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I really enjoyed Battle Royale. :)

Just got back from seeing Pirates of the Caribbean 4.

It was good. Nothing amazing or to rave about but it was a solid film and enjoyable to watch.

The plot wasn't as confusing as the previous 2 films and doesn't have as many sub plots and interweaving stories. It is still ridiculously long (2 hours and 45 minutes) and you do wonder at some points if it's going to hurry up. Because of this the ending is a bit of a let down. They build up to the finale but there's no real conclusive ending that makes you feel satisfied. Just feels like they went, "that's enough, end the film there".

It started off well with the scenes in London but the film seemed to slow down in the middle of the film but then picked up again slightly towards the end of the film. What was slightly frustrating though is that 95% of the scenes are done at night or indoors in the dark which gives off a slightly dull feeling all the way through the film.

The soundtrack is still great although I feel that they played the main theme too many times. It's a great song and all, but they just kept sticking it over almost every battle scene and bits with action. They also kept using the shot where they film a close up of peoples feet walking and then pan up to show who it is. At one point they did it about 5 times in a minute. :p
Also they still use really fast shots during the fights which gets confusing sometimes as you don't have enough time to see what's going on before they're flashing the next shot in your face.

I didn't see it in 3D so can't comment on that.

I know it sounds like I hated the film but I didn't. I enjoyed it and recommend it. It's just doesn't have all the humour it used to. There's a couple of funny bits in this one but nothing worth laughing out loud about.
The acting is great (especially from Depp) and the special effects aren't used over the top like they were in the last two films. Although If you took Captain Jack out the film it'd just be an average pirate film. It seems that they're relying on him too much to drive the plot forwards and keep us entertained now that Will and Elizabeth aren't in the films anymore.

Overall an enjoyable film and adds on nicely to the other films.

Pirates 4

I agree with Ollie about the music, it sounds as if they put it on repeat and was like ok, herem and here, and there! Done! Originality never hurt. I found the movie enjoyable but nothing out of the ordinary. It's just Johnny Depp being a drunk, sorry acting like a drunk. They went against his character at the beginning by actually having him fight, but him being a coward and fleeing from any confrontation it didn't match, but by the end they fixed it. It didn't "feel" the same way as the first 3, it didn't have 18 double crossings and 150 plot twists and Jack stumbling 1,000 times (this time it was only 400) but it was missing something. They needed to go deeper at some points (the religious man I can't recall his name and his involvement with the mermaid) but other points it was like, speed it up, you did this in the first three no need to do it again. With 5 and 6 already green lit and the script(s) being written, it's not the end of Jack Sparrow, but by the ned of 6, Will needs to show back up, because as much as Orlando Bloom sucks, you need a bitch in these movies. Didn't see it in 3D, conversion is pointless and looks crap and there were a few spots, coconut trees specifically, where it looked like I was watching a low budget movie with the graphics. All in all, I actually enjoyed it.


Hangover 2 and Kung Fu Panda 2 <3 this week
Hangover 2

First off, it was enjoyable. I will start with that. Secondly, I'm not sure if its where I saw it, or what, but the quality of the film was not good. Granted this is the only non digital theater around anymore that I see, and they still use film and you can tell a difference, but at places the lighting seemed off. But the movie itself is essentially Hangover in Bangkok. A few things changed here, and there, but it is all the same. Not going to spoil anything, but they needed some tigers. They were in **** Bangkok and you can't have them go to a tiger conservation place (totally blanked on what its actually called) and mess around there, instead you do the exact same thing as the last one? Its called being original, but they have a good thing going and they ran with it. I was more a fan of the first, but a lot of my friends like this one better, I just think they got caught up in it being a midnight movie making it "ZoMG B3ST MOVAAA EVAAA!"

Finally, **** high schoolers who go to movies drunk. Seriously though, its a midnight showing for a rated R movie, last time I checked, age requirement was 17, not 14. Go watch the Jonas Brothers or something, midnight showing for rated R movies aren't for you and your friends to get drunk at and ruin the movie for others by talking, texting, and being complete little ****. Working at a movie theater for 4 years make me despise kids who do that, or anyone really. Biggest pet peeve is texting during a movie. It can wait 2 hours. Everyone can see the light of your screen and if you are behind them, its annoying as ****.

So yeah, enjoyable, not the best, but worth seeing with other people as it causes you to laugh more. Oh and go die if you text during a movie

^ It must have been the location because last night I also saw Hangover 2 and I **** loved it.

While the movie was basically Hangover 1 in Bangkok why complain. Ever hear the saying dont fix what isn't broken? it worked, and it worked well, it was very funny. Also the entire row of girls infront of me and my friends looked like they were 15, either high schoolers are starting to look younger, or movie theaters are getting more and more lazy about it.

I laughed my ass off, but I still think the first was better, and I am sure the environment had something to do with it, especially since they never fully turned the lights off. I had gift certificates and now that they are gone, I don't really plan on going back there. I would like to see the movie again though.
I really cant choose which one I like better, I could really say that they were on the same level, they were both amazingly funny, and they both had the same basic plot.
Kung Fu Panda 2

<3 This movie is simply amazing on so many levels, and it beats the original. Sequel wise, for an animated movie, not sure of one that beats it. I was laughing the entire time. There was a lot of depth for an animated movie, but I just pray Dreamworks doesn't kill it like they did with Shrek. They are doing a third one, that's confirmed, but I hope they stop there. They are trying to get Chuck Norris for the third one, but they have the winning formula right now. Amazing watching the credits and seeing so many big names, especially "kung fu legends" it is quite entertaining. I absolutely loved it, and I will probably see at least one more time in theaters, maybe two.

Oh and I think it is this **** ing suburb, but again, **** immature high schoolers. I go to 10:45 showings of animated movies to get away from kids like that (and screaming 5 year olds) not have an entire theater full of them. I thought most places had curfews for minors, but apparently not here. Maybe I should have waited a few weeks to get away from them, but I wanted to see it.

10 (on animated movie scale) and if it wasn't for the Oscars having a raging hard on for Disney/Pixar, this would probably win for best animated film, not what I am sure will be half mediocre Cars 2 but since it's Disney/Pixar, it will give everyone raging hard ons and call it the best animated movie ever.
I saw Hangover 2 last night. Was really funny same plot as the first as most people know but it's still **** hilarious and just as good. 9/10

Would have been better though if we were earlier to the film and got good seats but we were late and ended up in the front row, right infront of the screen.... but ya film is awesome.
Saw Hangover Part II earlier.

Yeah it is very similar to the first one but I still thought it was hilarious and it was just nice to see a comedy that didn't throw all its funny bits into the trailer. It's rare that you'll sit in a cinema with over 1000 other peeps and EVERYONE is laughing the majority of the way through the film, that is what makes it a good comedy, something that makes a large amount of people laugh. Also Paul Giamatti <3

Rating: 4/5
Black Swan:
Wanted to see this film for ages. It was really good (with the second half being better than the first) but some bits were really weird. A lot of stuff that happened in the film was a bit WTF and you didn't know what was real and what wasn't. There was also a lot more adult material in it that I thought there would be. Lots of females pleasuring themselves and making out with each other (I can see why Will liked it ;) ). :p
The acting is superb and Natalie Portman plays the lead role brilliantly. The soundtrack is ace and the film draws you in and shows how she slowly changes.
I do recommend this film. When I first saw the trailer I thought it was going to be some girly film about ballet. But it's really dark and twisted and really good. :)
As always, I've been busy watching films. Here's a list of those I've watched since my last post:

Watched Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. It wasn’t as good as the first, that was clear, and I had to try and remember the characters which was hard at some points. Overall, it had lots of action, a fluid plot and narrative, witty at times, quotable lines and excellent performances all around, however, it didn’t have the edge that the first film had…like all sequels, I suppose.


Watched Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End which was by the far the worst of the original trilogy. It was the longest, used the most over-the-top CGI, had far too many fighting scenes and I felt quite bored at times. It was still quite good, but did it really have to be THAT LONG?! :p


Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. There is no doubt it was better than Dead man's Chest and At World's End, but it still doesn't match the brilliance of the first. It had humour, it had music, it had action, it had a flowing storyline, it was MUCH shorter than At World's End and it was great to watch. It did lack one thing however: rum.


Watched Water for Elephants which wasn't as bad as I was expecting. It was a touching tale, and one couldn't not help but think of Big Fish while watching (which is one of my favourite films of all time and is BRILLIANT) but this lacked something which could have made it much better. Not sure what it is, but it did have potential to be a much better film than it was. It was by no means boring, nor bad, but it definitely a nice Sunday afternoon film :)


Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. I had moderately high expectations for this film, and they fell ever so slightly short. It is very iconic, had a surprising amount of humour and was a pleasure to watch. A classic? Yes. An amazing classic which shines through the ages? Not for me, unfortunately.


I watched The Shining. It is not very often that a film ever "gets to me", however, The Shining left me feeling very, very chilly. It was brilliant, not scary but certainly chilling and haunting. Jack Nicholson as always is amazing, the direction is superb by Kubrick and the whole film is so iconic in both style, direction, cinematography, mise en scene and screenplay writing. Simply amazing.


Restless Natives. It was a film which had a more modern directional style than when the film was made, which was great. It felt like a modern social realism piece, but it wasn't. It was quirky, heart-warming, uplifting and strange, but it was fun to watch. It's a shame that at times it felt like it was badly put together with so many obvious audio and continuity errors.


Went to see Julia's Eyes. It was in Spanish with subtitles, and within 30 or so minutes a third of the people in the screen walked out. However, I found it quite gripping, tense and it certainly had the Del Toro stylisms within it 9even if he only produced it). The story was a bit far-fetched and did seem to go on for a while, but it was still tolerable to watch. If it were shorter and with some sections altered/removed, it would score much higher, but it isn't too bad a film overall.


Watched Sherlock Jr. It was brilliant - the best silent film I have ever watched. The story wasn't boring, the acting was a little over-the-top (as you would expect), but not off-putting. It was well put together, clever and a real joy to watch. excellent early silent film!


Watched The Iron Giant which was simply magnificent. the animation was beautiful, the story engaging and at times emotional, the voice acting great and a true classic children's tale with a LOT of political references. The film was memorising - a great watch.


And I'll just add that everybody whom I know has seen The Hangover Part II has said it was dreadful, unfunny and too much like the first. One person said they saw people walk out of their screening. However, I shall make my mind up when I (hopefully) see it on Wednesday.
Saw Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides the other weekend, a film I was really looking forward to.

I did enjoy it but I did not think it was as good as the 1st and 3rd films, it was more like a one off film with less laughs and not as good as sound track as the rest.

Depp was not as funny and I did not really like the Barbosa part in this film, it was just strange. I thought Cruz was very hard to understand etc. Ian McShane stole the show he was fantastic as Blackbeard.

With only 3 of the original cast it was always going to take a bit of getting used to.

I sort of hope they stop now and leave it as they can only get worse.

So all in all a good action film but not as good as the rest. Some of the fight sections went on too long and there were sections that just did not need to last as long. Like the other films though I might prefer them on DVD.
^I thought they were doing seven in total, so you've still got another three to watch! :p
^ Only one more has been confirmed...so far. That'd due for release in 2013. I hope they end it there, I really do... The original trilogy was enough, but I suppose they can easily make another couple of hundred million dollars per film...
Finally, after months, I finally watched The Hangover last night. It didn't disappoint. The movie was funny from beginning to end, and even though there are SO many people who ruin half the movie by saying the quotes over and over again, I was still able t really enjoy it when i saw how much they really didn't give away. Now I just need to see the second one.

ciallkennett said:
^ Only one more has been confirmed...so far. That'd due for release in 2013. I hope they end it there, I really do... The original trilogy was enough, but I suppose they can easily make another couple of hundred million dollars per film...

They actually "confirmed" two more, Depp signed on for 3 more after the original trilogy. I believe Cruz signed on for all three as well. They have said since announcing this one it will be a stand alone trilogy. Or an attempt at such.
Yeah they've confirmed two more so there's definitely going to be a total of 6 films.

Anyway I watched Rio and Tangled today. Can't be bothered to write a proper review but both were really good and enjoyable with some excellent animation. They also both had good soundtracks.
8/10 for both.
Just got back from seeing The Hangover Part 2

I LOVE the first one. With that, it was one of those films where I saw the trailer and thought "This is going to be **** TERRIBLE" then got dragged to see it, and laughed my ass off all the way through.

I didn't know anything at all about the 2nd one. I hadn't even seen a trailer for it. All I knew was that it was set in Bangkok, and was likely to have a similar premise to the first one. Yeah, that's basically it in a nutshell. There's really nothing else to it.

It is funny, don't get me wrong, but nowhere near as funny as the first one. Also, although its blatantly just exactly the same plot as the first one, it didn't really matter. The setting, and the types of scrapes were different enough for me to keep my interest. The photos at the end made me laugh more than the rest of the film put together though.

If you liked the first one, this is worth a watch. If you didn't, don't bother. If you haven't seen the first one, then just go watch that instead.

Nic said:
Just got back from seeing The Hangover Part 2

I LOVE the first one. With that, it was one of those films where I saw the trailer and thought "This is going to be **** TERRIBLE" then got dragged to see it, and laughed my ass off all the way through.

I didn't know anything at all about the 2nd one. I hadn't even seen a trailer for it. All I knew was that it was set in Bangkok, and was likely to have a similar premise to the first one. Yeah, that's basically it in a nutshell. There's really nothing else to it.

It is funny, don't get me wrong, but nowhere near as funny as the first one. Also, although its blatantly just exactly the same plot as the first one, it didn't really matter. The setting, and the types of scrapes were different enough for me to keep my interest. The photos at the end made me laugh more than the rest of the film put together though.

If you liked the first one, this is worth a watch. If you didn't, don't bother. If you haven't seen the first one, then just go watch that instead.

Thank **** you wrote that. Saved me an awful lot of hassle! I would rate is slightly higher, 4/5 (I gave the first one 5/5), but I agree mostly with what you have said.

I just hope they don't keep going, it could get kinda old...
This afternoon, I finally got round to watching The History Boys

Apart from knowing that it was about a group of school boys, I didn't have a clue what what the plot is or what to expect.

Its one of those films that I enjoyed, but I have no idea why. The only other film I can immediately think of that falls into that category is "Lost in Translation".

If you're looking for something that is action packed, then this isn't the film for you. The pace is somewhat pedestrian, even, but I don't think it really matters. It's quintessentially British and full of social commentary, and I love it for that. Mind you, it is based on an Alan Bennett play, so I don't know why I expected anything else.

It's kind of predictable, yet at the same time, almost not predictable enough. In so much as, nothing really happens. I was expecting expecting plot twists, yet they never really come.

It's pleasant. I think that's about the best way to sum it up.


Now I'm re-watching Blades of Glory for the millionth time. LESSTHANTHREE