Such a great film. Really nice animation and great story to go with it. The characters are great and believable and fit in perfectly.
You get introduced to Carl Fredricksen right from the start. It then goes through a montage scene of him growing up. Such a great way to show his life in a few minutes and you get to understand why he is where he is now. It's all quite sad as well which is good as it helps you feel sorry for him and root for him throughout the film. Of course this is all done beautifully.

You then get introduced to Russell who is amazing. He provides lots of laughs and has a great entry to the movie which makes him instantly likeable.
The film then kicks off with what everyone knows about. Where Mr Fredricksen ties thousands of balloons to his house and floats of on an adventure. Of course, Russell gets caught up in his plans and ends up having to tag along for the ride.
The animation in this film is beautiful. It gives the scenes and characters real depth and it just looks really clear and nice. There are alot of bright scenes with lots of colours where they really get to show of their animation. Mainly with all the coloured balloons floating around and blowing in the wind. Also when you're watching the scenes when the house is soaring through the sky. The clouds look so good you feel like you could reach out and grab them.
UP really succeeds on it's musical score by Michael Giacchino as well. It really adds to the film and fits in perfectly with each scene. It's great how it changes really smoothly as well. Like in the montage scene at the start you have a slow steady soundtrack. Then you have a great uplifting one for when the house is soaring through the air and floating through the clouds.
There are also alot of jokes in this film that only a few people will get. There are a few that only really knowledgeable Disney fans will get such as where the antagonist got his name from. UP also manages to slip in a few adult jokes that will go straight over the heads of the children, yet give the grown-ups a good laugh as well. I think it's great they have done this as it really reminds me of classic Disney films and it shows that they're trying to go forward in film animation, yet still keep all the magic and humour they've always had.
There are also some great other characters that are part of the story that are really lovable and fun. There's a huge, awkward bird that is a big laugh-getter at first. Then she becomes a real enough character that when she's injured, she elicits screams of fright worthy of Bambi's late mother. Also you have the leader of the dogs who gets a good laugh when he first opens his mouth.
Overall UP is an amazing film. It's such a vivid animated masterpiece and just doesn't have many (if any) faults with it at all.
Anyone who says animated films cannot amuse and entertain, while at the same time delivering any kind of emotion, does not know what they are talking about.