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furie said:
We'll ignore the massive leap of any thought process required to believe that the ripples in time haven't irrevocably ruined the future time line and utterly suspend all disbelief.

I will indeed, the Butterfly Effect doesn't wash with me :lol:
furie said:
c) The future is set in stone. No matter what you do to the past, the future is unaltered. Malky sends me back in time, I kill his Grandmother. Time doesn't care and Malky still exists to send me back anyway. I cannot change my own past. This is the poorest way of avoiding paradox, as you are just shoving paradox under the carpet and ignoring it.

But if the future is set in stone, then isn't this the so called grandfather paradox, which basically says that if backwards time-travel were possible, you couldn't do anything that would knowingly affect time. Thus, you couldn't kill your own grandfather. If you tried to shoot him, the gun would jam, or the bullet would miss or he'd already have had your father, or your grandfather was actually the milkman etc etc etc.

Anyway, the other point worth mentioning is the alternate timeline scenario, whereby backwards time travel actually makes you travel to another universe where the future can unfold differently and not affect any time travel that might have occured.

If you accept this (and considering that using real-life physics, backwards time travel is effectively impossible, thus about as likely as multiverses existing) then T1 still makes sense, and all of T2 makes sense, as judgement day has been stopped in a different future than the one in which John Connor sent Kyle Reece back.

Of course, by the time the third film arrives, nothing makes sense, as we're still in the future that has no judgement day, and yet judgement day is already on top of us when the third time travel event occurs.

Anyway, moving on, both 9 and nine look terrible. I've seen Shane Acker's original short, which 9 is based on, and I don't think the film will be all that great. As for Nine, not only is it a musical, but it's based on a Fellini film, and he's possibly the most over-rated director of all time (although there is Burton too I suppose :P)

Saw the Hangover last night, very good, full of laughs and well worth seeing once, but it has limited repeat value.
Ben said:
I don't know if she's supposed to be "flawed" deliberately, but she never seems comfortable or confident at any time she's in a fight.

She has been in a coma for four years, the poor woman! Cut her some slack!

I would if she didn't then go on to chop up 134 people with a sword - suspension of disbelief of course, but still... :P

Ben said:
And the second isn't bland, you just didn't appreciate it :wink:

Well, it's typical QT dialogue and bollocks, but Uma Thurman just isn't actually that good. :P

Stone Cold, I've mentioned the alternate time line - the point is, the story is pointless if whenever Skynet sends back anything back to the past, it can't make any difference. Surely the computer knows this? :P
Look everyone knows that T2 was the best terminator movie
And Uma Thurman couldnt act her way out of erm.. a bad analogy.

Anyone who disagrees obviously has a pineapple shoved up their bottom
Watched Easy Virtue on DVD earlier.

Very quirky and rather fun. It's very different to other dramas I've seen.

Rating: 3/5
I double posted, but you love it :P

Saw Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen earlier.

It's a great film, if you leave your brain at the door. The action sequences are exhilarating and energetic. If there is one thing that Bay knows how to direct well it's a massive action scene with thousands of massive explosions and CGI robots. At times it can be confusing as to what Transformer is bad and what one is good but to be honest it doesn't really matter. There is a bit of a turd twist near the end which is just pathetic but it doesn't really effect the enjoyment of the film as a whole. It is also a very funny film due to the addition of some new characters and a return of a funny guy from the first film. If you enjoyed the first film, you'll love this one.

Rating: 4/5
peep said:
Saw Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen earlier.

I've not seen it so i'll judge it on the first movie

The action sequences are exhilarating and energetic. If there is one thing that Bay knows how to direct well it's a massive action scene with thousands of massive explosions and CGI robots.

All shot in "fast cam - blur-o-vision" to hide the fact they didnt spend too much money on cg?

At times it can be confusing as to what Transformer is bad and what one is good but to be honest it doesn't really matter.

Sounds like you've just answered my question

Does it have, in the middle of a fast blurry action scene (a staple in michael bay movies) any slow-mo effects which gratituously look down a girls top? (another staple)

Or a dog which gets trapped, looking like it's a gonner, only to be seen jumping out of the flames at the last minute? (yet another staple in all michael bay movies)
^There was some blurry shots but it's not too bad.

There was also no dog coming out of flames, but there is something to do with dogs near the beginning :P I also don't remember much slo-mo shots going down girls tops (I think I would remember something like that :P)
I saw The Hills Have Eyes Yesterday.

I am a big fan of horror movies but this wasn't as good as i expected it to be. There wasn't a single part where I felt scared athough there were a few parts were I was about to throw up. I just don't think that there was any point in this movie. I give it a 2/10.

And Today I saw Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen

The first film was great but the second blew me away. The storyline was pretty simple but the action and specials effect are amazing. I liked the few bits of comedy in there too. I give it a 8/10.
So i've just finished watching "The Majestic" on tv.

It stars Jim carrey - doing what he does best. And by that i dont mean crp comedies! But by being a truely great serious actor.

In all his "serious" roles, i've yet to be dissapointed with his performance. But yet in crp like "yes men", "liar liar", etc - always awful!

Now the film itself isnt great. Story is inconsistant and predictable, the film itself is a bit dull - and with the predictability made even worse!

But it's a bit of a tear jerker in places, and has a genuine "good - all hail amerika" message to it.

But in my opinion, Jim Carey is ALWAYS worth watching when he's doing serious roles. As he's always actually genuinely believable, and "human".

I think one of the reasons i hated benjamin button (apart from it being dull) - is that I never find Brad Pitt believable, he's an action star, put him in a serious movie and you just cant relate to him as a human being. And so believability goes out the window.

But with mr carey - always believable. The tears of a clown always are.

So as a movie - not good. 5/10 probably. But definately worth watching if it's ever on tv for free! If only do you can see what i'm talking about - quite possibly the only "famous" actor of his age group who can actually act!
Mum and Dad:

This is a really good film. It's really well shot and the lighting and sound are great. There isn't much depth to the plot but it's one of those films where you don't mind.
The some of the scenes are pretty gory and you're always kept wondering what's coming next and if she's going to get out. It's a strange idea for a film but it works and the characters play their roles so well that you actually believe that it's happening.
Worth seeing but it doesn't have much replay value so is more of an overnight film rental than one that you'll want to buy and add to your DVD collection.

Wrong Turn 2: Dead End:

Really really liked the first Wrong Turn film but never got round to watching the sequel until now as I thought it would just be one of those crap ones that are made just to squeeze the films for every penny they've got. Surprisingly this was really good. On level and if not better than the original. The body count was higher the gore factor was risen and it still continued to shock and surprise you. I was wary when they said it was about a reality TV show in the woods but they made it work and it fitted in nicely.
So yeah if you loved the first film then you'll love this one as well. It even has a better ending than the first film as well.


No plot, just sweet sweet zombie killing.

Plus, dude.. its Woody.
My Bloody Valentine (In 2D):

Really wanted to see this in 3D when it was in the cinema to get the full experience but couldn't because of the stupid age ratings cinemas have.
Sadly I had to sit down and watch it in 2D.
There isn't much plot to it at all. It's just a slasher horror film. Although you can clearly see where stuff would of come out of the screen if it was in 3D which makes you think "That would be pretty cool if I saw it in 3D". Although I think this film does rely on the gimmick of 3D to make it successful. The locations are pretty good as is the idea for the main antagonist. It was enjoyable to watch but like I've already said I think it's a film you need to watch in 3D to truly appreciate.

The Hangover

Great movie.. more so because it reminds me of my trip to Vegas. Funny bits were great but not as many as I thought. I think I'll have to watch it again to get the final verdict.
