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Milestones in Your Counts

So here's something fun. I'm going to hit 150 tomorrow at Knott's. My 50 was Kingda Ka and 100 was storm runner...so do I make Xcelerator number 150 and attempt to keep this streak of Accelerators going?

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1. I have no idea
50. Mako
Congratulations @J Rod; a fantastic milestone on a fantastic ride (in my opinion)!
So here's something fun. I'm going to hit 150 tomorrow at Knott's. My 50 was Kingda Ka and 100 was storm runner...so do I make Xcelerator number 150 and attempt to keep this streak of Accelerators going?

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I'd say yes; that's a pretty cool streak to have!
Congrats. Did you find it entertainingly/hilariously/surprisingly rough for a B&M? Hope it still has it's character.
Hah, perhaps it was a bit rough in places, but nothing compared to Insane Speed I rode last week (I guess you'll see for yourself in a few weeks ?).
Congratulations @rctneil; getting close to 1000 now! Got any plans for what 1000 will be?

May quite a while to get to 1000! No plans for it to be anything in particular. I gave up on that idea long ago. It's just not worth trying to plan a particular coaster to be a milestone. Whatever I get to is what it'll be. Eg: For 900 it would have been nice to have been the new Fury at Bobbejaanland but I needed three coasters and we knew the quickest way to ride Fury was to head straight there therefore it ended up being a couple earlier instead.
1. Wilderness Run, Cedar Point
50. Something at Michigan's Adventure (more on that below)
100. Skyrush, Hersheypark

So, about my 50th coaster. For a while, I had thought that it was Millennium Force. However, recently I had realized that I had forgotten to count 3 coasters at Universal Studios Orlando and Islands of Adventure. So, my 50th coaster could've been either Corkscrew, Thunderhawk, or Wolverine Wildcat, all 3 of which are at Michigan's Adventure.
I did hit #150 this year.

Dare Devil Dive at SFoG.

Honestly, a really lame ass ride lol
I don't think I'll quite make 200 this year, will be just a few short (I could if I did family/kiddie rides but nope. I refuse)