Someone mentioned the shouting above...
Now, in principle I am all for it, it really adds to the atmosphere and tension etc however, there is a couple of things the 'actors' should be a little bit more mindful of. A) Because you are acting a part does not give you a right to be down right rude to guests. I only saw it happen the once but the look on the womans face she thought it was a step over the line, she certainly didn't seem to laugh it off as part of the 'experience'. B) They should be a bit more careful when they shout or where they shout from. When we were exiting the second lift it was like the guy was stood right behind the door. As it opened I had my back to it (not knowing what was coming next) and he literally shouted right down my ear, to the point where it actually hurt. You know when sound is that loud it hurts your eardrum... that was it. Shouting down peoples ears like that can actually cause damage. The last thing they need is a law suit because someones hearing has been damaged or whatever.
Like I say, I have no problem with the shouting, they just need to be a bit more mindful of the consequences.