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LC12 real name predictions

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^^Hahaha, you're telling me! I'd call it the worst game of all time purely just for that level! So...many...glitches. And there's just too much **** going on at once to actually know what the Hell is going on!

Glad to have ruined your day though :D

Back on topic, I'm not really bothered what it'll be called. All I care about is that my 2nd favourite park that just happens to be my local one is getting a new coaster, and a B&M at that, and it'll be perfect on opening day.

Hmm, perhaps a little too optimistic towards the end there, but you never know. It IS B&M after all. It'll have an upsettingly long queue though undoubtedly...
Lakeside Catastrophe.

Had a brainwave that could be why it's being dubbed as that, I'm not sure that will be the final name though, ha ha.
Thorpe have a thing for titles starting with S, Stealph, Saw, Storm Surge. So maybe lets cut all the hype and just call it ****.
I must admit most of the above are what I thought but withe the "S" theme could be Skymagedon or Skypocolypse. HaHa :lol:
I don't think it's gonna be apocalypse because that's wHat Thorpe are themeing their new coaster on.
I think it's gonna be ... FOU4TEEN, you see, it works :wink:
LC12 sounds like a good name already though. I can't think up of anything better. Doomsday and Armageddon are too common and simple.
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