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Most Anticipated..

What is your most anticipated park and coaster of the year?

For me it would be Hershey and Busch as far as parks go, since I have always wanted to visit them even before I became a full-fledged enthusiast. As for coasters, has to be I-305, Griffon, and Prowler.
Nothin planned except 13 so far. I'm probably not going outside Britain, so unless I get to southend or FI, there's not going to be much in the way of new coasters.

SO jealous of you Americans with all your fancy-pantsy parks all over the place with all those massive rides and no water to cross to get anywhere.
This year I'm going to Germany for some coasters. I'm really looking forward to Europa Park and Blue Fire. Also hoping to pay a visit to Expedition G-Force!
I'm really looking forward to Hershey Park as far as parks go, and El Toro, Bizarro and Boulder Dash for coasters. I've learned that being overexcited for coasters can really hurt your experience, but I can't help it. As much as I try not to, I can't help but watch the coasters all the time and expect them to make my Top 10.
As far as parks go, Busch Gardens Tampa and Cedar Point.

Coasters would be El Toro, Magnum, Millennium Force, Montu, Afterburn, and Beast.
Well with a trip like the US-Live to look forward to, picking out one specific park and coaster is going to be tough. There are so many coasters that I can't wait to ride.

I think for parks it has to be Cedar Point for me. Sounds like the obvious choice!

Coaster wise, Top Thrill Dragster, Kingda Ka, El Toro, Millennium Force, Magnum, Maverick, Boulder Dash, Bizza... wait, this is just silly. I'm basically listing all the coasters on the trip. Well you get the idea!
I'm off to Florida in Sept, I'm most looking forward to Busch and Animal Kingdom, but no specific coaster.

Suppose I'd best get to Thorpe this year too, I haven't even been on Saw yet, god how lousy am I! I'm looking forward to Thirteen too.

Though then again i am off to SFMM and i'm really anticipating going there.

MR SIX'S DANCE COASTER. I'm just kidding i think i'm looking more forward to Tatsu or Viper than Mr Six's
Chessington is my most anticipated park this year, so much is happening there at the moment, I can't wait to see what they've done.

I'm kinda looking forward to going back to Alton but more for the preview weekend (John Wardley times) and meeting peeps at the Live the weekend after. I couldn't care less about Thirteen.

I'm also looking forward to going back to Disneyland Paris in July which is now all booked up :D
Well I'm for sure in the UK for the entire season.

So the new things I have to enjoy are Alive, Asia, and 13 all next month. I'm looking faward to 13 the most, as it looks to be a fun little thing. But I think Chessington are going to be the park that stands out this year overall, with all the bits and bobs going on down there.

Alive is probally going be something I may do the odd few times in the year. It will probally be good if its up to the same standard of Asylum, but it won't be the type of thing I would keep going back for.
Intimidator 305 of course.. how could you not be excited for a damn giga.. :lol:

Park wise, Silver Dollar City probably has me the most interested because it's not too generic like the rest of the trip.
The parks and coasters for me have got to come from California in Summer, I am most looking forward to going to SFMM and the coaster I'm most looking forward to riding is X2 because it just looks insane. I'm also looking forward to Th13teen obviously because of all the hype it has.
Apart from Th13teen in October,I'd say that's about as exciting as it's going to get.

Unless something completely unexpected happens.
It has to be Chessie, hopefully Wild Asia will be a step towards the good old days of great theming there. All Merlin parks for me actually, since I decided this year to bother getting an Annual Pass.
Definitely SFGA and Coney Island, legendary coasters lay ahead <3

Also all the cool stuff that's happening here in the UK, all has been mentioned I do believe.
Yeah Th13teen get's my vote also. There's not much else happening here in the U.K. Fingers crossed for something unexpected though :)