Not everything the Beatles did was great either, and anyone that tells you otherwise deserves a slap in the face. It's hard to say if they'd be as popular nowadays as they were back then because the world is just such a different place, and it depends how you mean. If you mean the same sound, with another band like the Beatles already having come before, i.e., just the The Beatles 2, then they probably wouldn't be no as it's not what's "in" right now, and it's been done before. If you mean another act as "revolutionary" as the Beatles, and with as much appeal as they had back then for todays market, maybe they would be, maybe they wouldn't be.
There's so much more music around nowadays, and it's so easy to get, back then it was something much more special, which is probably why people went nuts for it. I agree that maybe they are a little "overrated" in the way that there have been bands just as good, if not better, since they've been around who have been just as influential, but they just did so much in such a short space, and were just so huge that they will always sort of over shadow the bands that came afterwards.
Led Zep and Floyd for the win.