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I watched Saw III on friday.

It was good, but left me slightly dissapointed.

It was better than the second one, but the first still takes the prize for me.

It got extra points for being completly Vulgar though.
I seen SAW3 in the cinema a few months ago when it came out here, and I completely loved it. Don't get me wrong, I was totally hiding behind my jumper for the majority, I can take gory, but that's just extreeeme!
Ben said:
The third is EVEN worse then the second for gore. But a better film... <3.

Oh, and Red Eye is total ****.
Spot on! I've seen lots of good reviews for Red Eye, and I'm a fan of Wes Craven from old, but that film is RUBBISH!! I laughed at it in the cinema, couldn't help myself!

That reminds me of laughing out loud in the cinema when I saw Ghost...Whoopi Goldberg fondling Demi Moore just cracked me up :D
That's a shame, as Wes Craven has done some cracking stuff. Even Scream wasn't too bad!

I went to the first UK airing of the Exorcist for almost 20 years or something, back in around 1990. It was full of hardcore horror fans who'd either never seen it, or only on really poor quality pirate import.

First there was an awestruck silence... Which became a disbelieving silence, which rapidly descended into riotous laughter. Probably not the reception the cinema was expecting (they should have had clowns outside to deal with the victims of the show, unlike the St. Johns Ambulance people back in 1973 :D ).
Scream is amazing, one of the best movies ever :p.

The opening is horrible.

And the Exorcist? I've never seen a movie that so spectacularly fails to live up to expectations. Ha, my old violin teacher fell asleep in one of the original showings.
I agree with Ben, I was really let down by the Exorcist. I watched it alone when I was like 13 at my Dad's house, and wasn't scared at all, I wasn't really laughing either, just in pure awe of the fact that it was crap.
Horror films have changed slightly since the exorcist was made though, now its all about the jump inducing scenes where as back then it was just creepy and odd things happening.

Old films are so much better than the majority of crap which hollywood is churning out.
^To be fair, I do still think Halloween is one of, if not the scariest films I've ever seen, so I do appreciate a good classic.

Oh, and Dreamgirls. Great film... blah, watch if you like musicals, blah... blah...

Enough of that, seriously, lets talk about Jennifer Hudson. That girl is AMAZING. Her first film, and she outshines the entire cast. She doesn't just steal the show, she rips it away from Beyonc? and insists on smacking her with it 'til she's dead. Speaking of who, she still can't act, but in this film she had TWO facial expressions. Progress.

Oh, and it had Danny Glover. Yay for Saw cast!

I saw the end of Saw 3.... and really... they shoulda stopped with 2. Even with just seeing the ending I could tell it was a poor film.
Harsh Snoo! I enjoyed 3 much more than I did 2 (which means I'll probably drag my arse out for 4 :roll:).

Watched The Last King of Scotland, very well made film, excellent acting by Forest Whitaker and James McAvoy. It has some good tension, and some of it is pretty shocking. I came away knowing more about Ugandan history than I did before, although there aren't many sympathetic characters in there which makes it a bit hard to engage with the film sometimes.

I dying to see Hot Fuzz now though, running out of patience! :D
Pah, everyone thinks 3 > 2. And they're right.

The Omen remake was dire. Worst. Horror. Since. Blair. Witch.

It doesn't deserve any more time then that.
Green Mile <3.

It was funny, thrilling, exciting and moving. I didn't quite make any tears, but I did get a nice lump in my throat.

If you want a good quality, balanced film with a powerful story, give it a watch! 9/10
Just watched Little Miss Sunshine... different, but quite enjoyable. Had me laughing a few times, but certainly not the most conventional/happy of comedies ever, but Steve Carell is excellent as ever.
A few I've watched recently:


Mrclam has already recommended this. I agree, it's a great film. A few slow parts, admittedly, but on the whole an excellent movie.

Little Miss Sunshine

Toni Collette can do no wrong in my eyes anyway, but that fact aside, this was also a great movie. The final beauty contest talent scene is one of the funniest things I've seen in ages.

Marie Antoinette

Looks gorgeous, cool soundtrack, but ultimately very dull. Oh, and Kirsten Dunst in it......yawn!

The Queen

I was expecting to hate it, but I didn't. Can't say much other than that. Not sure I'm feeling the whole "OMG Helen Mirren for the oscar" thing though.
Well after waiting for ages I've finally seen Hot Fuzz. Was it worth the wait? Kind of.

It is funny, and Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are brilliant (so is Timothy Dalton). But nearly all the supporting cast are empty caricatures, and the plot is just daft. I know it's meant to be a parody, but they invest too much time in it to ignore how silly it is.

It's undeniably well made though - the editing machine must have melted by the time they were done. But overall, for enjoyment, I still prefer SotD.

Oh, and all the gore hounds are going to LOVE it! :D
I just saw Pan's Labyrinth.

Whoah! Fairy tale? As if. Yes, I expected it to be more mature than Cinderella or something...but I wasnt expecting the gore to come along with it. Geez that was creepy. If youre not ready for stuff like that, its even scarier. Ive never seen Saw, but Im guessing its a much milder version of saw with all the gore.

Other than that it was a beautiful movie. It was all psychological and the cinematography and the shots were amazing. Directing was perfect, because the mood was always set at all times, and the movie totally took control of your emotions. I loved it. One of my favorites.
Seen a couple recently.

Funniest film ever made. So many jokes, all so funny. The "NOT" joke, Jew jokes, National Anthem. It's funny cause it's offensive.

Happy Feet-
Much, MUCH better the second time.

The Prestige-
Awesome film, one of the best twists outside of Saw. And then another. Oh, and then another... I only watched it cause Hugh Jackman is yummy, but it ended up being brilliant.
Well, I feel like doing a couple of movie reviews right now, even though I havn't just watched them. In fact, the first time I watched some of them, I was just a little kid. But whatever.


No, not Pan's Labyrinth. This is just Labyrinth, one of the most amazing, imaginative and magical films I've ever watched. I know most of you guys probably won't be into this sort of stuff, but I think the movie was very well done, and have watched it so many times that I actually could recite every single word. But be warned, if you're not a fan of fantasy, don't watch it because that's all it is, really.


Green Mile

One of the movies which made me bawl. Has a great story line, which isn't the most realistic, but it works. It's heartwarming, funny, sad, and pretty much gets every emotion going in you at some point during the course of the movie. It's long, but it's definately worth a watch, at least once in your life.

Eh, that's all for now. I'm getting lazy.