After Ed Wood last week, Lovefilm sent the fantastic
Plan 9 from Outer Space. I force Minor_furie to watch it.
It is utterly abysmal. It's almost, but not quite, unwatchable. The shear scale of fail keeps you watching it. The fact scenes got mixed up in edit makes conversations (which are at best - piss poor) make no sense. The inclusion of random stock footage, day to night, night to day and "main star died, so we'll replace him for some scenes with somebody twice his height and half his age" just throw you completely. It's laughable for about half an hour. Then the dirge sets in and it's difficult to take it any more. Your sense of taste and decorum scream at you to stop watching, but you can't - you need to see how just how much worse it can get (the answer is, lots).
Is it the worst film ever? Well, if you mean released as a serious film endeavour, then yes - it is. It's a mixed bag of turds - which is nasty, unless you're looking to fertilise your garden, in which case, you'll be smelling of roses "the roses of his dead wife's cheeks"...
Real score
0/10 - do not bother watching this film, it is utter, utter trash.
Furie score
7/10 - put yourself through it. Endure it, love it. Understand why Batman Returns had the awful cemetery scene. Look at "The Core" and think - that's alright actually. This film will do wonders for you.