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New Coaster For Paultons

Couple of new images for you...




I quite like the entrance under Cobra, looks thrilling, daring and slighlty sexual.
I wondered what they were building under cobra, and I wondered where the entrance would be. Just couldnt put 2 and 2 together.
^So people can't stick on their cc's :--D .

Its looking good and looks great with Cobra in front of it. Also nice job they have done with the tunnel entrance area.
And it is a coaster. Even the manufacturer says so. :p

Zamperla Rides said:
Following the success of the introduction of Zamperla's new Disk'ò Attraction at IAAPA 2003, Zamperla is proud to introduce the Disk'ò Coaster. The Disk'ò Coaster utilizes the same innovative seat design of the original Disk'ò ride especially designed with a back restraint which leaves both arms and legs free to move), but also offers an awe inspiring, extended track with a camelback hump. The result is a new and unique roller coaster mixing together the effects of a roller coaster and a spinning ride. The Disk'ò coaster dynamic action offers passengers the incredible weightless sensation and delivers unbelievable G-forces as in the traditional Disk'ò. The 24 or 40 seats vehicle runs on an approx. 92 m. long track reaching a maximum speed of 70Km/h and drawing different trajectories at any time. From a top height of 15mt. the vehicle starts its wild run along the track concave section at a variable speed of 30 to 70 Km/h. In less than a second the vehicle reaches the top of the central hump at approx. 40 Km/h and gives passengers a strong negative acceleration for an incredible weightless sensation. The Disk'ò Coaster is the latest of many new ride projects from Zamperla aimed at drawing large crowds of thrill-seekers from a wide range of age demographics. For an eye catching family thrill ride, look no further than the new Disk'ò Coaster from Zamperla.
Track - check
Car running on said track - check
Wheels helping said car run on said track - check
Majority of hills climbed by the help of gravity - check
Full-circuit course - fail
Moves away from loading platform/area, with no parts of the carriage fixed to the platform - check
Returns to loading area without having to detatch car from track - check
Structure not limited to the loading platform only - check
Manufacturer states it's a coaster - check
Park states it's a coaster - check

Coaster. Although, a vague one.
Wow, some of those are the most random definitions for a coaster ever...

BTW, the Wonder Wheel at Coney Island meets most of them as well, is that a coaster now?

The park could call it a magical flying elephant, that wouldn't make it one.
I checked up Wonder Wheel. Let me list that too, with the same criteria (which, I agree, are a bit obscure)

Track - check (Well, rails, at least)
Car running on said track - check
Wheels helping said car run on said track - check
Majority of hills climbed by the help of gravity - fail (no hills climbed)
Full-circuit course - fail (just back and forth on the rails)
Moves away from loading platform/area, with no parts of the carriage fixed to the platform - check
Returns to loading area without having to detatch car from track - check
Structure not limited to the loading platform only - fail (all of the structure is put inside a small, fenced-off area. NOTE: This criteria is very vague, but I couldn't find a way to word it better)
Manufacturer states it's a coaster - fail
Park states it's a coaster - fail

As for Edge, it has more in common with coasters than flat rides, as I see it. Wonder Wheel is clearly a flat, with some coastery attributes.
Log Flumes also meet that check list lol

Also I am sure this ride is powered up the hill? if I remember the one in Germany.

Its not on coaster count so I wont be counting it simple.

Its a new ride for the park anyway which is a good thing.
I've always wondered why Disko Coasters are treated differently to Halfpipe coasters given what they do is virtually identical....I guess the Disko is powered more throughout.
Pokemaniac said:
Majority of hills climbed by the help of gravity - fail (no hills climbed)

Well, no, but, it does go "up-hill"

Full-circuit course - fail (just back and forth on the rails)

No, it travels around the whole circle.

Structure not limited to the loading platform only - fail (all of the structure is put inside a small, fenced-off area. NOTE: This criteria is very vague, but I couldn't find a way to word it better)

This criteria is vague, but, actually, all the structure isn't put in a loading area. If you are saying it's all in a fenced off area, and that doesn't make it a coaster, well, a lot of coasters are fenced off. Galaxis, Pinfaris etc.

Manufacturer states it's a coaster - fail

Could this not be more because we don't know what they have to say about it.

Park states it's a coaster - fail

This is the one it does actually manage to fail, sadly. Well, I thought there was references to it as a "Coaster Wheel", but I can't find anything backing that hunch up.

As for Edge, it has more in common with coasters than flat rides, as I see it. Wonder Wheel is clearly a flat, with some coastery attributes.

No, it's clearly a flat ride. And yes, it's powered up the hill. Cause it's powered along the whole thing.
Its also powered down the hill to control the speed btw. If it was not it would go down to fast you would get a nasty bang at the bottom.

Some people will count it some wont same with powered coasters.

Ben you are turning down a credit lol :)
southend_marc said:
Its also powered down the hill to control the speed btw. If it was not it would go down to fast you would get a nasty bang at the bottom.
That's what happened on the one in Movie Park. Powered coasters (I'm using Chessie's mine train as an example here) are only powered to get up hill when they go down the power shuts off so it does coast before it comes back on to get it up the next gradient.
Gazza said:
I've always wondered why Disko Coasters are treated differently to Halfpipe coasters given what they do is virtually identical....I guess the Disko is powered more throughout

Diskos are powered all the way through the ride. I'd say that Halfpipes are more like Impulse Coasters than Diskos. They're launched up the spikes and left to free fall back down again.
Powered therefore not a credit ;)

Btw the Disk'O Coaster name is purely for marketing reasons, you can't call it Disk'O Plus Hump, as it won't grab your attention.
This does look really good with the entrance under Cobra, I would really like to go to Paultons sometime, except it is a long way away for me. These Disk'Os do look great though. Personally, I would class it as a flat ride which is why I wouldn't add it to my coaster count.