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"Mumbo Jumbo" - S&S El Loco for Flamingo Land

Got myself a season pass, so I'll try and get actual construction pics throughout may. If I can afford the bus tickets!
Im really looking forward to ride Early september :)

Going to go hoping the park is quiet
Got a load of pictures from Friday that basically showed all the supports being unloaded out of lorries by a crane, but since we've already got those pics (^) theres not much point posting them.

I did get this funny video though, of a load of builders arguing for about 10 minutes about lost keys, and then one of them running up to a freight container with a massive pair of bolt cutters and just destroying the lock. I lol'd. :)
I went on Sunday and took about 10 pics of the coaster being erected. Looks like they'll do it pretty quickly.

Hopefully I'll get a few mins later this evening to upload and post, although they don't look that much different to the latest ones posted on the Ride Guide, just a few more cross bars and a bit taller.
I did find the time! (Please see home page article for captions, cba to repeate myself.)









Home page news article: http://www.coasterforce.com/home/p2_articleid/670
I'm quite liking the location of the ride. It seems to be located quite near to a main pathway in the park (I've never been there, I'm just assuming), which I think suits the ride well.
I think it looks lush. The colours are great and the surrounding area is really nice as well. :)
It's got quite a narrow footprint hasn't it.

It's made the area next to Cliffhanger look a hell of a lot better! Although the slides appear to have gone :(.
No the slides are still there!

Have to agree the footprint is very tight, I just hope when its complete its not just a steel mesh of orange and blackness.

The entrance is directly opposite Kumalis and is going to look very similar too.
Slayed said:
It's got quite a narrow footprint hasn't it.
Yep, hopefully it'll be a nice compact coaster with plenty of twists, turns and a well paced ride. No "dead" track.

Slayed also said:
It's made the area next to Cliffhanger look a hell of a lot better! Although the slides appear to have gone :(.

I know Pierre has already answered, but I can't resist a crap joke or a play on words.


And for the record, I beat Pierre on the slide on Sunday because he was rubbish. But he didn't have a Feast lolly with the smallest bit of inside choclate EVER, so my victory was overshadowed.

Sorry, I couldn't resist talking a bit of mumbo jumbo. Hahahahahahaha...ha. :roll:
^^Lol, yes, I can see now they were rather obviously still there XD.

In the words of the Gallaghers, I shall now "Sliiiide awaaaaaaaaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"....
Just two points:

What the heck is "stonking"?

I'll submit a ride review for Steel Hawg if it's running when I get down there in a few weeks.

If anyone's interested, that is.
^ I'd be curious. I miss Indy Beach.. that's an awesome little park. Haven't heard much about Hawg.

I love the crazy supports that just seem sort of all over the place, but only hit the ground in a couple spots. Good use of engineering, I suppose. They look like fun rides-- I'd like to see them expanded a little more-- I bet you could do a lot of really crazy stuff with that.
rollermonkey, 'stonking' is just a slang word for 'impressive'.... I didn't realise it wasn't an actual word until you pointed that out :lol:
I think it's ironic too that Saw was meant to go up really quickly as it's a Gerstlauer and this appears to be going up quicker, it must be the parks, I can see Flamingo Land getting better and more popular than Thorpe in a few years, some may argue it already is. :--D GO FLAMMY!