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NL Competition #1 - Gimme Wood

I'm sure he uses post it notes or something ;)

Struggling to finish my track. Dunno if I'm going to make it :?
Xpress said:

Loving the optimism, but your track placement is flawed, I mean look at that screenshot, I can see the bumps from here, i'm going to win this we all know.
Xpress said:
Oh yeah? Well.. WELL... Mines got.. Uh.. Wood. YEAH. Mine's got wood!!! And TRAINS!
I hope that means you're going to finish yours. If memory serves me, you came up with some really good ones way back in the day, when Loefet and I had some comps going!
I recall those. Infact I think I still have a handful of the tracks I did lurking somewhere inside of my files.

I can't be bothered to do any more, guess it'll have to do as is. Kinda half assed it towards the end, but I've spent too much time on it and I need to go outside and see what the sun looks like.
If you guys are worried about finishing tracks, don't sweat it. I won't be at a computer with NL until Sunday evening at the earliest. There's a pretty big grace period for submissions.

And just an FYI, I've received five tracks, so get on your horses!
Well, I have - at least I hope it went through! I had a bit of a time getting it from the NL track folder to a "Documents" folder where I could access it for e-mail. I sent it, and then remembered about 45 minutes later that I probably should have saved it as a compressed file first. I re-sent it after I did that. I hope Antinos got it in some form or fashion!

Folks, I have sort of a St. Patrick's Day present for you. In an earlier post, I said I was finishing up another coaster. It's ready for download now, and you're all invited to the "grand opening!" If you PM me with your e-mail address, I'll send it to you. I can't actually post it on the site, because, even in its compressed form, it's almost three times the maximum allowed size for attachments! Maybe there's a site where I can store something that size and then list the URL for it, but I guess sending me a PM is the easiest way for right now. Of course, any comments, ratings, etc., for it should go in the thread for that coaster and not this one. I guess we're all pretty much "woodied out" at the moment, but I hope you'll enjoy it between now and the comp judging.

In the meantime, I'll be looking forward to seeing all of your entries. I'm sure I speak for us all in saying special thanks to Antinos for putting this comp together!
Xpress said:
^Try using an off-site hosting site, like MediaFire.
Thanks, I visited that site and got a freebie month membership. I did the upload, and here's the link it gave me:


If the link doesn't work, I'll go back to the original plan, getting anyone who'd like to see it to send me a PM and I'll send them the file. I hope everybody will check it out one way or another, and again ask that any comments or ratings for the coaster be posted in the "Terror Incognita" thread under NL Projects, and not this one.

Thanks again, Xpress! :--D