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...Though everyone is entitled to an opinion, and if you thought it was crap then that's ok.

But my opinion is the right opinion.
Has anyone seen Confetti yet, I really want to see it, good cast, looks funny, got some great reviews but I won't be able to see until like next week, so is it any good, is it worth spending about a fiver on it?

I got Night Watch last week on DVD, seeing as most cinemas decided "its foriegn, lets not show it here" and basically its really confusing yet one of the best films I have ever seen. I recommend to all (if your 15 and over).
Okay it is a really old film but I saw it for the first time yesterday.

I was at my friend's house and they asked if I wanted to watch Cruel Intentions and I said alright.

This has got to be one of my favourite films ever. I don't know why I even like it so much but it was amazing. I loved what ever Sarah Michelle Gellar's character was called. She was such a bitch and I fell in love with her.

I had seen Not Another Teen Movie before so I already knew some of the parts in the film but it was still great.

I even searched youtube for some clips of the film and came up with this. I love the music in the background, it fits so well lol.

"I know you're so ugly
I know you're so ugly on the inside
I know you're so ugly
Beautiful but ugly on the inside (on the inside)"

http://youtube.com/watch?v=To_VsYW3faM& ... intentions
Went to see Mission Impossible III tonight with Minor_Furie and Martyn...

It was pretty good really. Nothing amazing, but a good old action adventure romp. Gotta love the music (especially Minor_Furie's utterly incorrect version :lol: )
Shorty said:
Saw Tristan and Islode a few days ago,

not too bad, not as good as i expected but meh, entertained me for 2 hours
Hmmm should of seen silent hill:P

I went and saw this too, the fight scenes were good (set in a medieval type era) but the romantic bits were trying so hard to be touching....and failing miserably. As Shorty says, entertained me for two hours !

* edit, i should be seeing the da vinci code on friday ! Hold out for reviews xD
Yes, saw the Da Vinci Code.

I was impressed. Really, impressed. I was soooo worried it would be taking a dump on the book, but no, it managed to keep to the book well and translated well. Somethings bugged me, the way some of the flashbacks were done was, well, lame. Also, it had Tom Hanks in, so it was the chance to watch him deliver all his lines with the same frown on his face. It also managed to keep me excited and interested, which, considering I know exactly was going to happen, was good. Meh, can't be bothered with a huge review. Good, kept to book, shame about Hanks, some of the direction was off, oh, and quite a lot of shots looked blurry (yes, they weren't supposed to be). But, generally, good.

Da vinchi Code was alrite, but I'm too much of a 'book lover' and hate it when things aren't *exactly* the same. Was funny at times, but wasn't that thrilling, and didn't keep you on the edge of your seat, unlike the book,w hcih just had me page turning all through the night

A few reviews:

Thank you for smoking

This film I thought was really good, brilliant acting, humourus and kept me interested throughout. I also left the cinema thinking that it was the end of the film, unlike some films where its like "thats the end?".

Unfortunatly its not a HUGE film and might not be on at your local cinema but if you can, go and see it because it really deserves the attention.


Awesome...I f**kin' shot that!

Wow, this film is awesome! I got to see it in an exclusive preview last night and I must say, it completly shocked me. Its basically a Beastie boys gig at Madison Gardens in New York. But, instead of just getting the normal film crew to film it they handed out hundreds of hi-8 camcorders to randomly selected members of the crowd!

This extremly random film shows a gig from all aspects, from trying to get backstage, to going to take a piss, to moshing etc etc. It puts you right into the gig and my god its amazing, now I'm not a huge fan of the Beastie Boys, but this is really good, and the DJ is just shocking, I never knew you could bend the records while mixing.

Anyway, it comes out Friday here in the UK, which is the same day as Pirates 2 (and yes I will be seeing that, booked tickets). But if you can go and see it. Also you get to see Ben Stiller miming to Beastie Boy tunes!

If you have ever used an editing programme before though and you see the huge amount of effects and that, and you go "oh I couldn't use that", well, in this film they must have used all of them! So yeah, its a very unique film and experience, go see!


I NEVER give a film 5/5, because no film is perfect!
OK, Pirates of the Caribbean. Do not read on if ye are yet to see, here be spoilers, says I.

Excellent film really, gets quickly into the story with little fannying around at the start. There was a bit too much "eewww, ming" when the birdie picked out the guy's eyes. Wait, the start did have a fair amount of fannying around. The whole bit on the island was just like "Uh... have I walked into King Long?"

Anyway, Davy Jones and Bootstrap Bill were both pretty cool new characters. Anyone whos seen it Davy Jones sounds JUST like Fat Bastard from Austin Powers sometimes. The movie had lots of action in it, but it never felt forced or out of place. Some of it was a bit "What the...?" but, it was all good, fun and Piratey. I'm glad they managed to keep the same sort of, fun, slightly comedic tone the first one had. But, the ending was just... amazing. It has set up number 3 so well and just left it at an OMG! With Jack getting eaten... oooohh, it leaves such a need to see the next one. Ugh, except stupid Barbossa. He died! Leave him dead, he was a knobba in the first one and will be in the third one. Leave it to Davy Jones...Oh well, at least the little doggie ended up surviving. You CAN'T kill off the little doggie from the ride, and luckily, turns out they didn't.

So, Pirates of the Caribbean, a proper good Pirate movie if there ever was one, laddie. 9/10.

But, the best bit EVER, you doesn't love a movie with a B&M Floorless as a main enemy?
Seeing as this topic is looking a bit neglected and forlorn, I went especially to the cinema tonight, to see Miami Vice.

I wasn't really planning on seeing it particularly, but my dad suggested it, and I decided that as it was being paid for by someone else, I might as well. Plus, its Michael Mann, and I really liked Collateral, so it must be okay.

First opening sequence reminded me that Michael Mann can use music beautifully in a film, and everything he uses sounds just right.

Basically, its what you'd expect from a Michael Mann film. Its really beautifully shot, very quick-moving, excellent musically, very dark, but a bit too quick and vague at points. In Miami Vice, the first 10 minutes is great and sets the scene well, but the next 45 minutes flits past your eyes with so many little short scenes that don't really make any sense, you're left wondering quite what's going on. The good thing is it picks up again after that as things start coming to a head, and there's still a good hour-ish left, so plenty to enjoy.

The way Michael Mann shoots films makes them feel very real, from the very handheld-esque camerawork, to the perfectly fitted music, to the complete music blackouts at other times. Scenes like the club scenes work really well, because you do feel like you're in a club, and the final gun battle is very powerful, mainly down to the fact there is no other noise than the action noise. Mann has really gone to town with the realist, film-noir-style camerawork though, sometimes making it a little harder to followe, but ultimately making it look a lot more real a performance.

As for the acting, you've got two excellent lead men in Colin Farrell and Jamie Foxx already, and they both play their roles really well. I still struggle to take Farrell seriously when he's not speaking Irish though, especially with the dodgy 80's moustache too! Jamie Foxx, Michael Mann's favourite after Collateral, works really well in his role though.

Really good film, if a little over filmed and under-plotted at times. Just don't go expecting your typical Hollywood audience-pleasing blockbuster, because it isn't. It makes you think more and actually hold your concentration, but ultimately its definitely worth it, just because Michael Mann is such a wonderful director.
peep said:
Thank you for smoking

This film I thought was really good, brilliant acting, humourus and kept me interested throughout. I also left the cinema thinking that it was the end of the film, unlike some films where its like "thats the end?".

Unfortunatly its not a HUGE film and might not be on at your local cinema but if you can, go and see it because it really deserves the attention.


I agree, I saw it on the plane flying back from America, and it is definitely worth a watch.
I saw hostel last night. Okay film, which COULDVE been great - if i knew nothing about it before watching it.

Unfortunately the "twist" was spoiled for me by the numerous reviews/etc that i've read.


Still it had a lot of boobs in it...

My next film i'll be seeing will be this one:

OK, Cars.... Cars... Cars.... how do I sum it up in one word?



Insult to Disney

Yeah, it sucked. Unfunny, Owen Wilson is vile, even just his voice, the whole thing just, sucked.

The other two films I've seen recently were Saw 1 and 2. Both ****ing brilliant. See Disney, at least SOME people can make good films.
Ben said:
The other two films I've seen recently were Saw 1 and 2. Both <img src="http://www.coasterforce.info/images/smiles/5censored.gif" width="34" height="15"> brilliant. See Disney, at least SOME people can make good films.

Thanks jake, for lugging saw 2 to my house :P

I agree, disney films have gone downhill since they moved to all this "3d" crap. I loved all the older films from when I was a nipper :(.
I watched Battle Royale on You Tube last night, awsome film, really really well made. I must get round to buying the DVD, and also buying the Magna comic too.

A must see for any teenager really.
Dragonlove said:
I watched Battle Royale on You Tube last night, awsome film, really really well made. I must get round to buying the DVD, and also buying the Magna comic too.

A must see for any teenager really.


The Goverment should consider it for sorting out the chav problem.

The worst problem is that New Line Cinema is planning to remake it.
I saw Shawshank Redemption yesterday, it was f00king awesome! The storyline is great, and its a must see.

A while back I saw Lucky Number Sleven which I found great aswell.
mrclam said:
I saw hostel last night. Okay film, which COULDVE been great - if i knew nothing about it before watching it.

Unfortunately the "twist" was spoiled for me by the numerous reviews/etc that i've read.


Still it had a lot of boobs in it...

My next film i'll be seeing will be this one:


I saw Hostel the other day as well. I was expecting lots of really bad deaths and there was only about 3 deaths! Some of the deaths were really bad, but not as bad as I expected them to be. The death where the guy has the back of his foot taken off was the worst... all of the others weren't that bad. I felt sorry for the japanese girl getting blown torched to death and when she kills herself it was a bit of a shock.

Overall it was quite a good film, but nothing amazing. Saw 1 and 2 are a lot better!