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Log Flume accident, Bridlington.

I've been keeping an eye on this, I find it very hard to believe the woman's leg was amputated BEFORE she was taken to hospital, as some sites are reporting, especially considering reports also suggest she stood up after the incident occurred.

What happened appears to have been massively exaggerated by the 'park worker' (who I expected is now unemployed, you don't talk to the press about an incident) and from the eyewitness reports from people who seem to actually understand how the laws of physics work, the boat came down the drop when the water level at the bottom was too low, and because of the weight it was unable to deccelerate quickly enough - which the water in the trough would do, acting as a brake - and so hit the corner too fast ejecting the riders.

A horrible thing to happen and I hope both injured riders get better soon... But it's hard to say who, if anyone, is at fault here or if it was just one of those freak incidents.
^I think they're just carts in tracks though (think like the old school side friction coasters). If there was no water (or not enough) to slow the train down I could kinda see how hitting one of the corners could flip the boat, or at least throw the riders out.
If it's the standard Traveling Flume layout I think it will have the same logs on wheels like the one at Blackpool or M&D's as you can see in this photo.

The one at M&D's when I rode seemed to go round the corners pretty fast so I could see how this could happen.
These flumes do have a short splash down area, and even when full of water, they still hurtle round the corner at some pace.
A similar thing happened at Siam Park City in Thailand a few years ago regarding water in the trough at the bottom. A pump had broken, leaving it with not enough water at the bottom to brake. People actually died that time, so this was "lucky" in that respect.
Lol :p

The police have confirmed now that reports of an amputation were complete and utter bollocks.

Both granny and child are doing fine and are expected home today, though as they come from North Yorkshire, they're hoping that the hospital will let them stay in hospital where they have all the comforts of indoor plumbing, food, heating and a kidney shaped bowl for the whippet to drink from ;)
Rather random necro-posting...

BUT "Helicopter Heroes" on BBC1 last night featured this accident as one of their stories (I just happened to see it mentioned it the paper so I Sky+d it)

Available on iplayer for the next week or so, but not really worth the effort unless you have a morbid fascination with helicopters or injured old women. The relevant bits are about 5 minutes in and 20 minutes in.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b0 ... pisode_16/