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New Solo


Roller Poster
Hello to Coasteforce! It's been ages since I posted here but I've really missed the forums so thought I might as well post something in here. Here's my second full scale solo that I'm really enjoying building at the minute. Enjoy the screens guys!!! It's so good to be back!

The park map size is 140 x 140 again.

The park will feature 6 areas and 5 have been planned already to great detail.


Grand Central - 70%
The Enchanted Valley - 70%
??????? - 25%
???????- 10%
??????? - 10%
??????? - 0%

Park completion - 25%

Grand Central


So welcome to Grand Central ! The grand entrance to the park which features a large monorail system travelling round the map. It's based mainly on architecture and will feature alot of other ideas.
With this solo i want to add alot more clarity and identity to each building. Hopefully i've pulled it off.




Ok so it's been a while. Mainly because I've really wanted to concentrate on university as there is a hell of a lot of work. Lately I've found alot of time for the game and I'm loving it. It's really good to see so many new up and coming players releasing some awesome stuff.

Grand Central #2 -Fly-bye!

Here you can see the park entrance's Zamperla Aeromax. Fly-bye is a hit for the younger generation and nicely situated next to Diamond's, the parks most formal eatery. It feature's a sitting area near-by so parents can take a break or maybe choose to watch the kids. A nice addition to the park is the statues around the area. These interactive characters can be activated to tell guest's directions or some general knowledge about the area.



The enchanted Valley is a concept I've wanted to try from Day 1 of playing the game. In my opinion it's my best work to date and the ideas throughout the area are some of my best. The concept is an area based on fairytales and nursery rhymes and is one of the favourite areas in the park for the family to visit due to it's robust themes and characters scattered throughout the area.


New Update

Work is moving at a rapid rate and nearly a month into starting this park from the 5% that it was, a lot of time has moved it up to a massive 25% in completion. Anyway here is a new screen showing a new area that I'm really proud to show.


Here we can see one of the area's local eateries as well as the Puss in Boot's fast-track department. We can also see one of the parks family orientated games with the chance to win awesome prizes by knocking Humpty Dumpty off the wall. These shops feature near the outskirts of the area which lead into a mystery region yet to be released.



Enjoy the screen's.
Another fantastic park by JK! I love the Grand Central section of the park, it really fits in with what I normally associate with your style of RCT. The Enchanted Valley is good, but it's not my favourite because it doesn't really seem.. Enchanted enough.

Great job!

Oh and that plane ride is very cool indeed!
That is some great architecture you have going on there. The attention to detail is good. The areas are greatly themed too.

Like LFTL said, the plane ride is very good.

The writting at the bottom of the second screen made me lol. :p
Man, I'm really liken it.
You've paid really close attention to detail. (Like the cashiers)
Keep up the good work! ;)
Good to see you back, totally understand with uni work though. There aren't enough hours in the day to do it all and then go drinking.. :lol:

I love all the detail in first screen with food outlet queues & things.
Guys its so wierd seeing some old names. Can't say how nice it is to still hear from you a few years down the line.

LFTL - I can understand about the enchanted comment. It's a challenge! lol I'm really glad you like the entrance to the park as I was unsure about a few things. The area itself needs a touch up or two. Just curious but what do you see as my style as RCT? I'm not really sure myself you see. Hope your good anyway, good to hear from you again mate.

Deano - I produced another solo before this called Spellbrook Shore, I loved the park itself but I noticed it did loose detail at some points so I'm glad I've kept it up in these select screens. Yeah I took it and when I was editing it I could of cut it out but it made me feel happy for some reason so left it in there. Thanks dude.

F.A.S.T - Why thankyou, nice to hear theres good atention to detail as I want to treat every building like it has a purpose and an identity.

Lofty - Some more will be on its way soon! Maybe in 3 weeks or 4 I'm not sure yet. Uni is getting tough though.

tks - Dude I'm sure I was in a few contest's with you in yester-year! Hows it going? Hope your good anyway! Uni is proper tough at the minute. I'm doing Graphic Design as well so it eats away at my life. It's a wonder I have any creative spark for this game. It's good though after a night out and I need to chill out. Really good to hear from you!

Anyway this essay aside lol thanks for your comments guys. Means alot.
Update time


The Three Pigs

Here you can see one of the valley's shops. The Three Pigs gift shop sells crafts made out of straw, log and bricks. Straw hats, musical pipes and engraved bricks are sure favourites for a memory of the day.

This area also has a fantastic open grill for special hotdogs and ribs that the local chef cooks right in front of the guest's. You can also have your picture taken with Mr Wolf if you’re brave enough.



Grand Central - 75%
The Enchanted Valley - 80%
Agrabah - 70% (New area announced!!!!!)
???????? - 10%
???????? - 40%
???????? - 0%

Park progress 40%

Enjoy. Comments always greatly appreciated.

Aw I love it, it looks like a little enchanted village, and everything about it is so detailed.

So yep, fantastic. Perfectly pulled off.
^ And what's that based off? I'd say I'm pretty fast for a detailed builder. Seeing as I'm working on other parks for the H2h competition and I've still found time for my solo I think that's pretty good.
^^ "Bring it on" or any variation of that pretty much just means you're eager for more. I wasn't trying to like, force him into updating or anything.
JK said:
^ And what's that based off? I'd say I'm pretty fast for a detailed builder. Seeing as I'm working on other parks for the H2h competition and I've still found time for my solo I think that's pretty good.

1 month for an update is slow but then a gain compared to brian or eyeamthu,your really fast, i think i was just comparing you to the speed i build at. sorry

And Tay, i misraed, i thought you were like going to hit him or something if he didn't
Nah don't be sorry dude. I was just wondering what made you think that.

That decision is probebly based off the amount of screens I've shown. It's a 140x140 park and I've shown four screens. The ammount of time I've worked on this for is just over three months and the park is at 40% I'm happy with the progress considering other projects.

It's just me wanting to show as little of the park as possible. Thanks for your comment anyway.

The Old Lady that lived in a shoe

New update. Now H2h is over (cough winning team) I can happily return to my solo and concentrate on getting this finished. Work has gone well today and I'm contemplating adding a new area as one isn't impressing me so much so a change may be good for the park. Anyway onto the screens.


There was an old woman who lived in a shoe.
She had so many children, she didn't know what to do;
She gave them some broth without any bread;
Then whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.


Here you can see left to right;
The Old Ladies broth shop, Snow Whites apple stand and some general architecture.
Near the shops are a seating area as well as a park map, directional sign to guide guests to their destination and Merlins Well.

Rumor has it,to make a wish or cast a spell, you toss a coin in Merlins well.

I absolutely love it, as usual! Your architecture is just fantastic, and it definitely has that fairy tale kind of feeling to it, so you're pulling it off very well.

Keep it up.
Thanks dude. Hopefully a new area to be shown in a few weeks! :D

I also need to post a download for two of my parks for h2h. I'm sure your'll really like them.