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NoLimits Competition #2 - Feel the wood

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To be fair, the way it looks when it comes to supports means next to nothing. Magic the supports and you'd get the same score as you would with a huge slutfest of custom supports.

Looking pretty doesn't really cut it for me, even if it is a nice touch. :D

Also.. if you are quitting BECAUSE you can't finish the supports.. that is a sad adventure friend. On top of that, what 'priorities' do you have that are so important that blowing a little time to have some NL fun in a contest isn't worth wasting? You're about 17, you don't have any priorities.. son. I'm sure one night of wasting your time riding your jeep can be held up making an awesome creation and possibly winning some swag.

PS: We will have prizes this time around. Last time I hinted but didn't have the time to get things organized. What they are I haven't decided.
I'm nearly 20 FWIW but it honestly doesn't matter, once you're over 18, age is just a number. Jeeping is only a weekend hobby I do now, and even then I don't really get out and hit up the trails (which is a better use of my time than getting fat sitting in front of my computer), aside from it being my daily driver..

I can finish the supports in a couple of weekends. i'm not doing it because I have other things to do that get in the way (work, family, social life, ect.). I can't stand a wooden coaster that was just sloppily tossed together with auto supports. It's a horrible and vile method of adding supports to your wooden coaster, and I always dock down points for it. We always judge supports for steel rides- how realistic they look, how well they were built, ect. but when it comes to wooden coasters supports just aren't cared for? Makes perfect sense to me.

I'm backing out of this one because I don't have time to fuss with creating a wooden track. It's time consuming to get the proper flow and feel to it. What little free time I have I'd rather spend OFF my computer and not sulking up in back pain or headaches.
^^ Ooo, any hints to what le prize is? And is it first place only or do Second and Third get consolation prizes?

^ Chill dude, we just be pokin fun at ya ;) I myself am tempted to withdraw, but Im sticking it through, even though with auto supports, one of my turns doesnt want to do it properly so the boards go through the track O,o

Switching between the hideouts'...
I'm staying in this, but don't think Michigan Tech is a walk in the park. This past week has been my toughest week yet, and I'm still finding a half hour or so a day to add a bit more to the ride. To add to it, my track needs to be finished by the morning of the 18th, as I'll be heading home and won't have NL access until I return.
I have to drop out due to the graphics card and drivers in my computer cooking themselves beyond repair and my new computer won't get here for at least a week, I'll try to send in my track if I can and will definitely post it when completed, even if not in time for the comp.
started custom bracing today, track work is upto good enough standard, gotta leave myself enough time to offer an 'overall' good ride. Not gonna bother so much with support themeing, dunno... maybe.
Okay, so I know you said no stacking...but if you have a offload station somewhere different than where the onload is...would you count 'empty trains' sitting on blocks after offload as stacking?
Not really. I mean, to be honest, I think stacking as 3-4 loaded trains sitting out back waiting to unload. If the train is technically unloaded.. no prob really.

Only gotten 2 submissions so far.. kick it into gear kids! :D
Beh. My track is so long that with supports in it takes about 10 seconds to select one beam. No custom bracing for me XP
Wo... we've still got a few days left, i'm gonna take my time, get some good supports done etc. good bit of custom bracing coming along.
I'm pretty nervous that I haven't gotten my layout finished yet but then again I wasn't really planning on doing custom supports in the first place.
No rush kids. If a significant portion of you need a day or two, it can be granted. I'm not gonna extend it a week like before tho. My e-mail is working perfectly fine. :D
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