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NL Competition #1 - Gimme Wood


Slut for Spinners

This one should be pretty easy. Simply build me a wooden coaster. Everything else is up to your discretion. I don't care if you guys enter a twister coaster, out and back, figure eight, or whatever. Here's the rules:

-The TRACK of the coaster must remain inside the box. The box has the dimensions of 50x100x35 meters. -Supports ARE allowed outside of the boundary.
-No 3Ds
-No tools, hand building only

There is no minimum or maximum anything. Ctrl+g and iSmooth are both allowed and encouraged. I also encourage the use of Wood Magic. Here's how the rides will be judged:

Technique - 10 points
Realism - 10 points
Originality - 10 points
Adrenaline - 10 points
Aesthetics - 5 points
User ratings - 10 points

Total - 55 points

An addition to the normal judging criteria is aesthetic appeal. Overall look is important to amusement parks so these contests will be judging it as well. I encourage trees and bodies of water in your tracks, although the most important aspect of this criterion is if the ride looks good (colors, element placement, etc).

Due date: Saturday, March 16th, 2013

Please send all tracks with your USERNAME to marcantinossi [at] gmail [dot] com.



Good luck to everybody competing!

If anybody has questions, ask away!
Re: NL Competition 1 2013 - Gimme Wood

You've been stuck. :)

I'll DL it and start when I can.
Re: NL Competition 1 2013 - Gimme Wood

[super][/super]Not entering these if Newton isn't allowed. Tbh I think it's only fair as some people can't hand built (like me) and have to use Newton, and some can't use Newton and are good at hand building.

Sorry to moan but I don't see the point. It's a shame because the task sounds really fun yet some of us are at a disadvantage from the start.
Re: NL Competition 1 2013 - Gimme Wood

Ethan said:
[super][/super]Not entering these if Newton isn't allowed. Tbh I think it's only fair as some people can't hand built (like me) and have to use Newton, and some can't use Newton and are good at hand building.

Sorry to moan but I don't see the point. It's a shame because the task sounds really fun yet some of us are at a disadvantage from the start.

Same for others who get points taken away for not being as smooth. Of course, tools just make you lazy and unimaginative IMO.

Of course, thats another thread.
I'll try to come up with something, but I'm still finishing the station work and tunnels on that woodie in the video link. Not sure if I'll have enough patience left to try to build queue areas and exit ramps! Of course, that's assuming people would stand in line to ride it in the first place, and then live to walk out the exit afterwards. A little arrogance on my part there, maybe!

In case I don't get around to making a coster for the comp myself, I want to share something that might add a little more fun and creativity, at least for the color scheme. I don't know if it's new in 1.8 or if I just now stumbled across it, but you can make the hand rails a different color from the rest of the supports. Just double-click on one of the hand rails and a transformation menu pops up, allowing you to make it a different color. You can highlight groups of them using the CTRL key, instead of doing them one by one, but either way you'll have to highlight each one of them throughout the track. (Unless, of course, somebody knows another way I haven't found yet!) That, along with trying to put in missing supports that AutoSupports leaves out and still pass the tunnel test, is something that would probably drive most people out of their minds in a matter of minutes!

Just to make sure I understand correctly, 3DS objects aren't allowed but Terraforming is? Has to be, I guess, if we can put water in the area around the ride.
Do I enter, or do I not...?

I've been experimenting with NL for the past while, and if I can get the hang of things I just may give it a go. :)
Alright after some screwing around with my coaster I just realized how big the box is we're supposed to be building in. I honestly thought I would have to build a Twister @ Grona Lund style coaster, which I really was kinda looking forward to because I love coasters with lots of crossovers. Either way a slightly larger box gives me some liberty.


Testing supports, minor sneak peek.
Haven't used NoLimits in a shocking 2 whole years. Guess this is the time I pick it up again!
bmac said:
Alright after some screwing around with my coaster I just realized how big the box is we're supposed to be building in. I honestly thought I would have to build a Twister @ Grona Lund style coaster, which I really was kinda looking forward to because I love coasters with lots of crossovers. Either way a slightly larger box gives me some liberty.


Testing supports, minor sneak peek.

Good, now we know which one is yours now :p

Sent from Applejack while out and about.
Finished and sent my track, it's a little rushed, but it proved that I can still finish a track.

I offer sexual favors for 1st ;)
The train in bmac's pic looks like the 4-seat PTC type, but when I downloaded the file it came up as a trailered 2-seat - GCI, I guess, like Thunderhead at Dollywood. Which kind are we supposed to be doing? Or can it be any type of woodie trains?