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Last 5 Coasters?

My last 5 coasters are all new credits thanks to my visit to Blackpool:

In no particular order:

Grand National
Big Dipper
1. Dragon Khan
2. Furius Baco
3. El Diablo
4. Tomahawk
5. Stampida (red)

Yep I went to PortAventura :)
1. Dragon's Fury
2. Stealth
3. Colossus
4. Nemesis Inferno
5. Infusion

Exciting times...
All 5 (nothing to get excited about coasters) from Movie Park Germany. Backyardigans: Mission to Mars, Bandit, Ghost Chasers, Jimmy Neutron's Atomic Flyer and MP-Xpress.
Went to Canobie, SFNE, and Lake Compounce this weekend...
Last 5 would be
1 - Boulderdash - LC
2 - Zoomerang - LC
3 - Superman - SFNE
4 - Thunderbolt - SFNE
5 - Cyclone - SFNE
If I can remember right:

1) Mean Streak
2) Magnum XL200
3) Corkscrew
4) Mantis
5) Raptor

Hard to believe that it's been so long since I was working. Lucky for me, all of the coasters I rode that day were front row. Go out with a bang!
Last 5 coaster I rode would be..

1 - Kraken - SeaWorld (Nov 12)
2 - Barnstormer - Walt Disney World - Magic Kingdom (Nov 11)
3 - Space Mountain (Omega) - Walt Disney World - Magic Kingdom (Nov 11)
4 - Space Mountain (Alpha) - Walt Disney World - Magic Kingdom (Nov 11)
5 - Big Thunder Mountain Railroad - Walt Disney World - Magic Kingdom (Nov 11)

All 5 I had ridden in the past.

LAST ONES-WOO.....? Well, so I thought, but everyones saying that nowadays.
Mine are:
1, Air
2, Nemesis
3, Rita
4, Corkscrew
5, Oblivion
Ben said:
1. Nemesis Inferno
2. Stealth
3. Colossus
4. Phoenix
5. Twister

Guess which was the best :p.

If your like me it is the one that starts with "ph." :--D

Only reason I know this is the last five were at Busch Gardens Europe:

1. Griffon
2. Apollo's Chariot
3, 4, or 5. LNM
3, 4, or 5. BBW
3, 4, or 5. Alpengeist