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Oh god... Yet another childhood cartoon taken and completely screwed up for the modern audience...

Jesus wept...
Do you remember when Dan Aykroyd used to have talent and was in some great films?

RIP the eighties...
Nemesis Inferno said:

Oh god... Yet another childhood cartoon taken and completely screwed up for the modern audience...

Jesus wept...

Plod sent me a link to that.

(03:09) Ploddish: http://www.slashfilm.com/2010/07/28/tea ... yogi-bear/
oh man that looks bad
(03:09) Ploddish has changed his/her status to Busy
(03:09) Kimahri キマリ=ロンゾ: really.
film makes
(03:09) Ploddish has changed his/her status to Online
(03:09) Ploddish has changed his/her status to Busy
(03:10) Kimahri キマリ=ロンゾ: HOLY ****
(03:10) Kimahri キマリ=ロンゾ: scarier than the country bears
(03:10) Ploddish has changed his/her status to Online
(03:10) Ploddish has changed his/her status to Busy
(03:10) Kimahri キマリ=ロンゾ: cool
(03:11) Kimahri キマリ=ロンゾ: dan akroyd?
(03:11) Ploddish has changed his/her status to Online
(03:11) Ploddish: XD
oh christ, it's in 3D to
(03:12) Kimahri キマリ=ロンゾ: what
as his voice?
(03:12) Kimahri キマリ=ロンゾ: why?

There's my view on this
Just got back from seeing Cats and Dogs: The revenge of Kitty Galore in 3D.

I absolutely love the first film, it was so fun and just pure entertainment. This sequel feels more like a homage to Bond than a sequel. They have Dame Shirley Bassey sing the theme song (a re-do of Pink's 'let's get the party started') over a very Bond title sequence, they have their own version of Jaws as the evil sidekick, the main villain couldn't have more Bond references if they tried and they even have Sir Roger Moore do one of the voices!!!! So after I got over my little Bond fan fit I started to think a bit more about the film as a whole. It has its good points but they only seem to last a few seconds (was annoyed the epic scene where all the cats are high didn't last longer) and the dogs, as always, were annoying ("Cats rule!"). The little mouse was quite cool though, the pigeon however, was not cool, like a rubbish version of the pigeons in Bolt. The film overall is very basic and it only just gets over the 1 hour mark and when the running time is that short you do wonder why they even made it when they had so little material. I didn't even laugh out loud once, occasionally chuckled to myself but it just wasn't as funny as I wanted it to be. Because I loved the first film so much and I knew this was loaded with Bond references so I was hoping to enjoy this film and it is enjoyable but it's just terrible compared to what it should have been (oh and the trailer has the majority of the only decent scenes). Although after saying that the character I wanted to return, does, if only for a scene or two (and an extra one at the end of the credits :D) so that made me happy.

Rating: 2/5

Oh and it looks like Pixar's shorts popularity has awoken Loony Toons. Warner Brothers clearly saw how popular the pre-toon before the feature is popular and they have fought back with a new Wilde E. Coyote toon, in CGI and 3D. I thought it was hilarious but I've always loved those two characters and it was just nice to see them return and for younger generations to now appreciate the epicness of their toons.
Finally went to see Toy Story 3 this afternoon

I'll start with explaining some factors that might possibly contribute to the fact that I won't be creaming myself over it.
I hate children
The cinema was full of the ****ers
4 babies started bawling their eyes out halfway through
there was a tiny toddler that kept running up and down the aisle next to me throughout the film - I have no idea who it belonged to
Some twat wanted to go to the bog near the beginning. Instead of pushing past his own family to get the the aisle, he squeezed past several rows at the end by the wall, then tripped over my crutches and pushed past me instead
The adverts were ****e. About 8 Renault adverts. Oh, and "from the people who brought you Happy Feet - Happy Feet with Owls!"
There was something up with the sound. Not enough to actually piss me off (and I managed to ignore it mostly), but it could've been better. Even just turning it up a bit would've helped.
It cost me almost a tenner to get in. TEN POUNDS! wtf?!
I expect a bit of popcorn rustling during a film at a cinema, but this just took the piss. Not just popcorn either, but actual carrier bags and **** only knows what else. Oh, and bloody pushchairs everywhere.

So yes, perhaps not the best of starts. Actually, "not the best of starts" is probably a good way to describe the short film, "Day & Night". It's a nice concept, and beautifully animated (as ever) but, I think it was just a bit too much of a departure. It wasn't what I was expecting, and therefore I found it a little disappointing. It also didn't help that a load of twats insisted on talking all the way through as if it was another advert.

So, yes, the film then. I loved the first one, and don't really like the 2nd one, so didn't really know what to expect. When I heard they were doing a 3rd, I was convinced I'd hate it, but was more encouraged when everyone started raving about it.

In short, it's good. Nothing more, nothing less. Miles better than the 2nd one (but, imo that's not hard). Yes, it did have me bawling my eyes out, but it felt like more of a chemical reaction than an actual emotional response. I mean, obviously it was down to emotions, but I didn't really FEEL that emotional about it. It was all of the cues such as the visual cliches and music and stuff that set me off rather than an actual attachment to the characters. If any of that makes any sense. Also, there were bits that made me laugh, (particularly, shall we say, the bits not in English) but I expect more from Pixar. Actually, I think that's what it comes down to now. If that had been a Dreamworks film, I might've been a bit more favourable, but I expect Pixar to blow me away... and it didn't. Not quite.

So yeah, definately worth watching, but I'd recommend waiting for the DVD if you've not been to the cinema yet. Especially if you have children. Please don't inflict them on other people. Especially not ones who have paid a tenner to be there.


Edit: Just read Furie's review, particularly the spoiler bits. While I understand why you might feel like it was lazy writing, or at best, one similarity too far, I actually quite liked that. I didn't see it as being lazy, I saw them as being homages, or kinda in-jokes for people who had seen the first two. Especially the - mechanical thing - that you referred to. That didn't both me at all, in fact it kept me interested because I was actively trying to spot stuff. Plus all the silly litte things they throw in the backgrounds and stuff, that kept me occupied too.
PS. I'll put money on the girl in the pink headband being the new look Boo.
^Oh kids can piss me off big time at the cinema. At parks I can put up with kids but at the cinema, it's meant to be a relaxed, calm environment where everyone sits in silence (unless peeps lol, I can accept that :p) and kids just jump up and down, run around, scream for no reason, the list seems to go on. Now I don't fully blame the kids, I blame the parents. I mean, if you pay so much to take your family to see a film you want to be able to see the film right? Obviously most parents don't seem to think so and they just let their kids do whatever while everyone else just sits there getting pissed off.

I had an issue when I saw Toy Story 3 the second time around, the two kids just wouldn't stop moving all the time, jumping on the seats etc. Luckily it was annoying the parents just as much as it was annoying me.

What I don't understand is, in the Leicester Square cinemas, if kids come in, they shut up, sit down and watch the film! I just don't get it, what is it about those cinemas that makes kids actually behave? (shame the same can't be said for teenagers). Maybe the parents gaffer tape them to the seats and put tape over their mouths as they have had to pay a fortune to get in :p That's my theory at the moment anyway.
I did love the lack of kids when I saw Toy Story 3, that was a plus...

The only plus...

I've only just seen your post Phil, but, I agree! It is just the first two sort of mixed together. Like Pixar went "OK, so this worked, this worked and this worked... PUT THEM ALL TOGETHER!" It's a real shame because they've REALLY made a name for themselves as original lately *points at Up, Wall-E and Ratatouille in particular*. But, once again, Woody has the same issues he has always had, Jessie has the same issue she did in 2, Buzz... well, Buzz did bugger all... Oh, and they get seperated from Andy and want to get home... Haven't they been doing that the last two movies? It'd be like if they made a Finding Nemo 2, but, this time, Nemo gets captured by a snorkler and kept in an optician's office. The details are slightly different, but, it's still the same story...


Had they...

Incinerated the **** out of them all at the end like I was *REALLY* hoping they were going to do, it would have been a stroke of brilliance and gone straight down in history as one of the best endings ever... But, no, they copped out and did the single most obvious ending they could do, put some sad Randy Newman over it, and people fell for it... UGH

I still can't believe I wasted a tenner going to see that piece of garbage because my friend begged me to...
Over the past day I've watched Childs Play, The Spy Next Door & Disurbia.

Childs Play


Its a Chucky dole thing thats evil. Awesome stuff. 9/10.

The Spy Next Door


Errr its a fun-to-watch film with a rediculous amount of continuity errors, and you could see the wires, but whatever. 7/10



I thought it was well put together and just great. Great tension building. Great Mystery/Thriller. Worth a watch. 9/10.
peep said:
Then last night I went to see The Karate Kid at the cinema.

I went in wanting to hate it and I came out with a huge smile on my face. What an enjoyable film, over 2 hours of great entertainment. Even the stupid length didn't ruin the film, it just seems to whizz by, you don't even think about looking at the clock because it's just so fun. Yeah the kid is a little bit annoying at the beginning but that's the way it is meant to be. Of course the entire film is predictable but it's well directed and edited (although maybe a bit too much shaky cam) and the final scenes were so good and engaging that the audience found themselves clapping at the end of the film. I do recommend. Oh and I haven't seen the original but I plan on changing that fact.

Rating: 4/5

Totally agree with you there! Nice fun movie. Even my girlfriend enjoyed it, though she was thinking she wasn't going to enjoy it. Jackie Chan is still doing well in his older years, and he took this role on superbly! I can see a good career for Jaden Smith, this will help him get bigger roles without his dad's intervention
A double-bill for me yesterday...


Liam Neeson is amazing... That is all...

Ok, it's silly... I did like the whole plan development sequences, and of course stuff blowing up is always fun... Having not really seen much of the original TV series it's hard to compare, but this is still quite amusing in places and the 4 main characters work rather well together... Decent set-pieces and stunts abound...

All in all, suitably silly, and Liam Neeson loves life...



To quote myself from the end of the film "Christopher Nolan, I tip my metaphorical hat to you..."

Quite simply, definitely an amazing film, as many have said, you need to focus, and this I managed to regardless of the packed cinema (amazing for a film that's been out for 2 weeks odd), and with the girls behind us swooning over Joseph Gordon-Hewitt, and Ellen Page being on screen, it was a very intelligent film...

The dream sequences were very very well filmed... I sat there in awe of a particular scene (many who have seen it can probably guess which one), as it truly was an amazing sequence of events...

And the ending... Simple, yet absolutely effective on what Nolan was doing... MIND****!

I thought the set-piece for the last dream was pretty random though... Felt more Bond than what the film was doing... But hey, a small issue in my eyes (to a degree)...

And Tom Hardy <3 Nolan please have him in the next Batman... As the Riddler... Please...

Ben said:
It is just the first two sort of mixed together.
Read my views on this above. I liked it. I didn't see it as sticking to a formula, but giving a nod to the success of the previous films. I hated TS2 because I saw it as an inferior copy of the original, but don't have that problem with the 3rd.

Oh, and as for your bit in spoiler tags.... It's a Disney film. **** happens, the odd character sometimes dies along the way.... but there's ALWAYS a happy ending. Get over it :p
Nic said:
Ben said:
It is just the first two sort of mixed together.
Read my views on this above. I liked it. I didn't see it as sticking to a formula, but giving a nod to the success of the previous films. I hated TS2 because I saw it as an inferior copy of the original, but don't have that problem with the 3rd.

I actually really like TS2. I like the homages to other classic films and the scenes are quite quick fire and there's a lot of fast humour in it.

I think that the fact that the best way enjoy TS3 is to spend the entire time looking for the homages to the other 2 and other Pixar films(hint: 98% of the film, you don't have to look too far) ruins it (to a degree, it's still not an awful film). It's a distraction technique to make you not realise it's the same old rehashed crap as before ;)

As for kids... I went really early Sunday morning. This is cunning, as the only parents who would take their kids to a showing before 10:00 a.m. on a Sunday are those who actually make an effort for their kids (it's not many).

There were about seven other families in the cinema and all were well behaved, except for about two minutes a toddler had a screaming fit, but their parent took them outside. Maxi-Minor_Furie was fidgety, but you just engage with your kids for ten seconds to get them back into the film, it's simple stuff (unless the film is really dire and the kids hate it).

However... It's a kids film, unless you go to a late night showing, there are going to be kids. Parents, for the most part, are ****. So kids in that kind of environment are going to annoy you. Even I pick quiet times I know there'll be as few kids as possible in a cinema.

So sorry, I have no sympathy if you go to see a kids film and their are kids being a pain. I keep mine under control and well behaved in the cinema (as it annoys me), but I have to simply accept that if you go to a kids film (especially something as huge as Toy Story) - there'll always be parents trying to use it as a free creche facility.
Finally saw Air Doll the other night, it's a film I have looked forward to see since I first heard about it about a year ago.

To sum up the plot I turned to Wikipedia:
Middle-aged Hideo lives alone with an inflatable doll he calls Nozomi. The doll is his closest companion. He dresses it up, talks to it over dinner, and has sexual intercourse with it. However, unbeknown to Hideo, Nozomi was created with a heart. After Hideo leaves for work each day, Nozomi dresses in her maid's outfit and explores the world outside their apartment with a sense of child-like wonder. Toward Hideo she plays being a lifeless doll. She encounters various city residents who metaphorically are as "empty inside" as she is. When Nozomi meets Junichi, who works at a local video store, she falls in love with him and gets a part-time job at the store. She learns about the world through the movies she watches with Junichi...
The ending of this movie is possible one of the most confusing I have seen and I think I have to re-watch it a couple of times to really get the film. Still a great way to spend 2 hours.

furie said:
So sorry, I have no sympathy if you go to see a kids film and their are kids being a pain. I keep mine under control and well behaved in the cinema (as it annoys me), but I have to simply accept that if you go to a kids film (especially something as huge as Toy Story) - there'll always be parents trying to use it as a free creche facility.
Yeah, I do appreciate that. It wasn't really intended as a whinge. I really just wanted to give myself a bit of a back out clause, as I was expecting to get flamed for not giving it 5/5. In fact... it seems to be the opposite. Who knew
Well, the new Inception advert completely gives it away - literally, the whole ending.

It says:

Something along the lines of "Was it a dream, or was it not?" something along those lines, before saying it's better seeing it 2nd time around.

Well, that's spoiled it for those who HAVEN'T seen it :p But I do agree with the advert - it really is.

Onto the films I watched the last 2 days:

I watched American Pie Presents The Naked Mile. The first 3 films are classics, and I got both this and Band Camp in a bundle, so this was the last one I needed to see. Admittedly, it was better than Band Camp, which was good. However, I was left pondering how the hell it was a 15 and not an 18. The most nudity I have ever seen in a 15 film ever. It just seemed like an excuse to get as many naked, hot teens into a film as possible. I'm not complaining, however, it was great!

So, yeah, poor but better than the previous.


Watched The Ring 2. I wasn't expecting it to be as good as the first film, and oh my, I was very correct. An awful storyline with little sense or purpose, a new director who tried (and failed) to mimic the style of the first film and quite simply an awful sequel. They are also planning on making The Ring 3D ¬¬ Oh dear...

Watched Beauty and the Beast on DVD.

Beautiful film, clearly one of the best films Disney have ever made. Fantastic story-telling, great songs and the animation is perfect.

Rating: 5/5

The Incredible Hulk on blu-ray.

I love the new Marvel films, the way they are all set within the same universe. I hated the Hulk film with Eric Bana and this was a huge improvement. I'm still not the biggest fan of the character and story but I felt this was the best they could do with the characters. Great bit of entertainment with some superb special effects.

Rating: 3.5/5
Me double-posting in the film topic? No way! :p

Today was my film day so first to Step Up 3 in 3D.

Not seen the first two but I actually seem to enjoy dance flicks even if they are very predictable. This was very enjoyable and I was pleasantly surprised by the finale showdown, thought the routine and lighting was uber awesome. Apart from that scene it was all a bit 'seen this before', oh well. Oh and the 3D was terrible in places, I liked the subtle 3D used in some scenes though. So if you like dance films you'll enjoy this but if you don't you'll hate it.

Rating: 3/5

Knight & Day

I hate Tom Cruise but I think Cameron Diaz is awesome. This film is a bit like Tom Cruise, tries to be all pretty but is actually terrible. I think the trailer actually has footage from ever scene in it, no need to actually sit there and watch the whole film, you'll only just sit there thinking how bad it is. There was one enjoyable scene fairly near the end and Diaz really shines in that scene, if only the whole film had the humour of that scene. So overall it was a terrible film and I recommend everyone avoids it.

Rating: 2/5

Coco Chanel & Igor Stravinsky

I didn't really know what to expect from this film and yet I still felt heavily disappointed. It was just dull, simple as. It looked glamourus and stylish but it just didn't really do anything. I think it's because the story is about an affair, and as I found out a few weeks ago with Leaving, I'm not keen on films about affairs. There were great performances and the sets and costumes were amazing but I just didn't like the subject matter and found it boring. Shame.

Rating: 2/5
On Friday night, I finally got around to watching the Roger Daltrey backed epic road movie Quadrophenia. Based on a Daltrey stage show, the film shows the struggle for independence and control, as the lead tries their best to counter the paradox of being both unique while fitting in.

The film is punctuated with fantastic little Daltrey songs:

These add an extra element to the dirty, dark feel of the film and it's main protagonists:

Some of Daltrey's finest work is contained in this film.

I did struggle though finding myself getting mixed up with one of Daltrey's other classic road films Maxi-Minor_Furie put on constant repeat when he was 18 months old. I think it may have tarred my opinion of the film a little ;)

Okay, it's a "cult classic". Based around a group of Mods in London, gearing up for a trip on their mopeds to Brighton to riot with "the rockers". As a film, it's nothing too special, but now, as a piece of historic nostalgia and a "snapshot", it's actually really good. The film never really gets out of second gear (it's certainly a Lambretta and not a Harley), but it's still great to watch.

I loved spotting places in Brighton I saw when visiting Nic six months back. :)

It's one of those films that "you should watch", just to say you have :lol: My problem was seriously the issue above. Every time a musical piece crept in, I kept thinking of Daltrey, dressed as a giant green dragon singing "the wheels on the bus". It may have destroyed some of the atmosphere for me :lol:

8/10 anyway :)

I'll leave you with the original trailer!

Then yesterday, Maxi-Minor_Furie forced me to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 It's really very, very bad, but nobody is surprised by that I take it? Avoid like a plague of rabid, irritating rodents!
The Other Guys

Albeit, I hate Will Ferrel.. this was actually kinda funny. Mark Wahlberg is what did it.

Saw Avatar again, first time on DVD. Still a great movie, obviously not as good as theaters, but I was kept entertained for over two and a half hours, so yeah.
