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Musical instruments

Do you play a musical instrument, if so which one?

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  • Brass Instrument

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  • Woodwind Instrument

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  • Guitar

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  • Piano/Keyboard

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  • Drums

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  • String instrument (not guitar)

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Guitar appears to be the most popular instrument. I think it's the instrument that makes people more famous so it has a inspirational appeal. I hav an Ibanez Prestige, and I luv it I also hav a Fender Strat U.S.A, and that for me is the gr8test guitar going for and affordable price.

I suppose watever sounds u prefer, u go for that instrument if u like the sound of a bass u play bass, if u luv the sound of smackin skins u learn the drums.
c&r said:
Kir it's easy as hell - you could probably learn most of it in an hour or two.

I can read music, but I can't turn the knowledge into a practical tune in my head.

So I know a semi-quaver from a semi-brieve, and a low G from a high B flat, but there's no corresponding sound for them in my head.

It's like when you read a book and visualise what is being described. I can do that, but I can't do the same with music (but don't know what the sound equivalent of visualization is :lol: ).

I played trumpet and bugle for years, and would read the music so I knew what note to play next, but I have to KNOW the tune first, otherwise I can't get the timing right or anything.

So reading music in theory is dead easy, but actually converting that to a practical tune is actually really hard, and one of those "inate skills" some people just have, but that you can never learn.
played piano to grade 5 at school but broken football finger put paid to my fabulous career in music that I dreamed of!
Well I'm fairly musical i suppose.
Done grade 8 on both Violin and cello, and grade 5 on piano.

I'm going off to do a performance degree at music college later this year, so that should be fun.. Then I'll be a professional musician! whoo.
I guess I'm CF's only flutist!

And I'm bringing up an ueber old topic! :thumbleft:
I play Bass guitar.
Haven't been playing that long but I am doing okay I suppose.
I used to play the violin, many years ago, but..alas I gave this up..It interfered too much.

Later, at school, in music lessons, we were taught the guitar- for beginners! So, I found that I enjoyed those and could learn the finger patterns and notes quickly..I just loved playing it.

I haven't had proper lessons ever since, but I have guitar books and my guitar is sitting *looks* just behind me, against the wall between my bed..*neglect*
Heh, I just play the same stuff over and over and over...'Golden brown' or whatever the title is- I can play that...Dad and some relatives taught it to me-yay! That's...pretty much it.

w00t! :color: 100th post! :color: I'll struuuuuuuuuum to do that...feebly. :] :band: (< keeping with the theme)

Played the piano since I was 6, now 18 (well 19 in 6 days actually so...) we'll call that 13 years.

Have a job as the resident pianist at what is regarded as the best hotel in town on weekends inbetween uni. I play for 3 hours a night with no music infront of me, normally do a mix of improvisation and tunes and obviously take requests... my main area is blues and jazz but it tends to be more easy listening at work

Never taken a grade or done GCSE or a level music (regret now btw); always been something I've enjoyed but play anything and everything with or without music infront of me. Quite happilly play by ear without thinking.

Played the flute; passed grade 5 and then got bored. Can play the drums and a variety of other bits, but the guitar is the only instrument I still really play now (along with the piano obv.).
I'm really good at the drums, and I wouldn't really consider myself a guitar player, but I did come up with the guitar and bass lines for the intro to the song my band and I are worming on.
I have played the piano exceedingly well for 8 years, and I can play Beethoven's 'Pathetique', which is a pain in the butt to play, and also Chopin's 'Fantasie-Impromptu', also a pain in the butt.
There needs to be an "I think I am awesome at guitar because I got one for christmas and I worked out 'Dammit' and 'Smells Like Teen Spirit' " option. YOU DON'T PLAY THE GUITAR. GET OUT OF MY EARS.

I need to tick Piano guitar/bass and drums. I used to play the flute, but it's totally for pansies, man.

I have grade 8 drums. I've told everyone that before, but It needs to be said again because you might have forgotten.

Also, ^ you've been playing exceedingly well for 8 years? You sat at the piano aged 6 and wowed everybody? Awesome.