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NoLimits Competition #2 - Feel the wood

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The Legend
NoLimits Competition #2 - Feel the wood - Terrain woodie


Welcome to the second competition run by Snoo. This comp will be run the same as the last one, but with the rules changed.

Gravity Group has contracted us to build them something unique on the banks of the Ian Bell River. The only restraints? Must be at least 3,000 ft long, must have a two train operation without stacking, and must have at least 10 airtime hills.

This one has no station, no track, and no boundaries.. so be unique and use the terrain to your advantage. I made the rules and limitations for this comp on purpose this time. I really want to see some creativity from all entries this time around ladies.

Also remember, I am the judge, and just by looking at my signature set and top 10, you should know what I like.. CATER TO ME YOU WOMEN! :p



The ride will be rated for a total of 50pts on the following categories:

  • Building Technique - 10pts
    Originality - 15pts
    Realism - 5pts
    Excitement - 10pts
    User Ratings - 10pts


Bonus Points:

10 bonus points will be distributed to each of the following achievements:



  • NO 3DS
    At least 3,000ft long
    Two train operation without stacking
    At least 10 airtime hills
    No large scale editing of terrain
    Feel free to edit as you feel necessary (scenery, friction, length of train, etc etc as long as it stays within the boundaries of the competition.)


Due Date:

November 22nd, 2011 at 10pm GST, 5pm EST



http://www.coasterforce.com/SnooSnoo/NL ... p2.nltrack


Send completed track to:

[email protected]

Do Work!
Being that the WoodMagic plugin doesn't build supports very well on hills and such, do realistic supports matter?
Nope. I'd say as long as you put them on, I'll be fine with it. Of course, if you went the extra mile and built them yourself.. it would make me happy. :D
Oooo, this looks like fun. Looks like hand built for me again :p

Any restrictions on number of lifts?
If you don't see it in the rules, it's free game. As I said, I want this to be balls to the wall epicness. Everyone has a different idea as to what a woodie should look like.. so we should see some fun. :D
:D Fun times shall happen with this then :3


Besides, I need to make SOME form of a comeback on this competition :lol:

Switching between the hideouts'...
Sorry probably going to sit this one out, but if you need me to help judge i'll help you with that
Hi, i'm new to this site, but certainly not to NL. Some of you may know me from C2K, CC and NLE.

I'm thinking I may sign up for this comp.
I think this sounds like fun. I'm not really sure if I will be much competition for all you experts but I do want to work on my NL skills. I'm in.
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