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There was just something that bugged me about Gran Torino. It felt a little generic. A little easy. And I really was NOT convinced by Clint in it. He just glared and growled. And I didn't think it was written particularly well.

Doubt is better than both of them <3 People just don't have the attention span for it...
Ben said:
Gran Torino - Great, but, the amateur nature of the actors shows. And Clint sounds like Batman. 8/10.

Which is why they NEED to make Batman : DKR and cast clint!!!

And do it soon before he snuffs it
^I do believe he said that Gran Torino was his last performance in a film (he is still going to write/direct).
Just got back from Bruno.

As a film, pretty average. But there's some side-splitting moments and I'm still laughing far too much.
Watched Doomsday on blu-ray again.

I still think it's a great film. Some great action scenes broken up with very British humour :p It also has Malcolm McDowell in it which makes it better than most films because he is ace :D
The Dark Knight - Blu Ray!

Let nobody say that I'm highly opinionated without giving things a second chance. ;)

So we had family film night last night, and Dark Knight on Blu Ray.

I tried to hate the film from the start, but couldn't. It's a good film and it was good to see it again to be honest. I like Nolan's direction and the film starts with a lot of promise. It's pretty solid throughout.

Same problem though. Far, far, far too long. Same as when I was in the cinema, it needed to be over very soon after chase to get the Joker. I don't care where the cuts needed to happen or how the story needed changing, but to have built a finale on at that point would have made the film superb. Leave the Harvey Dent side of things until the next film and finish the film when it's on a high.

It's much easier to watch at home, because you can wander off and do things to relieve the need for the film to finish. It's much more relaxed - and easier because I could go and miss chunks of the film knowing I'm not missing any storyline or plot line.

So, brilliant film if you've seen it before so can miss out huge chunks of it to make it flow better - pity Nolan didn't do the same in the editing suite (or with the script in the first place).

I think the most frustrating thing is the fact that film never actually is particularly poor. It's a super hero film and you can forgive it heaps for that. It's all enjoyable, it's just that not enjoyable enough for you to want to keep on sitting through it. It's a film and a half in one place. It's just wrong.

So, my original verdict stands. Brilliantly made film, far too long which ruined the flow.

Now to a classic!
National Lampoon's Animal House
Chaotic comedy from the people behind Blues Brothers and Ghostbusters. It was the film that launched Landis, Ramis, John Belushi and others into the spotlight.

The film is just puerile, chaotic and superb fun. It's full of so many great scenes and is often mimicked (To-ga! To-Ga! To-GA!)

Just an hour and a half of pointless fun. They don't make them like this any more :p
Watched Extreme Movie the other day.

The worst film I have EVER seen. It's just a really, really bad situation movie which tried to get laughs out of you using toilet humour and plastic vaginas.

It was awful.

It's only saving grace was the wonderful Michael Cera <3

Ignore 'secretly loves porn' Steven.

Bruno is what I would call a 'good but not great'. Basically, it's no Borat. It is laugh-out-loud funny is some places but a lot of it just seems a bit, extreme for the sake of it. I did laugh, but not as much as in Borat.

Not Sacha Baron Choen's greatest work but funny nonetheless.
Right two film reviews today...

First I saw Potter-Half-Blood Prince yesterday at the cinema.

It was ok, not as good as previous Potter films (you can see my full rant in the Potter topic).

Rating: 3/5

In the evening I watched Snakes on a plane on TV.

Wanted to see this for some time now. Hehe, very funny, Samuel L Jackson FTW :p Those snakes were bloody terrifying though and those deaths were very gruesome.

Rating: 3/5
peep said:
Watched Doomsday on blu-ray again.

I still think it's a great film. Some great action scenes broken up with very British humour :p It also has Malcolm McDowell in it which makes it better than most films because he is ace :D

Pick on Peep time!

Actually, it isn't. I reviewed this a month or so back and also really enjoyed it. It's complete tripe, but very entertaining for some reason :)

peep said:
In the evening I watched Snakes on a plane on TV.

Wanted to see this for some time now. Hehe, very funny, Samuel L Jackson FTW :p Those snakes were bloody terrifying though and those deaths were very gruesome.

Rating: 3/5

So did I and it's still the most awful film ever. Done in such a fantastically tongue in cheek way though it's brilliant entertainment. It's pure comedy from the piss poor start to the cheesy music video ending. Utterly abysmal, real dross - watch it :)

I watched An America Werewolf in London last night. Having a bit of a John Landis boom at the moment :)

I've always loved this film. It's showing its age a little now, but it's still brilliant. The comedy counterpoints the horror and frights perfectly. The effects are nice in this day of CGI, the norks are excellent and the soundtrack is second to none. Bad Moon Rising is such a fantastic track!

Still love the film, definitely worth an ageing 4/5
So last night I got Memento on DVD.

The film is basically about a man called Larry who's wife was raped and left to die in her own bathroom. Larry has a condition that he sustained from an injury the night he tried to prevent his wife's murder. This condition means he cannot develop any new memories, he forgets things after a short period of time, so relies on tattoos and written notes. He uses this tactic to try and avenge his wife's death.
Film director (Christopher Nolan) has gone for a bizarre effect, which scrambles up the storyline much like Quentin Tarantino. I think this is done to reiterate the fact that Leonard/Larry (played by Guy Pearce) has this 'short-term memory' condition. For the first 15-20 minutes it worked, but after a while I was a little irritated by it.
This film also stars Carrie-Anne Moss & Joe Pantoliano (Trinity & Cypher from The Matrix) they both play the supporting protagonists behind Guy Pearce.

The story and film itself is good generally, but it seems a little obsurd and stained at edges. Overall there's many twists and turns which interlink with the fact that your only shown certain material and certain times.. probably due to Nolan wanting to up the 'shock factor'.

Apart from being a bizarre film, I quite enjoyed it. Yes, it's a little crusty round the edge but that's because the films totally twisted and bizarre, it takes time to set in. Aside from this, I was a little dissapointed with the ending.
