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New Theme Park Game - Theme Park Studio


Roller Poster

This is Steve with Pantera Entertainment. Our company develops for PS3, Xbox, and PC.

We have a new title coming out called for PC called 'Theme Park Studio'. We basically have merged Hyper Rails, an older title of ours, with our new proprietary graphics' engine.

Here is a link with a screenshot, video, and some descriptive text.

It only contains one video and screenshot. I will be updating it with more screenshots and tutorials over the next months. If you would like to keep up to date, we hope you will 'Like' our facebook page.

I am posting to this forum hoping to get some feedback. We started out with a specific UI style, seen in the video. Later, when we decided to merge our graphics' engine, we switched to windows gui. This gave it a more technical look, less game-like. Although the game-like style was lost, the advantages gained included better performance, customization, and dialogs that can be hidden, resized, docked, or pinned.

There are numerous other dialogs, the screenshot I posted only shows the node, particle, track and train dialogs. I will be uploading more screenshots and tutorials as we progress. We will also be looking for beta testers in the near future.

Feedback is welcome. Thank you

Re: New Theme Park Game

Looks very promising indeed. It's certainly the kind of thing people have been clamouring for for years. Please, keep us updated. :)
Re: New Theme Park Game

Nice! Looks like it will be released on Steam. Supports seem easier than ever before. It will be interesting to see where this goes.

I'd beta test :D
Re: New Theme Park Game

The UI for construction seems very intuitive. Is it as intuitive to get to the individual features? Because the army of buttons at the top is quite overwhelming. If you look at Photoshop it has a lot of buttons on the UI. But that is fine if you're introduced to each button at a time.

The game looks great. The tutorial needs to be clear and engaging. I know this 'game' is trying to be 'realistic', but users don't enjoy reading an on-line manual. Needs to bare in mind that people new to coasters will consider buying this game as well as enthusiasts. You need to find a way to introduce new people to the game without compromising any depth.

I really like how flexible the manipulation of the track is.

Will there be the option to view the statics of the Coaster at various points of the ride? For example, in Roller Coaster Tycoon you have a real-time graph that shows either or all or a combo: Speed. Positive & Negative G. and Lateral Gs (and height). You could use this feature to identify immediately "problem" areas of the layout. Say an element that was causing a horrendous amount of lateral force. Or to detect the speed of the train at a specific point so you can create an appropriate break run?

How will the 'game' be updated when Roller Coaster companies release new train types? (e.g. the 4x4 Eurofighter train as an example of the industry changing). DLC? Community mods?

I hope you don't mind me asking these questions. I'm very excited at the potential of this project.
Re: New Theme Park Game

Good questions!

We plan on offering two routes for construction. Simple click and drag for novice players, and an advanced toolbar/dialogs for users who want extensive customization.

We will be posting video tutorials that will hopefully help.

Yes, the engine tracks speed, lateral, vertical, and acceleration G's

Custom models and trains can be imported.
Re: New Theme Park Game

That looks amazing, Pantera!. It looks to be exactly what I've been wanting for ages. A mix between RCT and No Limits. Please tell me as soon as it comes out and I'll get it.
Re: New Theme Park Game

Sorry to bump a week-old topic, but I just crossed upon this now and I must say, this looks incredibly amazing! If you don't mind my asking, have you formulated an idea of how much disk space this will take up? Thanks for putting together the two truly great roller coaster/theme park simulation software programs out there!
Re: New Theme Park Game

I have loved RCT3 for years, but custom support work was always a pain. This looks like a much easier way to do things.

Like reddude, I'll beta test :)
Re: New Theme Park Game

Hello Everyone,

We have been busy the past few weeks integrating modules from our graphics' engine. I have uploaded a video highlighting our progress and posted it on our facebook page. This video demonstrates the following:

A new interface. The new dialogs can be moved, sized, pinned, or hidden.

Stations can be attached to control points. Multiple stations, or other mesh objects, can be added anywhere along the coaster path. When you move the control point, the attached object moves with it.

Tunnels can be added to any section, then freely deformed.

There is a new 'Enter' button which allows the player to take a virtual tour through the park. You can still edit your park while in this mode.

Jumps. Something you wouldn't see in real life, but fun to watch,

Entire coasters can be moved or rotated and any time, even after being fully complete.

Ability to move and rotate environmental objects.

Dynamic shaders. In this video I changed the stained glass windows in the castle from a standard shader to an unlit shader, giving it a self-illuminated look.

Particle effects, including fire, smoke, and fountains. Our particle effects module is very versatile, allowing the player to create a wide range of effects.

Dynamic editing of particle effects parameters. At the end of the video I change the force of the emitter, creating a much larger spray. The effects are seen in realtime while walking through the park.

Thank you!
Re: New Theme Park Game

So how do the jump physics work? Is it essentially just invisible track (because that's what it looks like)? Anyway, glad to see more updates on this and excited to see what more you have in store.
Re: New Theme Park Game

Great to see, fantastic that you guys are putting yourselves on the map with this great game. I'll gladly beta test for you guys and give you feedback on how it runs on XP and 8.
Re: New Theme Park Game

I hope to see guests, along with a good selection of different types of coasters, flat rides and shops.