Judge Nitefly thinks your case sucks
… well, that’s a bit strong, but I’m remarking that nobody has suggested that the
time of death changes depending on when a case is
Edit: Although,
@Thekingin64 has for some reason curiously and actually suggested that the reporting affects when a death may be generally stated to belong - which is a post that this court could not fathom being made. Ultimately, the court must offer its apologies to
@rob666 for it’s poor comprehension of reading.
There can only be one moment in time when a person dies, as you say, but in truth this can be recorded in different ways in relation to the appropriate time zone. For example, a death after 5:00am on 31st December Los Angelas time would occur after 00:00 on 1 January Sydney time.
So, depending on the time of death (if post- 5am LA time), one could legitimately “say she died in 2022 in Australian time”.
BUT for the purposes of typical discussion, it would be totally obtuse to say a death occurred in any other year than the present year for the time zone in which the death actually occurred. Therefore all sensible colloquial conversation would refer to her death as occurring in 2021.
[2022] CF Forums 1
More troubling however, is deciding when “stimulating conversation” died. With reference to this very post, I suggest 2 January 2022 (10:26 GMT) at the very latest