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Sorry but did I see the same Casino Royale as everyone else because it was one of the worst films I think I've ever seen. Total ****. It's was so slow and boring and the action scenes just didn't seem enough. James Bond for me is made by the gadgets but without them it's slow and uninteresting. The free running was pretty inpressive though.
Saw 2 foreign films last night:

Pan's Labyrinth is a Mexican film advertised as a "fantasy" set in northern Spain in 1944, after the Fascists have won the Spanish Civil War and are trying to kill off the remaining Republican fighters. A young girl is brought to live with her new stepfather, a brutal fascist captain. She is a dreamer who escapes from the horror of the real world into a dark fantasy realm.

This has had fantastic reviews, and I've been looking forward to it as the director Guillermo del Toro handled Hellboy really well. I didn't come out entirely happy though. The fantasy element of the film is much less than I was expecting, with the bulk of the film showing the struggle between the army and the rebels.

Both aspects of the film are very well done, but I wanted more fantasy, and I don't think the two strands are properly integrated. So overall I was disappointed, but that's largely because of the expectations I had going in - maybe the next time I see it I'll enjoy it more. I still think his previous film The Devil's Backbone covers similar ground better though.

Oh and it's NOT a kids film - aside from the dark fantasy stuff, there's some strong violence as well.

The other film was The Host ("Gwoemul"), a Korean monster movie about a mutant creature that emerges out of the Han River in Seoul and starts eating people (wouldn't be much of a monster movie if it didn't :)).

The creature, a sort of giant carnivorous tadpole, is good fun and suitably menacing, and although the CGI isn't always convincing, some of the shots are quite ambitious.

However the film veers wildly between horror and farce. There's a grieving scene with characters writhing around the floor which is hilarious, and honestly there's a mad cross-eyed brain surgeon who says (in English), "We need this man's brain!". :roll:

Casino Royale tonight....
^I saw the trailer for Pan's Labyrinth a few days ago, andthought it looked good, then I saw the review on Film 2006, and I too was disappointed with the apparent lack of fantasy, and your review just backs it up.

Won't be seeing that then...
Lain said:
^I saw the trailer for Pan's Labyrinth a few days ago, and thought it looked good, then I saw the review on Film 2006, and I too was disappointed with the apparent lack of fantasy, and your review just backs it up.

Won't be seeing that then...
There is some fantasy in it, just not as much as the media coverage suggests, and it's not that well integrated into the overall story - it's only focused on the girl. There are 3 main creatures, 2 of which have fairly short scenes and don't contribute much. I def. wanted more.

So, quick bit on Casino Royale.....it's good, very good, for the first 75 minutes. And then the poker starts, and goes on, and on, for about 40 mins....it's watchable once, but I guarantee you'll be fast-forwarding it on DVD.

The film never really recovers from that lull, which is a shame as some of the action is excellent, and Craig handles it no problemo.


I'm sorry but if someone had just whacked my gonads to pancakes with a big rope, I'd be walking like I had a giant watermelon between my knees, not offering to get it on every which way....and what good was the password anyway? They wouldn't have let Le Chiffre near the money transfer process, as he lost the game. :?
I just came back from Tenacious D and well its a pile of Sh** the music is the only good thing in the whole movie. There was bad acting and some really random bits, but most of it was just boring. Not worth the ?4 cinema ticket.
I also saw Tenacious D today, and I have to disagree with the two comments above. I think it may depend on how big of a Tenacious D fan you are or Jack Black Fan.
I am not the biggest D fan in the world, however I enjoyed the movie. The music is good, and there is a bit of a slow start, it begins to pick up when they learn of the pick, and plus it had the funniest scene i have seen in a film this year. (i've seen borat too). I love the bit, where JB, eats the mushrooms and imagines he's a sasquatch and the strawberry river. The acting isn't bad, Tim robbins and Ben Stiller make great cameo appearances.
Everyone I went with seemed to enjoy the film, it is nothing groundbreaking, but non the less an enjoyable movie.
Now this is my kind of topic! I work in the marketing dept. for a cinema and do reviews for me & the missus Myspace on the side!

Haven't seen Tenacious D yet but will do (along with Jackass and The Prestige) in the next week or so.

Best film I've seen recently: the Departed. Absolutely superb!
Over the weekend I stole and watched one of my Christmas presents- The Cube Trilogy (I believe they were made for TV... so not particularly famous). They'd been likened to Saw and recommended by someone on here (was it Mrclam?), so...

Cube- Brilliant. Suspenseful, claustrophobic, intriguing, exciting... It's based on psychology more then action, but there's some good action (the Acid Trap...). Overall, 9/10, brilliant, one of the best Horror/ Science Fiction films I've ever seen.

Cube 2: Hypercube: DIRE.

Cube Zero: Good, back to the roots of Cube, but too much faff outside the Cube, when it should be in the Cube entirely. The end was good though. 6.5/10.

And then tonight I've watched House of Wax. It reminded me quite a bit of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, car troubles, stranded, strange house, weird family, odd practices... etc.

Anyway, it was quite good. Nice suspense, good gore, interesting look, fab killers, very creepy with the statues. The effects on the finale are awful, and ruined that bit, but, over all, they were good. There was some very horrible moments, (through the drain, Paris' pole), and they didn't include Paris' acting. I was impressed with her, good on her, she proved me wrong. So, 8/10 for House of Wax. It aint deep, it's got plot holes, but there's some very creepy and thrilling moments.
When I saw House of Wax in the cinema everyone cheered when Paris got poled. :lol:

I was revolted at the wax bits though... Really gross! Chad Michael Murray topless for most of the film though <3
Yesterday I saw at the Curzon cinema in Mayfair Stranger then fiction.

This film is so refreshing, its origional, innovitive and is acted and directed brilliantly. When you think that "oh Will Ferrel is in this film, it MUST be funny", well, sorry but its nothing like that. Yes there are funny moments within the film but I wouldn't class the film as a comedy, more of a drama. I think that Will Ferrel is awesome in this film and Emma Thompson and Dustin Hoffman give amazing performances and Queen Latifah is just like "wtf?". Its heart warming and you come out with a good feeling, even if most of the film is about a depressive lol. I do recommend this film highly and can't wait to get it on DVD in the new year.
^Oh good, because Will Ferrell being funny gets right on my tits, due to my complete inability to actually find the man funny. I have seen a few trailers and stuff for that though, and it looks interesting.

Over the weekend, in a bit of Travelodge-induced boredom, I ended up watching Changing Lanes, with Ben Affleck & Samuel L Jackson. It was a film I fancied seeing when it originally came out, but never got round to. So, at seeing it was on, I decided to watch. Its a good enough film, with a different idea behind it, but it really does lack a proper standout moment in the film. I like the idea of having the two main characters as neither hero nor villain, but a bit of both each, it makes for a more interesting plotline. There's just no real climax to the film though... As the storyline progresses, things happen, and then, everything's over before you know it, and the film's ending. Its not one of Samuel L Jackson's best either, seeing as i've hardly seen a film of his I wouldn't rate. Its still worth a watch though, just because its a little different for a Hollywood blockbuster.
Mi Dad bought Superman yesterday and watched it today... It's quite a slow moving film for an action type genre. Im not sure if I liked it as much as I thought I would?
I've recently got back from seeing Happy Feet.

This film is absolutely amazing, its almost on par with Cars (my favorite animated movie this year). I think its really cool how they merge real footage in with the animation too (if you see the film you will know what I mean). The music is superb and I might end up getting the soundtrack.

I advise everyone goes and sees it.
I've been watching a few films recently, but three of note.

1. The Producers (remake). Complete waste of my time. Fortunately, it annoyed me to the point where I had to turn it off after about an hour, so it didn't waste THAT much of my time (I'm a great believer in watching even crap films to the end, so it must have been REALLY awful for me to switch it off).

2. The Descent. Bit of an odd one, and a good idea. A bunch of women go caving and get attacked by subterrainian critters. It's a little kooky, and also a little bland, but overall it's worth checking out, especially if you're scared of the dark and/or confined spaces.

3. Night Watch. Funny Russian film all about groups of supernatural beings who defend either light or dark. It's not as way out as most European stuff, but is still something very different from the norm. Well worth watching, just don't expect it to blow you away.
:lol: I'm shocked by that attitude Ben. I thought Night Watch was pretty decent ;)

I think the problem is that's it just pretty much a remake of the original. The idea and film as a whole was something new and interesting when I first saw it (around 20 years ago). Likewise at that time, I was a big Mel Brooks fan. So I enjoyed the original film, and for a 13 year old furie, it was something great.

The remake isn't new anymore. It's an old idea, and not as interesting. The characters are all poor imitations of the original ones, and are trying to be something that became "old hat" a long time ago. There's a reason films like this aren't made anymore, the ones we have are enough, and it's nice to look back on how crude humour was 40 years ago ;)

If I'd not seen the original, I might have enjoyed it a little more. I'd have found the story amusing at least, and the show much better. However, Matthew Broderick is deeply irritating and not in the slightest bit funny, so it was always going to struggle...
OK, I'll give you that Broderick is overall a dire actor, same as everything he's in...

But that's it :P.
Lol, no he doesn't Ben, his reviews sound quite acurate (I saw Producers at the cinema and I never leave the cinema during a film) and I have never seen The Descent but what Furie has said is pretty much all I hear about that film.

Night Watch I would recommend, I'm really looking forward to Daywatch, thats the sequal if you didn't get that, its currently in the process of translation, although I believe some of this film is in English or something, either in this one or in the third part, can't remember.
Just came back from Black Christmas and it was actually really good if you like horror movies. My friend was sh!ttin himself through lots of it but for some reason us 2 found it funny when people were being killed. Some very fit girls in the movie and a good story line. I would reccomend this to everyone though the movie was wrecked by some chavs but we sorted them out lol.