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Milestones in Your Counts

How were we not told this on the day? I feel for you man, but I'm also laughing, so thank you :D
I didn't realise until the ritual spreadsheet updating last night! I knew I was close to it, but hadn't realised THAT close!

Good cred, that. I enjoyed it.

Just want the last side...
I recently hit #250 which I'll get to in a moment, but having searched back I'm not sure I've ever listed my milestones..

1. Wild Mouse (BPB) - there may have been wacky worms before it but this is the first coaster I vividly remember riding, back in 1984 at the tender age of 7!
100. Black Mamba
200. Stealth - chosen specifically because it's roughly 200ft tall.

Now on that note and knowing I'd hit #250 on my trip to Poland, my intention was to make Hyperion my next milestone, again because it's roughly 250ft tall. Unfortunately, being spited by 3 creds at Legendia a few days before meant that I could only get to #249 at Energylandia so I had to abandon that idea, and consequently my next milestone coaster was...

250. Dinocoaster at Zatorland! :D

Roll on 300...
Wait...what now? Steeplechase Yellow was running? When was this? I've never seen that in any of my four visits and presumed it was semi-permanently closed.

Were they running all three horses then?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Steeplechase Yellow is the far right side, which is the only side of Steeplechase I presently have. It was certainly running when I went in August 2018!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Steeplechase Yellow is the far right side, which is the only side of Steeplechase I presently have. It was certainly running when I went in August 2018!
Yes, it's the right-hand one. Fingers crossed it'll be open on my next visit on 31st. July.

(I won't cry if it's down though).
While I've got my spreadsheet open:
1) Buffalo Stampede at American Adventure, I think.
10) Oblivion
50) Vampire, Walibi Belgium
100) Fantasy Mouse
150) Spingear
200) OzIris
250) Energus
I’m hoping to have Steve as 40 tommorow and magnum as 30

1 my first big ride I ever went on
10 el toro
20 nitro
27 Hydrus (where my count is currently)(will change tommorow as I’m going to cedar point for the first time)

1-steel force
25=Space mountain
40=Top thrill dragster

cool Top thrill dragster was 40 for me