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Most intense ride you've ever been on


Well, it probably has to be Mr. Freeze at Six Flags Over Texas. I know, it's a "clone coaster", but it's a good and intense one!
Man you must not have been on very many intense rides because Mr. Freeze is not that intense.

Actually, I've been to alot of parks on have ridden very extreme rides. I just like this one because of the launch and the tophat inversion.
Top Thrill Dragster and Power Tower at Cedar Point. The 'drop' side of Power Tower left me shaking for a while after.
For me, it's sometimes not the forces on a ride that makes it intense. Sometimes a ride just has a really gnarly appearance that makes you reach for a spare pair of underwear:

Look at all that rusty metal (just theming, of course)..


And how about this for a tasty drop:
