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^Yeah you kind of explained what I was trying to get to about Final Destination better. And also you do notice that things are planned throughout the Saw series. As when you watch them all then go back you spot loads of things that are giving clues to the next films and you spot alot of things you would of just dismissed with first viewing.
For example in the 5th Saw film it ends with an escape in a glass coffin style box. Then when you go back and watch the first film you see John Kramer (Jigsaw) in his workshop actually constructing it.
Also there's loads of clues in the way they word things and there's lots of extra depth when you look deeper into things. So when you rewatch the first ones do do realise the links to the next films and how they're setting things up.
Yes the amount of Saw films being made is kinda ridiculous. But if they came out as a TV series with each episode being an hour and a bit long then people would be saying how good it is after only 5 episodes. But I think it's because it's separate films and they're released in the cinema each time that people think that it's an excuse just to make money.
Well it is in a way but if you made a film like that and you knew that making a sequel would make you a few million pounds richer you'd do the same wouldn't you? People still flock to see the new Saw films each year and it's turning into a Halloween tradition which always ends up with Saw being number 1 in the box office.
The problem with that Ollie is that the first two were not guaranteed to spawn sequels - so there was no forward planning in either of them (it would have been a waste).

As each film has given diminishing returns on quality, story, film making and audiences - it's really clutching at straws to see too much in the way of depth. Okay so some bits that are in the background of one film are in another film, but the story isn't led forward in the films. It's always backtracked and tacked on.
Ormerod said:
But SAW is more of a thriller, it just classes itself as a horror.


There are too many directors doing that, all these bloody remakes are getting annoying now (not that I've watched any of them). Rob Zombie has just finished his second Halloween remake (a 3rd is in the works), we have A Nightmare on Elm Street remake out in October plus others in the works, oh and Omen remake a couple years back (I'm aware that's more 70s).

I'd prefer more original films come out. If you look around there might be one or two decent horror films like Rec but not every film is going to be to your standard of a horror film, different tastes etc, blah blah.

Oh and for the peeps that aren't aware, Scream 4 is on it's way.
For me Saw is a Thriller as well, if they call that a horror so is 7even and The Bone Collector.

The Omen remake was not to bad, but still prefer the original ones.

I dont like the fact that they are remaking other horror films, yes they are dated but thats what makes them good tbh. I hate Freddie, but would rather see the makeup done like it was than a CGI face for example.

I have heard they are making another Alien film, set before the 1st one. Not sure if that is true or not, but its being made by R Scott.

Peep is Scream 4 done by the same people and will it have the same cast?
Ormerod said:
I didn't mean remake 80's horror... just bring back the generation of it :p

I was on about how film makers are trying to bring back the 80's horror generation by remaking them, sorry if I didn't make it sound like that.

Marc, Scream 4 will indeed be made by the same people (not sure about the writer but the director Wes Craven is back), not all cast members are returning, I suppose this is down to whatever storyline they have. I think Courtney and David Arquette are making a return.

And yes there is an Alien prequel in the works, R Scott will be back in the director's chair for the film.
Ollie said:
For example in the 5th Saw film it ends with an escape in a glass coffin style box. Then when you go back and watch the first film you see John Kramer (Jigsaw) in his workshop actually constructing it.
Also there's loads of clues in the way they word things and there's lots of extra depth when you look deeper into things. So when you rewatch the first ones do do realise the links to the next films and how they're setting things up.

Wrong, when writing the first one, they would not have planned 4 films ahead just so they can show the resolution of that box.

They wouldn't have known if the first film would have taken very well at the cinemas.

It's just laziness, they get 4 films along, and are running out of ideas. Tbey remember a trap that they didn't develop on in the first film, and incorporate it, writing a loose plot around it, making it seem like it was intended.

That's not clever, it's just using old material in new ways. Russel T Davis does this with Dr Who also.
But the thing with the Saw films is, no matter how much crappier they get (although I really enjoyed the last one, I really hated four and I still don't get it), people will continue to go and watch them. Once you start watching a series like this it gets very hard to stop, so if money keeps coming in for them, why quit now?

I hope the next one isn't as bad as four..
If you think SAW is good, then it's a confirmed fact that your film taste is bad!

There is too much crap in the way of SAW for the storyline to have any sort of dramatic effect, and so many traps that it just gets boring.
Gladiator. When this was announced for Bluray, it was an automatic click on Plays' website. The only decision I had to make was whether to go for the Steel Book version with the extended cut or not - I went for the Steel Book.

It is an excellent film, and the additional 16 minutes take nothing away from the story. Ridley Scott has created a masterpiece. The picture quality is a bit 'iffy' in places, and I feel really should have been better. There is a degree of pixelation throughout, yet it is still better than the Suberbit DVD I already own. The DTS Master Audio is stunning and Hans Zimmers Soundtrack sounds completely different.

Movie 9/10
Picture 8/10
Sound 10/10
^I thought the Gladiator film sucked. The only bits I enjoyed was when he was in the stadium thing. I've only seen it once though and it was a while ago.
Tbh Gladiator was a film I actually SWITCHED OFF when watching it. I don't think I've done that to any other film. I think I've also mentioned this fact before within this topic. I may give it another chance one day if I can be bothered.

Well, today I went to the cinema, yay :D

First film I saw was Inglourious Basterds.

This was an excellent film, just one amazing scene after another. OMG the tension in the house scene and the bar scene is so amazing, I loved every moment. The actors are superb (not sure on Pitt's accent though). It was just an awesome film, Quentin's best film since Jackie Brown that's for sure.

Rating: 4.5/5

Then I watched District 9.

Another superb film. This was the director's first film and it was apparently made on a low budget but one word...WOW. I was totally captivated from start to finish and was so drawn in by such an ordinary guy's horrific situation. I loved the way it has a documentary style at times (interviews with 'specialists' and TV crew following a dangerous situation) and the use of TV news headlines/reports to tell part of what's going on. I mean this is nothing new but the way it is used adds so much to this film and if anything it helps draw you further into this fictional situation. I totally recommend this film.

Rating: 5/5
peep said:
Then I watched District 9.

Another superb film. This was the director's first film and it was apparently made on a low budget but one word...WOW. I was totally captivated from start to finish and was so drawn in by such an ordinary guy's horrific situation. I loved the way it has a documentary style at times (interviews with 'specialists' and TV crew following a dangerous situation) and the use of TV news headlines/reports to tell part of what's going on. I mean this is nothing new but the way it is used adds so much to this film and if anything it helps draw you further into this fictional situation. I totally recommend this film.

Rating: 5/5

Completely disagree. Watched it last night and found the first quarter almost to be a joke. The films underlying baseline about the real District 9, seemed to be completely forgotten and it was almost as if they were taking the piss out of it all. The main character was trying to be funny, but it just ended up being so 'Wtf?!?'.

The first quarter It was badly shot, stupid, disrespectful and contained very little significance within the film.

Having said that, the remaining 3/4 was rather good. The CGI was amazing, especially on the weaponry when they fire. I felt the film lacked something...perhaps it should have focused more on character development rather than jump jumping for being silly to serious in a matter of 2 mins.

The first quarter really spoiled it for me. REALLY spoiled it.

^What are you on about? At no point did I get the impression that it was being silly. How was the main character trying to be funny? I found him to be just an ordinary happy bloke who enjoys his job but is also aware of the dangerous situation he is in.

Badly shot? As in, documentary like? I think you'll find that was the idea (didn't I just read your doing a A level film course? Good luck EDIT: That sounds harsh, soz. I mean it may seem easy but it gets really hard). How was it stupid and disrespectful exactly? "Contained very little significance within the film" Umm, so setting up the situation of District 9 and the company that controls it doesn't add anything to the film? Right

Also forgot to add in my last post. I really want there to be a sequel, I really want to know what happens next.

^^So you wouldn't really recommend Adventureland Mr Snoo? Darn, was looking forward to that, might still check it out if I have the time and money.

I concur, Defiance is a good film, great performances by all the actors, was a big shock for me when I saw it back in Feb. Really strange how much of a time difference there is on release of this film, usually you guys get everything first.