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Watched Film4 today which I haven't done for a long time.

First film was Parent Trap

I thought it was a nice film, some amusing moments, overall very predictable and some good acting from Lindsay Lohan :eek:

Rating: 3/5

Next up was an animation which was released the same year as Disney's Dumbo (1941), Hoppity comes to town :p

This was a random little film which I strangely enjoyed. It has some major moral issue as it's theme (don't destroy local wildlife areas) but it doesn't effect the enjoyable factor of the film.

Rating: 3/5
I finally got around to watching Shoot 'em Up last night. By definition this film is terrible, but from an entertainment point of view it's brilliant. There is loads of action, most of completely stupid and unrealistic, but still cool to watch. It's also good to see a protagonist that is English for once. 9/10

Also saw Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story. This is just awesomely funny. It is a fantastic send up of those musician biopics, and is very good. You need to have seen at least walk the line to understand parts of it, but apart from that it's brill. 8/10

On a side note, they've released a slew of trailers of summer film trailers from the super bowl online. Transformers looks amazing.
http://blog.wired.com/underwire/2009/02 ... -bowl.html[/b]
Smelly said:
furie said:
Just watched 10,000 BC.

I wish I hadn't.

Think yourself lucky you didnt watch tropic thunder

I did :(

Erm, catchup time.

First up, couple I've watched as part of the "Top 100 films yadda yadda yadda" thing I'm doing. I'm also trying to get Minor_furie to watch some too, in an attempt to inject some taste. There's a chance that he may look for more from a film than just fast paced CGI shots... Here's hoping.

First up The African Queen - I love this film. It's such a simple, flowing, easy going film. The acting is lovely, and it's just wonderful. Such a joy to watch, really effortless, simple enjoyment! 10/10!

Next, Brazil - Terry Gilliam's over-rated tale of a future ruled by bureaucracy. It's actually a really great film, with some superb laugh out loud moments. It's bogged down a little by the whole dream thing, and rather than making ti mysterious or ethereal, it's a bit too heavy handed and poorly executed, and mires the film. It's over-rated because it si, just like Monty Python, but that doesn't stop it from being sharp, witty and very clever. Well worth watching if you enjoy something a little different on the comedy front (Taylor would hate it, nobody loses their trousers, drinks piss, throws up, falls over (erm, they may actually), gets slapped, or anything remotely teen movie like :p ). 9/10 anyway!

As well as catching up on this front, I'm also trying to introduce MF to some classic 80's films which are dreadful, but great too! We've done Big Trouble in Little China, Escape from New York and Top Gun. Now it 's time for Tough Guys

Dreadful late 80's film about two ex-cons coming out of prison after 30 years. One is 73, the other 68. Burt Lancaster plays the elder, Kirk Douglas the younger (tougher one). It's a comedy, and it is I suppose, but it's very obvious and cliched today - dreadful, but still a good way to waste 90 minutes! 7/10 (8 if you enjoy crap 80's films) :)
I watched "City Of Ember" yesterday and it was really good. The story is fantastic and it is a great family film but younger viewers might find the giant star-nosed mole a bit scary.
furie said:
Next, Brazil - Terry Gilliam's over-rated tale of a future ruled by bureaucracy. It's actually a really great film, with some superb laugh out loud moments. It's bogged down a little by the whole dream thing, and rather than making ti mysterious or ethereal, it's a bit too heavy handed and poorly executed, and mires the film. It's over-rated because it si, just like Monty Python, but that doesn't stop it from being sharp, witty and very clever. Well worth watching if you enjoy something a little different on the comedy front (Taylor would hate it, nobody loses their trousers, drinks piss, throws up, falls over (erm, they may actually), gets slapped, or anything remotely teen movie like :p ). 9/10 anyway!

Currently the film I wish to see the most. You reminded me that I watched Twelve Monkeys, though, by the same director.

Brilliant. Loved it. Totally how Bruce Willis should act all the time. Loved how you didn't know whether he was mad or actually time travelling, and Brad Pitt! Where the hell did the acting come from? I've yet to see Benjamin Button, but I have hope now :p

Really fun to watch, a reccomend for all who like clever films! 8.5/10
coasterdreams14 said:
I watched "City Of Ember" yesterday and it was really good. The story is fantastic and it is a great family film but younger viewers might find the giant star-nosed mole a bit scary.

What? I remember it being a turd of a film, even for kids. It just couldn't decide who the audience was. I do concur about the mole thing being scary for kids which just furthers my point.0

Recently finished watching cult 80s flick Weird Science.

It kinda goes in a pot with Bueller's (sp?) day off, breakfast club etc. Those sort of corny 80's teen flicks which are hilarious. I love weird science though, it's just so odd and if you don't laugh at the drunk bar scene then you have no sense of humour.

Rating: 3/5
furie said:
Next, Brazil - Terry Gilliam's over-rated tale of a future ruled by bureaucracy. It's actually a really great film, with some superb laugh out loud moments. It's bogged down a little by the whole dream thing, and rather than making ti mysterious or ethereal, it's a bit too heavy handed and poorly executed, and mires the film. It's over-rated because it si, just like Monty Python, but that doesn't stop it from being sharp, witty and very clever. Well worth watching if you enjoy something a little different on the comedy front (Taylor would hate it, nobody loses their trousers, drinks piss, throws up, falls over (erm, they may actually), gets slapped, or anything remotely teen movie like :p ). 9/10 anyway!

Brazil is an excellent film which means it's the exact opposite of Monty Python, which is dull as ditchwater.

Saw Frost/Nixon recently, but couldn't help but think how the film made the interviews appear a lot better than they actually were. Nixon didn't confess in the real interviews, and you got the sense from the interviews that both men succeeded with their aims, yet in the film it portrays Frost as a more conniving man than he really is and Nixon as more of a loser (which is definitely an Oscar-worthy accomplishment!)
Ploddish, you'll love Brazil.

Stone Cold - Brazil is a comedy, based on what would happen if abject officiousness ruled the world. It's not (as you think) a fantastic insight into a utopian world of accountants and civil servants that you would love to live in :p
Lol, I watched Brazil yesterday too =]

I watched Step-Brothers again, Ali hadn't seen it before. I fell asleep towards the end (as I always do) but it still made me laugh as much as when I first saw it =]

Also wacthed Eden Lake, a new British thriller. It's really horrible, no sense of satisfaction or justice at the end of the film and it left me feeling uneasy. Had a good original (for the most part) plot line and I really enjoyed it up until I realised that it wasn't going to be resolved.
We watched I Am Legend.

Thought the film was ok, the story was ok and it was fast moving.

The ending was pants, well so we thought. I said about it at work and they said it did not end with the driving over a bridge out the city, I said yes it did you must have the wrong film.

Anyway it turns out we watched disk 2 with the other ending :( so I will have to see the proper ending now lol.

6/10 due to the crap ending that we saw.

Interesting comedy about bunch of HS kids who roll on a college visit. I laughed quite a bit because.. well.. it felt like my college visit.. haha

Saw Milk the other day, it was amazing! such an interesting film. It's more a documentary than anything, as it's littered with old archived footage from the real events. Seriously recommend anyone to see this, made me realize what an amazing man Harvey Milk was, and how, if it wasn't for him, I probably wouldn't be living the life i live now. He gave so many people hope.


The acting is superb. And it was possibly the first film I've seen that i was so close to crying in the end.

9/10 It's not perfect, and it may not appeal to a wider audience. But for what it is, it's fantastic.
kimahri said:
^ Is that the ending that is actually what the whole movie was about?

We saw the nice ending where they all get out the city to go and look for the other people.

The ending in the cinema from what I have heard is he dies to save her.
Batman Begins is really growing on me, i used to think it was ok and wasn't my favourite batman film but its slowly creeping up there!
southend_marc said:
kimahri said:
^ Is that the ending that is actually what the whole movie was about?

We saw the nice ending where they all get out the city to go and look for the other people.

The ending in the cinema from what I have heard is he dies to save her.


Those are both different from the real ending.


In the real ending or the ending that the whole movie and title is about is where the monster people all invade the main character's house and they go to the basement where that girl is he was trying to cure. The monster people then try to get to Neville(?) by smashing through glass and the other two people leave. One of the monster people draws a butterfly on the glass in blood and looks at the monster girl. Neville then realities that HE is the monster. He was the one going around killing all of them and they were telling each other stories about him. They started off mindless zombie, vampire monster people but they evolved and became more intelligent.

I think. I'm not 100% sure but that's it in a nutshell.