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Loudest chain lifts?


Mega Poster
Clank-clank-clank-clank-clank! Which chain lifts do you find the loudest?

I find Griffon's is really loud! I can't even hear what the person next to me is saying when going up that thing!

Any more loud chain lifts out there?
Moved to Coaster Polls and Opinions.

Raptor. Gratefully later B&Ms are nowhere near as loud.
Really!? Guess I'd better ride Raptor again to see how it compares :)

EDIT: That is, if you're talking about Raptor @ CP (which I assume you are).
Oblivion comes to mind but that's more the anti-rollback than the chain itself. There's another one but I can't for the life of me think which one I've got in mind.
Griffon is loud, but Alpengeist has got to be louder. Arrows are also notoriously loud from off-ride, but I don't find them as loud as some of the earlier B&Ms while riding.
Yeah, are we talking chains or anti-rollbacks here? Or just generally "what ride make a lot of noise going up the lift hill"?

Come on, are we goons or not? Let's get it right people :roll: ;) :p

Oblivion is very loud, but it's the anti-roll backs clanking. Nemesis makes a re racket too coming off the chain, but again it's anti-roll backs.

The Vekoma Corkscrew coasters make a lot of noise, but that's the motor that drives the chain, so again it's not the chain. In fact, it's so loud that I used to think that it was part of the theming as you could here it from right across Alton Towers :lol:

Anyway, I can't think of any loud chains at all ;)
BTM Paris on the final lift hill. It's so loud it actually gives me a head ache if I'm tired.
I always thought Magnum's chain lift was really loud (or anti-rollbacks, excuse me for not being goon enough haha). That's the only thing that pops into my mind as being louder than other coasters.
Big Thunder Mountain, Disneyland Paris..

There is a video somewhere on youtube to do with the construction of it, and I remember one of the engineers saying that its purposely clanky to give people the feel of an actual mine... Basically, they left the caps off of the lift-hills dog and ratchet system, so its just steel on steel. Doesn't affect much in safety, maybe a little more maintenance, but they were after the overall feel of the experience.
furie said:
The Vekoma Corkscrew coasters make a lot of noise, but that's the motor that drives the chain, so again it's not the chain. In fact, it's so loud that I used to think that it was part of the theming as you could here it from right across Alton Towers.


Everyone always went on about how noisy that lifthill was but it must have been at the wrong pitch for me because I always thought it was very quiet. Oblivion dropping through the hole making the swoosh noise on the other hand. Inescapable throughout the park. XD
Quiet Furie it was late and I wasn't thinking clearly :(

Colossus was the one I was thinking of last night. I think.
nealbie said:
furie said:
The Vekoma Corkscrew coasters make a lot of noise, but that's the motor that drives the chain, so again it's not the chain. In fact, it's so loud that I used to think that it was part of the theming as you could here it from right across Alton Towers.


Everyone always went on about how noisy that lifthill was but it must have been at the wrong pitch for me because I always thought it was very quiet.

It was that kind of of "Vroooooooo" humming noise it made
Another vote for Oblivion. You don't just hear the lift chain (or anti-rollback feature), you feel it.

Sonic Spinball is also a worthy contender. You can often hear the chain lift as far away as Katanga Canyon.
Big One's lift hill. Once my family and I were sat in the car on the street opposite the PB, and you could hear it at 11:am. :shock:
furie said:
nealbie said:
furie said:
The Vekoma Corkscrew coasters make a lot of noise, but that's the motor that drives the chain, so again it's not the chain. In fact, it's so loud that I used to think that it was part of the theming as you could here it from right across Alton Towers.


Everyone always went on about how noisy that lifthill was but it must have been at the wrong pitch for me because I always thought it was very quiet.

It was that kind of of "Vroooooooo" humming noise it made

Ah, see to me that's a nice pleasant background hum <3

Enigma Shadow said:

I like to think of that as the train mocking the chain that it doesn't get to have a ride further than the top of the hill. And then laughs all the way round! xD
All of the Big Thunder Mountains are horribly loud, but Paris' version is probably the loudest.