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"Mumbo Jumbo" - S&S El Loco for Flamingo Land

Personally I think that this Coaster will be a great addition for FlamingoLand. Although I haven't been myself, it seems to have a nice range of rides and rollercoasters there, and this being added must be just another improvement to the Park.

Although the name is certainly controversial, I kinda like it. It reminds me of the Names given for the rides on the Computer Game Theme Park World. :)
Mumbo Jumbo - it's clearly going to have african elephant theming :p.

I think it's a fun name, much more entertaining than "Rita" or "Speed" or "Stealth".

I'm more worried about those restraints, I know what Slammer does to me! :shock:
Slayed said:
I'm more worried about those restraints, I know what Slammer does to me! :shock:

Can't they get decent restraints like air or something that fits anyone perfectly?

I know because im starting to suffer on a few rides due to hight. :cry:

Also how many degrees is a drop on the screaming scrillel?
^However, in hindsight, I'm not sure it is a drop. I think it might be trimmed all the way over.
^Yeah, it doesn't do a great deal of 'dropping', just some 'going round the end'.

From the reviews I saw of Steel Hawg in First Drop recently, the restraints actually got good reviews. Now I know Slammer's can get a little uncomfortable at times, so unless they've been modded a bit for these things, then i'll believe that when I feel it, but i'll hold on to some hope at least.

Now playing: John Frusciante - Second Walk
via FoxyTunes
Hixee said:
^A scrillel? WTF is a scrillel? Get a spell-checker. ;)
How would a spell checker help you get from scrillel to squirrel?

Dictionary on this Mac thinks scrillel is an incorrect spelling of scroll.
Joey said:
Hixee said:
^A scrillel? WTF is a scrillel? Get a spell-checker. ;)
How would a spell checker help you get from scrillel to squirrel?

Dictionary on this Mac thinks scrillel is an incorrect spelling of scroll.
1. It would let him know he's completely wrong.

2. Macs are poo.
Hixee said:
Joey said:
Hixee said:
^A scrillel? WTF is a scrillel? Get a spell-checker. ;)
How would a spell checker help you get from scrillel to squirrel?

Dictionary on this Mac thinks scrillel is an incorrect spelling of scroll.
1. It would let him know he's completely wrong.
And then frustrate him because he couldn't find the correct answer?

2. Macs are poo.
Yes, they are. But a dictionary is a dictionary. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=scrillel

I can fully understand how Steven got the spelling scrillel from the spoken squirrel. Most people do not pronounce sounds correctly, so words get distorted... And then phonetically you don't stand a chance.

In other words, stop being a prat... If you're going to criticise people for not using spellcheckers - make sure their problem could have been solved with a spell checker.

It's not as if Steven is lacking in things to criticise outside of his spelling difficulties.
:roll: and then back on topic :p

Are the restraint systems on these the same as what they have on the Sky Swats then? (I know rob mentioned it) Because they just ache my back....
^They certainly look like them, but i've heard good reviews, so surely they can't be the awkward things off Sky Swats? Has anyone ridden Steel Hawg to know fo' sho'?
I found the sky swat restraints to be pretty comfortable. I think it's the nature of the ride that makes Slammer a bit uncomfortable.
^But its the hanging off the restraints on Slammer that cause the problems, which is going to be a common theme on this, so either they've improved the restraints, or most of us are wusses whinging about Slammer's 'terrible' restraints, lol.
Maybe they have modified the restraints for the El Locos then. Either that or there's a few people out there that don't suffer like the rest of us with the 'shoulder-claws'. It just seems to me that El Locos are going to put the restraints in the same positions as Sky Swats do to cause discomfort, and seeing as reports of Sky Swat restraints seem to have been nothing but bad, and there's been good reviews of El Loco restraints, maybe there is something different.

I'm rambling off about restraints now!
If they lapbars wern't so badly designed and actually held you down there would be no need for the uncomfortable shoulder claws.
There is nothing wrong with the lap bars though. They are almost the same as the ones on a Screaming Swing which hold me down pretty fine.

So I am safe in assuming that these will have the shoulder claws and lap bar system. Will be interesting to see what that does to the ride experience and throughput times.
Ultimate Coaster said:
^But its the hanging off the restraints on Slammer that cause the problems, which is going to be a common theme on this, so either they've improved the restraints, or most of us are wusses whinging about Slammer's 'terrible' restraints, lol.

I don't think you're wussies. SFNE's Catapult (same model) is just as bad.


Sorry, I've just read this...

That's one bucket of fail from you there UC...