Watched a bit of an odd one last night. The 1980 horror
No idea why I put this on my Lovefilm list, but I did. It's one of those films that's got a reputation as being "understated" and it's by a famous horror/thriller director.
It's the second of a trilogy of films about three witches (The Three Mothers) who run the world from three houses across the globe. Inferno is set in New York.
It's not very good really. The story is rambling and disjointing. The acting is very poor and the whole thing is very typical of this late 70's early 80's horror - a bit of a mess.
However, it appeals to me because I love films that create an intriguing mythos. The idea of an underworld that people unwittingly step into is something I get a lot of kick from, especially if the background has a degree of depth (and mystery).
It's also got some superb set pieces. The sets used and lighting are brilliant at times. It's got the kind of atmosphere and haunting quality most directors could only dream of.
Death by cats and the "mouse" scene are thoroughly nasty and not the kind of thing that you would see today. These few moments elevate the film above the norm.
Direction again is generally very high quality for a film of this era. Some really nice shots that drag you into the film.
It's such a shame that the film is cut into shambles and the acting is dire at best.
I think Ollie and Lofty would get a lot from a few scenes, as the "haunted house" ambiance and sets would make for brilliant haunted walk-through attractions (and I would say that this film is a must watch for anyone wanting to develop these kinds of things).
So, as a film overall, pretty poor. As a kind of snapshot of artistic early 80's horror and for a haunting quality, very good.
Certainly not to most people's taste, but if you are intrigued, then bolt yourself down and don't give up on it