoulders and arms to be free (more free than OTSRs)

Yes! UC and I can confirm that Intamin lap bars staple really badly and don't allow for alot of hip movement. Why would I want to hit my head on my knee anywho?

UC read my mind.

CedarPoint6 said:
But I'll put this here, so READ THIS before replying:
If this topic just turns into a fanboy argument back and forth with no real reasons for voting and all that, then I'm gonna lock the topic. No sense in continuing an argument that's in just about every other topic anyway.

OK come on. Lets stay on "topic" here. Thanks
Yes, I honestly can. I've said it before, and I'll say it again - my dream coaster is S:RoS SFNE with Intamin's Accelerator OTSR's. It would be more airtime than anyone could imagine.

LFTL, how many Intamin Accelerator OTSR coasters have you been on? Last time I checked, none. Therefore, I don't believe you're qualified to compare restraints.

Especially restraints like the Intamin Accelerator OTSR - which completely breaks the "OTSR's are restrictive" stereotype.

Alright UC (who seems to be getting a kick out of insulting Cedar point lately), is S:RoS at SFNE made for airtime? Yes. Is Top Thrill Dragster at Cedar Point made for airtime? No. Therefore, I think that maybe since Kingda Ka has an airtime hill, over the shoulder restraints suit its needs more, and the lap bars fill Top Thrill Dragster's needs. I think that's a fair way of putting it since I havn't been able to experience an acual Intamin Accelerator with OTSRs (though I still think having lap bars would make a better experience).
Geez... already straight off topic. I knew it would be a few people against a few others.

So please, if you've already had your say about which you prefer, then step aside and let the others take a vote and put down an opinion. Keep the topic to what it is.
Well, of course I'm gonna vote for TTD, simply because of its overall appearance, where it's color scheme does looks more appealing than just a straight green colored top hat. That, along with the lapbars, and the fact that the minute difference between TTD and Ka's speed and height, in which no human can truely notice a difference...I'm goin with TTD.
Dragster. To be fair I have not been on Ka (though hopefully I might be soon) but I loved Dragster- the ride is just fantastic, the lap bars are a major asset to the ride and I just don't really like Ka as it is a copy and a sneaky one at that which would dull my opinion of it.

But I'm keeping an open mind. I may prefer Ka if I get to go to GADV next half term.
I haven't been on either yet but I think Ka would be better since it is faster. Plus it has that extra hill so has more to it than TTD.
Probably Kingda Ka because of the theming which isn't cliche, and because of the faster launch and acceleration, height and cos of the airtime hill. TTD is better cos of the lap bar restraints and the voices. Like that dude who says '..........are you ready for Top Thrill Dragster!'
^ Theres a guy who says... "Are you ready for Top Thrill Dragster?"

lol as far as I can remember, there isn't.
When it was the tallest/fastest it said (before the launch)

"Are you ready for the tallest and fastest coaster in the world?? Are you ready for Top thrill Drrrrrragster?!"
Although I would love mto visit CP and ride TTD. I would also love to ride KK. Becuase the acceleration is very fast also the speed is incredable. But I prefer the themeing on TTD!
I cant decide, both are different but simular if you know what I mean. TTD has lapbars and that gives you more freedom, but I hear the pin you down. KK has OTSR's what dosent really give you much freedom, but when you ride you can barely feel them. The height difference is only about 30-40ft, and I wouldn't really notice the differnce, the same goes with the speed. KK has an airtime hill, what might make it a little better, but I have heard that it's a little pointless and you dont really get an airtime on it. The theme is better on KK, but I'd hate to judge these rides on the theme.
TTD has a BETTER theme for the ride, KK just has more extensive themeing. I mean, when you think of rocketing to 128mph, do you think of a lion?? :)
^Well, in all honesty the TIGER/Cheetah is the fastest land animal, so yeah it does make sense and it's not like the racing theme had been done before. :roll:

Maybe Six Flags should've just named it Goliath: The fastest dark night ride.

I get alot of floater air on the hill and on the top hat. My arse is out of the seat flying foward the whole time. Which by the way wouldn't happen with the lap bars.