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It was cinema day the other day :)

So, the first film I saw was Paranormal Activity 2. I saw the first one at the cinema, and thought it was dreadful - it wasn't scary, it was pointless and I felt like it was a waste of an hour and a half. I went into this one a bit more excited, although still not hoping for the best. I have to admit, I did jump once, albeit not at a scary moment at all. They seemed more to go on cheap tricks this time such as loud noises, rather than the truly cheap (in terms of how easy they are to do) effects of last time, so it scared the crap out of most people.

Some people walked out, many found most of it laughable, and I found it as poor as the last.


The second film I watched was Easy A - I have to admit, my only reason for watching this film was as it had Emma Stone in. She is OMNOMNOM as well as a good actress, and what with it being a light comedy, it ticked many boxes for me. The film itself was actually better than I expected, with a sort of 80s teen film feel to it, which was reflective of the director. It had moments of proper laugh-out-loud humour, and "smirk-humour".

It was fun to watch.

SAW_gameover said:
Just got back from watching SAW VII (Or Saw 3D for non-fanboys) It was fecking amazing!!! Seriously, I'm still off my head on a Saw high, so I will write a full report tomorrow...

That is all :)

can't wait i'm seeing it tomorrow and i will also give a report
Just seen Balto for the first time in AAAAAAGES, still one of the best animated films (and very possibly THE best live action/animation film) ever!

So heartfelt and full of pure & raw emotion. You can't help but fall in love with the characters (and command a deep hatred for some). One of the best films of this kind that Disney never did! 9/10
SAW_gameover said:
Just got back from watching SAW VII (Or Saw 3D for non-fanboys) It was fecking amazing!!! Seriously, I'm still off my head on a Saw high, so I will write a full report tomorrow...

That is all :)


I have Paprika. I have yet to watch it... :C
nadroJ said:
So I decided to watch a little ditty called A Serbian Film.

Anyone wishing to see this film, I suggest you prepare yourself for literally anything. It is really quite horrendous and there are clues straight away as to what you're going to see, but in your mind you tell yourself that surely not, no way.....well, yes way. Sam and I both said that we felt like we were watching something illegal and have since been racking our brains as to how the hell this thing didn't get banned, even in the rather lenient times of censorship we now find ourselves.

I'll give you a brief plot outline so you can have some kind of idea what this piece of evil is about: an ex pornstar is low on cash, he has a friend who offers him a role in his next film for a lot of money, the only catch is he can't know of anything that's about to happen to him. Then bad things happen. And, like I said in my Facebook status, it makes Oldboy look like Bambi.

Sounds intriguing... I do love horror and shocking films and the like, so I reckon I should check this one out!

On a similar note, have you seen Salò? It's not terribly shocking, but it's got some mad scenes including a scalping (slicing off the scalp), gouging out of an eye, cutting off of a tongue and force-feeding people their own fresh ****, among several others..
From the sound of it, all of that stuff is as shocking as a fluffy kitten compared to A Serbian Film. I read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia (HERE) and know that I never, ever, want to see it. Ever.
Well. Got back from seeing Paranormal Activity 2.

After hearing all the mixed reviews, I went in not expecting much. As the first one was lacking in the "scare factor" I only assumed the second one would as well.

Boy was I wrong.

The second one had me scared **** less. I really like the tie in with the first movie a lot, and definitely was not expecting the end of the movie, thinking it'd be a somewhat happy ending. I quite liked it, even though it was (to me) one of the creepiest movies ever. So I'll give it a good 8.5/10
It's a free weekend on Sky Movies...

Fast & Furious
I've not seen any of the films in this franchise. I stupidly assumed that this was the first one, which is why I watched it. I was a bit perturbed, then, when halfway through I discovered its actually #4. As expected, there's hardly any plot, and the acting is a bit pants... but then, that's not the point. Clearly, its all about the car chases. That's why I was slightly disappointed at first. For the first half of the film, there was far too much pointless dialogue, and not enough pointless action. The chases there are were good, but the choices of cars were rubbish. I mean, a Hummer? Really? However, anything featuring Jordana Brewster can't be bad. Plus, I don't even really like action films, but this managed to hold my attention throughout... to the point that I might actually now watch the others.

Paul Blart: Mall Cop
I've seen this before. Its awesome. Very funny, even if it does drag on a bit too long. Plus, Jayma Mays <3

What the actual? I don't get films like this. They're marketed at kids, yet they're really dark, and I can't imagine kids actually being that entertained by it. (See 'The Corpse Bride' for another example. I saw it in a cinema full of bored children. And anyway, what type of parent takes their kid to see a film about necrophilia? I mean, really?!) So yeah, I don't really see the point. I didn't find it that entertaining, and found the whole thing utterly pointless. I guess it looks quite nice though, but, meh.

Bed Time Stories
It's alright. Even if it does feature Russell Brand (eugh). Its quite a good mixture of modern comedy, and classic kids fantasy adventure. I'd be interested to know what genuine kids think of it though. I was expecting it to be utter tripe, but was pleasantly surprised. That said, I won't be rushing to watch it again.
Hehe Mall Cop 4 stars? I love you Vadge <3

I watched The Social Network, it is essentially an hour and a half of guys dicking each other over, and then it ends, as you would expect something like this to, quite open endedly. It annoyed me that it did the whole thing where they have a still of a character then text explaining what happened to them at the end, I felt it was a bit of a cliche by Fincher, whose previous films lead me to be quite excited for this. I know the subject matter is definitely not as dark as Se7en or Fight Club but still, I found it quite annoying to just sit and watch people bickering and screwing each other over, I have enough of that in my own life haha.

On the other hand it is quite informative, some of the figures they give you are quite impressive and it really is a sign of the times that a film such as The Social Network has been made. I'm waiting for the Google story any day now, or the Apple story.

It's quite an interesting watch but definitely not one of those 'oh my god you must see this film it's amazing', more of a if you have a night with nothing to do go and see it. It's OK. 3/5
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Typical throwaway Rom-Com. Although it's not that funny, and actually not all that romantic. Alright to while away a bit of time if you just want to switch off for a bit, but nothing more.

A Bug's Life
Yes, believe it or not, I'd never seen it. I wish I'd left it that way. It needs to be eradicated from history. And take Ratatouille with it. Its only redeeming feature is the fact that its one of their earliest works, so they have an excuse for the fact that it looks rubbish... but that doesn't excuse the rest of it. Eugh. Pixar, you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Last night I saw Saw 3D all I can say is thank god it was ****ing free. This movie was crap, it was gory for the sake of being gory, the plot was stupid, the characters were stupid, the traps were stupid, and the reasons were stupid. The story basically follows someone who claims to be a jigsaw survivor when he's not and he ends up playing the game. Granted it was fun to watch everyone die but thats not the point of a horror movie, endless blood and guts is not scary, and the 3D was ****ing stupid.

This movie gets 2 thumbs up jigsaw's ass.

I just watched Paprika on Bluray and all I can say is:

"Holy **** what the **** did I just watch?!"

I'm not actually sure how to rate it. I ejoyed it, I think but it was really really weird.
Nic said:
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Typical throwaway Rom-Com. Although it's not that funny, and actually not all that romantic. Alright to while away a bit of time if you just want to switch off for a bit, but nothing more.

A Bug's Life
Yes, believe it or not, I'd never seen it. I wish I'd left it that way. It needs to be eradicated from history. And take Ratatouille with it. Its only redeeming feature is the fact that its one of their earliest works, so they have an excuse for the fact that it looks rubbish... but that doesn't excuse the rest of it. Eugh. Pixar, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Oh Nic, Bugs life 1/5 and Mall cop 4/5, I'm disappointed in you! :(
I expected no better from her :p

Went to see Despicable Me on Sunday with Maxi-Minor_Furie. It was actually pretty good. Not brilliant, but good.

It's a bit bitty here and there though in terms of story flow and editing. Also pretty obvious where it was going. Like Cloudy with a chance of meatballs though, it keeps things lively and a bit mixed up, throwing things in here and there you don't quite expect.

The minions are an excellent character, but constantly reminded me of ravin' rabbids.

Still, it passed the time very well and had me chortling a fair amount - 8/10.

Then I watched Black Sheep on Sunday night. It was okay as a zombie piss take type of film, but it so wanted to be Bad Taste (and failed). If I wasn't watching it with Minor_Furie, I'd have just switched it off. However, having company I sat through it and it wasn't quite as bad as it could have been, but it was far from spectacular. 5/10.