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Liseberg | Luna | Vekoma Family Boomerang | 2023


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Today Liseberg Göteborg/Sweden opens up after all corona regulations in newspaper today:
"The pandemic year 2020 hit all of Sweden's amusement parks hard, and Liseberg was no exception. But in just two years, a big anniversary awaits the amusement park when it comes to celebrating 100 years. Then there will be new attractions for visitors, and one of them will be called "Luna". - That's right, says Andreas Andersen without revealing much more. - It will be great fun, he says"
apparently the papers are signed for something big new..can it be a new coaster? anyone in here heard something about "project Luna 2023"?
They had some concept art of a hyper coaster of some kind behind the hotel or it could also be a new log flume because some documents about a log flume with some kind of unique element was leaked about a year ago I think.
We've already got a couple of topics that cover this:-

Quoting @/Ben from the Liseberg Future Additions thread:

"The hotel and water park are happening, but don’t hold your breath for a hyper.

The park told us this weekend
(posted Aug 29, 2019) they’ve got no plans for a coaster for at least five years, and that plot of land is right next to some houses so realistically can’t have anything loud (this is why Balder has the tunnels etc)

The park will continue to be amazing we can guarantee that, but don’t get too excited for this
Are they replacing their existing flume? That’d be a real shame, I thought it was great fun, a real journey up the mountainside (great use of space), and of course amazing interaction with Helix and Lisebergbanan.
It is confirmed to be a new attraction in the newspaper, its not the major expansion that will take place south of Liseberg. New flume seems most likely based on past leaks. Some other possibilities based on interviews with the CEO; High-tech attraction in the north of the park, after infrastructure projekt gets done there. Also a spinning coaster I know has been rumored and discussed by CEO Andreas.
It is confirmed to be a new attraction in the newspaper, its not the major expansion that will take place south of Liseberg. New flume seems most likely based on past leaks. Some other possibilities based on interviews with the CEO; High-tech attraction in the north of the park, after infrastructure projekt gets done there. Also a spinning coaster I know has been rumored and discussed by CEO Andreas.
The spinning coaster was supposed to be Kanonens replacement before they got Valkyria but they could revive the concept.
We've already got a couple of topics that cover this:-
I considered merging this with the first one you listed, but it turns out it was last active two years ago. I think we can afford a new thread at this point, as it is somewhat different from the hotel thread too.

By the way, why are we so quick to assume this will be a coaster? Could be a flat ride as well, as Liseberg tends to go big with their flats too.
A good thing, or for some a bad thing is that Liseberg is owned by the city of Gothenburg which means that secrecy is not that easy.
Basically everything Liseberg does is to be found if you know where to look.
In may Liseberg decided to go forward with project Luna and to order the attraction.

As a few of you mentioned it is most likely a water ride.
The leaked document talked about above is not a leak but a public tender that is not protected by NDA:s etc.
In this document it states clearly that a water ride is ordered from Intamin by Liseberg.
And the tender is an award notice which means that the "thinking" is over.

The meeting protocols from Liseberg can partially be confidential but the tenders are not.

I think that Liseberg in some cases can hold these tenders for a while so the curious doesn’t get to much information.

As dcsx said, a High-tech ride is probably for later cause the infrastructure project has quite some time until it is finished. But would love to see some change in that side of the park.

So for now, my guess is that project Luna is a water ride that will replace Flumeride who is turning 50 in 2023 when the parks turns 100.
The name Luna though doesn’t match in my opinion so maybe I am wrong and there is something else coming which is not seen in the public tenders.
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A little bump and some new information.

The other day a new meeting protocol was released by Liseberg and that one states two new rides for the season 2022.
Judging by the size of the investments I would say that there are two smaller flat rides to be added somewhere in the park.

Where in the park this could be I do have a pretty good idea about, but I will wait for Lisebergs official statement.

In an earlier protocol it states that Liseberg can go ahead and buy the attraction called Luna which is for the 2023 season so the flatrides is not Luna.
If this is the flume or not we will have to wait and see. But since there have been talks in the media about Luna and nothing about the flatrides we could guess that there is a "bigger" investment.
So about 2 and 1.5 million euro for attraction "1" and "2" in total. Seems like kiddie rides.
As a total geek I wonder why the CEO is asking for 1 million more, seems like quite the wrong calculation was done in the beginning.. oooor this Is just standard procedure.
So about 2 and 1.5 million euro for attraction "1" and "2" in total. Seems like kiddie rides.
As a total geek I wonder why the CEO is asking for 1 million more, seems like quite the wrong calculation was done in the beginning.. oooor this Is just standard procedure.
I think they are just spreading the investments across multiple budget years. Could be all sorts of taxing or budgeting reasons for that.

Or there are multiple different budgeting posts, to come due at different times. I would think you'd pay for the ground works before the ride signage, for instance.
During the 2023 season, LUNA comes to the park. A document published earlier this year by the newspaper Expressen mentions two new attractions called "Nebulaz" and "SidecarXL"....If you google a little deeper..then you get the manufacturers😎👍 but i only guess...
During the 2023 season, LUNA comes to the park. A document published earlier this year by the newspaper Expressen mentions two new attractions called "Nebulaz" and "SidecarXL"....If you google a little deeper..then you get the manufacturers😎👍 but i only guess...
No need to guess anymore. Nebulaz and SidecarXL are the 2 flat rides for 2022 season (available in a meeting protocol from earlier this year). The old ride Virvelvinden has been closed to make way for this expansion.

Luna comes in 2023, interesting sights can be found in the park already for the curious, with a good eye.

Lisberg is teasing in the news so I expect a press release shortly.
During the 2023 season, LUNA comes to the park. A document published earlier this year by the newspaper Expressen mentions two new attractions called "Nebulaz" and "SidecarXL"....If you google a little deeper..then you get the manufacturers😎👍 but i only guess...
Can you link?