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Saw Transformers last night. Absolutely Brilliant. Can't describe how it beat my expectations in every single way.
Shrek the Third is pretty damn good.

Very funny. Not as good as the first, but about on par with two.

There's no real point to it, but it's very funny. The bit in the high school is especially funny. "Ugh, totally ew-eth".

Plus, it had three very good points.

- Rupert Everett.
- Eric Idle.
- Puss is very fit. The accent is just pure sex.
Die Hard 4.0 is probably the best film I've seen all year. The action was great and the film didn't take itself too seriously, but didn't descend into farce or mediocrity - a very hard balance to strike.

Apparently, there will be a director's cut with swearing and suchlike in it, which will hopefully be a better film and have a higher certificate.

Also saw Order of the Phoenix, which was good, but somehow just missed out on being really good. Umbridge was brilliantly played all of the ministry scenes were nothing like I expected. Also, the movie didn't move along very well, all the DA scenes were squeezed together, same with the Occlumency Lessons. Obviously, the had to cut a lot out of the book, but I think they chose badly and they cut the final battle at the ministry by too much - yet inexplicably kept Grawp in. (Easily the most annoying character in the whole book apart from Dobby). It was also the shortest film in the series so far, which is ironic given that it was the longest book, which makes the cuts even more irritating.

On the plus side, the acting is getting better, I had half expected Radcliffe to spend the whole time tearing round shouting, screaming, and generally behaving as if his pants were on fire - credit to him for not doing this, but the three of them have still got a lot of work to for the next film, seeing as there is very little action and the relationships start getting a bit complicated.
I saw Saw 3 yesterday.

It was quite a let down. There wasn't really a twist at the end of the film... well there was but it was crap.

It really lets down Saw 1 and 2.
How good is the original saw? i'm planning to borrow it off my mate. Just want to know if it is really worth it.
How good is the original saw? i'm planning to borrow it off my mate. Just want to know if it is really worth it.

It's worth it, believe me. Most people say that's the best one out of the three, and the twist is really great so I'm sure you'll like it. Heck, all the Saw films are worth it, in my opinion.
I like Saw films, but theres just a feel of unoriginality when I watch it. Ive never seen any films like Saw, but its as if I have.
How good is the original saw? i'm planning to borrow it off my mate. Just want to know if it is really worth it.
It's REALLY worth it. Saw one is still one of my favourite films of all time.

Saw two is amazing as well :D

Not a huge fan of Shrek 3rd... wasn't as good as the others and the plot was quite lame.

Die Hard 4 was fantastic.. one of my favorites.

Transformers was great.. and Optimus' voice brought me back to my childhood.. crazy.
Shrek the 3rd was MILES better than Shrek 2. Which royally sucked ass!

1 > 3 > > > > > 2

I went to see the Simpsons movie today.. And was pleasently suprised! For such a low rated film (PG) they managed to get away with alot!
The bit in white will spoil some of the funnier moments so don't read it if you haven't see it! Or unless you want to know a few gags.

Bart Simpsons penis, and the repeated use of the word! The film was done very well with an enormous amount of gags, the child sat behind me laughed at all the "funny" moments, where as the adults among us got the jokes like "stuck between a rock and a hard place" and that "i want to stay in alaska, i never want to go back to the usa"...

Homer's relationship with his family is once again under strain as he single handily places Springfield in a deadly situation that no-one will forgive him for.. and it takes alot of convincing, and quite a heart wrenching scene from marge for everyone to be back together again.

Oh and they rip Disney. <3

I give the film a very big thumbs up. Since it seems (according to the credits) that EVERYONE in the world has been working on this film it gives them an excuse as to why the series has ben so poor recently.

Hairspray is officially the best film of the year. It's just so happy and up-beat.

And since when was Zac Efron not retarded and... kinda cute?

Amanda Bynes is absolutely amazing. I want to be her.

Michelle Pfeiffer is all kinds of awesome.

Seriously. I love it.
I went to see The Simpsons Movie tonight, which you could tell was eagerly awaited by people, as there was a lot of clapping and cheering going on.

Anyway, despite the sadness of having to pay an unreasonable amount for food and a ticket, the movie was actually pretty decent. It was on the short side which is weird these days since you usually go into the cinema expecting your butt to go numb from sitting there so long, but they were quick to the point and there were a lot of funny parts, too. It made me laugh out loud at a few parts as well.

So, 8.5/10!

P.S.- However, I'm not sure it deserves to be in the top 100 movies on IMDB!
^ I would NEVER trust IMDB's rankings.. For a start the Simpsons movie is on there, and it's above 2001: A Space Odyssey? Lame voters.
I watched When A Stranger Calls on DVD last night.

I loved it! The girl on it is so amazing. Also there's a few bits where I JUMPED so much. The story line was simple, but very effective and I loved it so much :D
