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Knott's Berry Farm | HangTime | Gerstlauer Infinity

^I kinda like them, actually. :P They're just goofy.

I bet @Lofty is going to hate them...
The pacing looks fantastic! I reckon that this could be open by the end of March if they get the queue line built soon!

Also, this is such a photogenic coaster! I love the colours!
These trains make Icon's trains look phenomenal.
Calm down, my beer ****s make a better look than those trains.

These trains, are the most Orange County ass trains you will ever see. If you had to pick one thing to summarize Orange County, the beach, Disneyland, whatever, this summarizes it best. Spoken as someone who lived there for 20 years of their life.

Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
Eeeeeeeee you guys are amazing! <3
They're doing daytime testing visible on the webcam now for anyone that is available to check it out <3
They're doing daytime testing visible on the webcam now for anyone that is available to check it out <3
Looks awesome! I've noticed how it greatly slows down at the crest of the lift hill, much like Takabisha. I believe this is so the holding brake can function correctly, but it could just be for testing purposes.
Double post, but here is an awesome video of the ride by the person who everyone seems to hate:-
Apparently there is some shuffling with the trains and track? Can anyone else see it, cause I can't.
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What do you mean shuffling? I didn't see anything out of the ordinary in the video, either.

Looks really good fun for such a compact space - I'd be saying different if it had OTSRs.
Hmm, I can actually see that now. But, the fact none of the other three rows do it says to me that it may actually not be present and it's just a camera anomaly?
Hmm, I can actually see that now. But, the fact none of the other three rows do it says to me that it may actually not be present and it's just a camera anomaly?
I wouldn't be so sure, this is Gerstlauer we're talking about. ;)