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LFTL, Snoo, Jerry + Kid- Holiday World & Beech Bend

OMG I just finished typing this out and it closed on me, so here it goes again!
After the awesome CF-Live events at both Kings Island and Cedar Point, myself, Marcus, Jerry, and the kid went along to Holiday World and Beech Bend. We got to our hotel in Louisville, KY at about one or so in the morning:


So, we crashed, but at eight in the morning we got up and started to get ready. I showered, put my makeup on, and once everyone was all set, we were out the door! It was a two hour drive, but once I saw this, I got even more psyched for the day:

It's a ways off yet..

Getting closer..

Yet another sign.. Or water tower thing, whatever..
And finally, we were there!

When we got to the parking lot, we noticed that it was full, probably because of the fact that schools are out in Indiana, but hey, we weren't gonna let it ruin our day!
From the parking lot, you get a nice view of Raven:


And here is not such a nice view..

Aw jokes.. There were also little trollie thingys bringing guests to the entrance of the park:

We weren't that lazy though, and opted to walk the two steps to the main gates.


Fourty bucks is kind of a hefty price for admission into a smaller park, but hey, they have some decent coasters, and if you are there for the whole day, they even have the waterpark, which looked pretty nice as well. Also, they had free pop, which I totally still am amazed with. We also saw a sign saying Voyage and Pilgrim's Plunge wouldn't be open for a while so, that kind of concerned me.
When you walk into the park, you're greeted with Christmastown:

But, we weren't here to see Santa.. We were here to ride some coasters! So we went to Halloweentown where we were on the lookout for Legend:

Soo, as we were walkin through Halloween section, I saw this cute little swing ride!

I love the bats, they're peachy
Then, we saw Legend:

And this was just about the only shot I could even get of it:

Even though we only waited 10-15 minutes for Legend, it was just an alright ride. I sat with Snoo to the Snoo in like, the middle row, and it was even pretty rough in the middle so, I dunno, just wasn't fabulous. It did have a good layout though, I'll give it that!
We saw Voyage testing, so we made our way back there and the line wasn't too bad at all. It just went up the stairs, and into the station, so me and Jerry grabbed a seat in the back car and off we went:





I have to say, I knew Voyage would be good, but I didn't think it would be that good at all (Haha at Jerry's reaction- I think I just jizzed in my pants!). I didn't expect it to surpass Maverick, Dragster, or Ka, but it was just incredible. From the airtime to the twisty parts (which also give off airtime sometimes), to the tunnels (especially the one with the multiple drops in it), it was just a fantastic coaster! My new number two.
I have an on ride photo, but I left it in Louisville, so I have to get either Marcus or Jerry to mail it to me.
Oh, and upon exiting the gift shop, I was greeted with this, where I got some lovely FREEEE pink lemonade:

Then, we headed off to this fun part of the park:

Yay for Holidog's Funtown!
And here is the man of the hour.. Holidog!!



But, that's enough of Holidog.. We were there to credit whore!


Then, we went to Liberty Launch on the Fourth of July section, which looked soo whack..


But, it actually was a decent ride, with two nice pops of airtime.

Some theming

Lewis and Clark trail.. I think they are dudes who explored the west if I remember correctly.
Then, we headed off to Raven, which I was looking forward to..



Didn't get great pictures of it, but hey, the actual coaster itself was way too short to get the praise it deserves from some people (Marcus had me thinkin it was totally a top tenner, haha). It was pretty much on par with Legend I guess.. This one was short but smooth, Legend has a good layout and is rough, so it evens out.

After that, we headed back over to Voyage, which still had a fairly short wait. It was longer than earlier, but we had all boarded the back cart within twenty minutes, and off we went! Still amazing, and solidified the spot as my number two coaster.

After we went on Voyage, we saw that Pilgrim's Plunge was almost testing, so me and Marcus went over there while Jerry and Aidan went to get changed. As soon as me and Marcus got over there, it opened, and we were on the second train of the day!


It was definitely the scariest water ride I have ever been on, but it was nothing incredible. The lift hill was scary as hell though, mostly for the fact that you tilt inward when the lift gets wider, and the top is kind of scary as well. I had my face covered all the way down, and again, I got an on ride photo, but it has to be mailed.

After that, we saw Jerry and Aidan going on as we were exiting, so we just went over to the patio area and rested while they were riding. An hour later, Jerry calls and says they are in the car and have been there for fourty five minutes. We must have missed them come out and they must not have seen us, so we made our way back to the car and called it quits for Holiday World (it was raining anyway)!

Overall, I really liked Holiday World, and it's a park I'd love to go back to. It has a small feel to it, but it doesn't lack quality either. The atmosphere was nice, and Voyage was incredible, not to mention the other rides and the waterpark there as well. Here are a few more random shots:






Hope you enjoyed! Beech Bend will be later..
Yay for an awesome day!

PS: I never said Raven would be a Top Tenner.. I said it would be good.. but riding it a few thousand times in a row can leave you clouded.. :p
^ Haha, I know you never said it'd be a top ten, but you said you thought I'd really like it so you had me thinking it would be! :p

Butttt, really it ranks somewhere around #17 for me, haha. Voyage made up for the disappointment of Raven though, so you're forgiven.
It's nice to hear your opinion about this park, which I'm still trying to get down to(I asked my parents if I could take a tour of Perdue and stop there while down there and they said no). I'm surprised at how high you rated The Voyage though. It brings back memories of all the Voyage vs. El Toro debates.

I see your coaster count is finally rising ;)
^ YES! It makes me happy to see the number go up. Haha.

And yeah, I was thinking of making another Toro vs. Voyage thing, but I didn't.. Toro is still better though.
^Voyage just doesn't SUSTAIN the airtime.. it leaves gaps in between. Plus.. it is floater. STRONG floater, but still floater.. with bits of ejector thrown in.

Toro gives you that ejector until you want to blow your load.. then it chills a bit at the end.. plus its smooth as testicles.

Yeah so.. yeah.
^ I dunno man, I thought the airtime was pretty strong. Toro's was obviously stronger, but don't give them the idea that it's like, pussayy B&M floater :p .

Anyway, Beech Bend report!

Alright, so around 2:30 or so, we left Holiday World after it started pouring, so our two hour journey to Bowling Green commenced. On the way there, we grabbed some Wendy's, and some gas, but the car wouldn't start back up, which was a bit of an issue, so Jerry had to call a few people, but just as the tow truck got there, it started, and Jerry peaced out fast from the gas station!

About an hour later we turned down a road with cornfields and farms, which happened to be the road to Beech Bend. This park is definitely in the middle of nowhere, but we could see the unmistakeable sight of Rumbler as we pulled up!



It was after five so we actually only paid $12 for a wristband, which was bomb!

When we were in the parking lot, I noticed Rumbler wasn't running, but you'll find out why in a minute.

Coming into the park, it was just as I expected; a park with a few fair rides, and one permanent roller coaster. But, it was still cute I guess, and here is the view as you walk in:




And I saw one of these log rides, which reminded me of when I cried on like, the exact same thing back when I was little when they had it at the State Fair:


But, we weren't here for this nonsense! We were here for this:


And the reason I didn't see it running much earlier was because this is how the line was the whole time:


A few pics of Rumbler:




And here is an on ride photo from our first ride:


Overall the ride itself really isn't anything special. Like, it's better than quite a few wooden coasters, but it's not that far above average and only ranks like, maybe fourteen overall for me. It has a good first drop, but the rest are just a bunch of turns. Still fun though, and it has a good rerideability factor.

Before going on it again, we decided to get the rest of the credits, but Looping Star looked closed, so we just went over to the coaster with no name first:


This was pretty much the scariest Dragon Coaster I have been on.. The lift hill was like, slanted.

Then, Jerry asked the ride op near Looping Star if it was open, and it was, so we went for a spin on it!




It was pretty rough, but almost not as bad as I thought it was gonna be. Still, nothing I would wanna ride more than once!

They had a drop tower too, so we rode that:



It was fun, but not as good as a lot of the other fairground drop towers I have been on before. The ride op was a PEACH though!

We went on this slide to have a slide race, and I LOST thanks to Marcus who totally pushed me back up because he was jealous that I was winning:



There was also a haunted house there, which was one of those crappy fairground ones, but I didn't get any pictures of it. It was pretty amusing though.

The last credit on the trip for me was Wild Mouse, which was pretty whack, but it was still a fun enough coaster I guess. The ride op on this was also a peach:



After that, we just rerode Rumbler a couple of times, for a total of maybe six or seven times, and then just chilled and had a relaxing evening!

Then, we drove back to Louisville where I caught the bus home. It was sad. I cried :(


^ Noo, I was all the way at the bottom when you were like, at the top, and then you extended your arm and stretched it all the way to the bottom of the slide, grabbed me, and basically put me back up at the top.

Slight exaggeration, obviously :lol:
You were scared I was gonna pwn you even more then I already was.. so you got all jealous and cried.

I saw it happen.

Jerry has pictures.
Beech bend looks like such a dirty rathole, but at the same time, it looks like the serious ****. I'm surprised at your thoughts on Rumbler though. It looks like such a great ride, especially with Millennium Flyers(<3).
^ It's not a dirty rathole, I mean, they put effort to it and it definitely has that homey feeling.. The staff is pretty nice for the most part too (cept that Rumbler guy who got pissed off at Jerry).
I think it was a **** hole.. :lol:

The fact that it was devoid of any human life didn't help.
^ Nuh uh, they at least put some effort into having adorable employees :) .

And it wasn't devoid of human life.. There was that hot girl with the accent, remember?!
Good trip reports there. I have really enjoyed reading reports on parks that I can only dream of going to.

Its nice to see your guys heading off to parks together rather than just the lives. I know its harder to do in the USA due to the distance between you all.
I can't believe you didn't highly rate Rumbler! I thought it was one of the best woodies ever! I really enjoyed it and rode it about 10 times when I went (the queue was also that quiet!). That first sweeping drop is great and the airtime pops towards the end were great. Loved it. I liked it so much that I brought a Rumbler cap from the shop, but lost it at Geauga Lake :(

Again, I didn't rate Voyage that highly. It's slightly comparable to the Ultimate at Lightwater Valley in terms of sheer brutalness. I remember coming off it feeling very battered and bruised yet somewhat underwhelmed. The tunnel parts were pretty intense though.

Nice one.
^ Rumbler was just a bunch of turns and no airtime! The drop was great, but the rest of the layout kind of made me feel like something was missing (probably the airtime, like I said).

Voyage however, yes it was brutal, but it was a good kind of brutal. Great airtime, high speed turns, nice setting, tunnels, great banking.. Everything I could pretty much ask for in a wooden coaster.