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Kings Island | Orion | B&M Giga Coaster

I'm looking forward to riding this coaster, though I suspect I'll prefer Diamondback.

I'm going to stop reading this topic though...
Not 170 feet at 90 degree bank. Try harder next time.
Yes, I too can click and drag a slider to adjust the scale in whatever computer program I'm using. As German automotive engineers say regarding their vehicle classes that spin multiple models of all shapes and sizes off of a single platform: same sausage, different links.

TrY hArDeR nExT tImE ???
Better testing footage:

I wish I could insert a -looks slow- joke, but it honestly looks pretty good. I genuinely wonder if the animation company intentionally makes the physics all f?ky so that the final product looks more appealing?
I don't think the trims are being tested yet, which is probably why Orion is running as fast as it currently is.
I will say, despite my qualms of Orion detailed earlier, let it be known that I'm still super pumped for this thing, and optimistic it can exceed my expectations - even moreso having seen the testing footage. Regrdless of how much the trim effects later on (at the camelback) it is going to be flying through those first three elements everytime (banked turn, turnaround, speed hill).

I actually haven't ridden Fury or Leviathan yet, and even my B&M hyper experience is rather limited (DB and Nitro) so I will still probably be blown away by this, even if it admittedly didn't pan out the way we're hoping. If I were to make a prediction on where this will rank relative to what I read/hear/see of the aformentioned B&M Gigas, it will rank somewhere in the middle - which is to say a very, very, good ride! No, not the best coaster in the world, but still firmly a standout coaster, and something to write home about...

It doesn't have the stats of Fury, no, not even close. Not as good of elements either, but I think Orion's elements at least look better than what I see on Leviathan. I'm kind of lukewarm on Orion's elements. While they're certainly not as good as they could have made them, they're far from the least inspired elements imo. I don't know, I'll just have to wait and feel how they ride...

If I were to synopsize my thoughts into one sentence, it'd be: "The elements that are there look solid, but there's just not very many of them unfortunately."
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Better testing footage:

I wish I could insert a -looks slow- joke, but it honestly looks pretty good. I genuinely wonder if the animation company intentionally makes the physics all f?ky so that the final product looks more appealing?

OMG <3 IT'S SO GOOD. It's so uncharacteristically un-B&M for initial test runs. I can't get over how it flies over the top of the turn around. It's actually made me think MAYBE the layout is so short because it's actually super intense.
Ummmmm.....oh sweet lawd.

Looks awesome (at the current speed) but they may change the wheel configuration later on before opening it public. Dont they do that often?

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Ummmmm.....oh sweet lawd.

Looks awesome (at the current speed) but they may change the wheel configuration later on before opening it public. Dont they do that often?

Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

I know from experience, Air and Nemesis run very differently and faster on hard wheels, but they are very very loud (illegally so). So this maybe a case of that as you can see in the videos this thing is LOUD atm. There is a tendency to do this when testing in the cold to prevent the danger of valleying. Saying that though, I wouldn't expect the softer wheels to dampen the speed too much, and when it runs in the summer it should get back up to speed.