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Nemesis or Nemesis Inferno

Nemisis or Nemisis Inferno

  • Nemisis

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Nemisis Inferno

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


Easy which do you prefer. Im sure youll all groan, but i thought it would be interesting.
Dont vote just on the actual ride, think about theming, music etc.
I vote Inferno, to me, i see it as a better experience, with the music. But it is close, if Inferno sorted out its water, so it doesnt look like a swamp, then it would easily win.
Taken as a whole, it has to be the original. Theming and placing put it well ahead of Inferno to start with. Then the ride experience certainly tops Inferno. By the time you add the ride experience, through the quarry, around and over the themed monster it just knocks Inferno for six...

Inferno is a good ride. The theming is good and the ride is good fun. Lots of good there. For the original though, everything is excellent.

They're very different experiences though. Inferno is a laugh. Nemesis is an intense ride. So similar as they are, it's difficult to actually compare them.

Of course, the big influence comes from which you rode first, and which you ride more often. I first Rode Nemesis in '95, and had ridden it dozens of time before finalyl getting on Inferno 2 months ago. Obviously Inferno wasn't going to match Nemesis.

If I'd spent a couple of years riding Inferno though, then that would be a "pipe and slippers" coaster for me. I'd be over critical of Nemesis because it's just not my "comfortable" ride. Add in the hype and you're always going to be more disappointed.
OH FOR GOD'S SAKE this is the most done and redone poll ever on Coaster Force. *cries* Please how about some new material?!

As I did the last 25000 times i vote for Nemesis as it has a better layout and is more intense.

Exactly Sam, why why why!!!

But anyway, NI for me, I just prefer the ride as a whole, Nemesis is good, dont get me wrong, but for me, NI just has a spark that Nemesis does'nt, not quite sure what it is, but its there :S

it has to be the original

Wait, Original, I dont see ANY connection that links the ride as a pair, there owned by the same Company, built by the same company and both have the word Nemesis in there name, nothing else.

There's plenty of rides at SF parks called Shockwave, but we dont talk about them like there brothers do we?
Nemesis because Inferno does nothing for me apart from make me sometimes close to blackout and dizzy, whereas I enjoy Nemesis loads everytime with no problems!
no, but thats because on the exit path they don't say now go ride the original nemesis at alton towers. Nemesis everytime, I just find NI crap and boring for some reason.
EDIT: that was talking to asr
And if they're not related in any way, why have this poll? Let's compare Shockwave at SF to Shockwave at DMP because they have the same name???

Tussads blatently made Inferno to give an identical style of coaster the good name it's midlands park had, in its southern park. Piggy backed on Nemesis' success. Therefore it's reasonable to compare them, and called Nemesis "The Original".

BTW, I don't think Tussads should have copied the layout exactly, and @I'm glad they actually tried to make a different ride experience...
Gaaaaaaah! NemEsis!!! It's got an e in it dammit, how come so many people manage to get that wrong...

Back on topic, Nemesis is touched, but far from beaten by it's similarly well themed southern 'rival'. Tussauds did well to give it a totally different feel and atmosphere, so other than to attempt to recreate the original's success, I don't see why they couldn't simply have named it Inferno! Both are amazing rides, but the unbelievable intensity of Nemesis gives it the edge.
Well, I'm gonna vote for Nemisis, since it does look like a more intense ride, and looks like it gives a more unique ride.
The theming on Nemesis is better but I find that Nemesis: Inferno gives a better and more intense ride and has quite good theming and better music so my vote went to Nemesis: Inferno.
I am going with nemesis.
Nemesis inferno was for me, a dissapointment. Don't get me wrong its a good fun ride but it doesn't even come close to the original. Plus the themeing is better on the original.
Nemesis IMO. The themeing is better. And the actuall ride itself is bettter. But the NI music is the best! So Nemeie NO.1.
Topics are always going to get repeated, that is the nature of a discussion board. There's only so much new material available. If you're really bothered, come up with your own 'new idea' for a topic.

Moving on...

Nemesis over N:I. Nemesis has a better pacing throughout the ride. When I first rode N:I, I came off disappointed, as Tussauds basically forced me to compare it to Nemesis by calling it that. It should be a completely separate ride, just called Inferno, and I think it'd go up in peoples' estimation anyway.
Going from a standpoint of not having rode either, I'd still go with Nemesis. While they shouldn't be compared like brothers, they still can be compared to each other in that they're both B&M Inverted coasters, the way we can compare coasters such as Raptor and Montu.

That being said, Nemesis seems like it would give a more intense ride, and it's interaction with it's surroundings is much better. It also doesn't follow the B&M typical inversion order at all, which I like to see on B&M's for uniqueness. Also, Inferno looks like a much shorter ride than Nemesis, and IMO the only thing that appears to be better about Inferno is the drop and the tunnel with mist in it.
Eveytime I ride them, they creep closer together in my liking, but Nemesis still comes up first, especially with the blood back.
It has to be the original and best for me. As Ben says above, since its makeover this year where they not only fixed the support problem, they gave the whole theme a freshen up, it is well and trully back to its best.

Inferno does come close, and is a completely different ride, especially now that the 'smoke' is back!
personnaly i think Nemesis is the much better ride, being original, i think inferno is too open. And i always want to re-ride Nemesis (i need to get my self to Alton! i got Nemesis deprevation!) It's just the atmosphere around Nemesis which makes it better and Inferno doesn't have the same, it is just the music on Inferno which adds to it! So it is always Nemesis hands down!
Nemesis. Its just i rode inferno first i loved it and still do, dont get me wrong. But because i travelled 3 hours to go to alton towers and saw nemesis i was gobsmacked i thought OH MY GOD! and nemesis just has the uniqueness of being in a quarry whizzing and twisting around a monster. It just cant be beaten(IMO).