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"Now Showing"

I watched Mary and Max last night. I'm a big fan of animation, especially when the theme of the film isn't for children, as is the preconception with animated films.

Anyway, the film is extremely good, I don't think I have a bad word to say about it! The themes it touches on are very dark, it's essentially about human misery and the world from the perspectives of two very strange individuals who are pen pals. It's sad, it's funny, it's cute, it's disturbing. It's kind of Burton-ish (when he was making good films) but quite a lot darker (themes of suicide, mental illness, asylums, etc).

I'd really recommend it, it's fantastic.
I watched The Dictator this afternoon.

It had its moments I guess ("Is it a boy or an abortion"), but it was nothing special. The "message" that America, despite all its "land of the free" crap, is actually such a controlled society was a bit too obvious, but I guess if it's aimed at Americans, it has to be.

Re: "Now Showing"

Watched the Avengers over the weekend.

What a load of rubbish, for me it's just like Transformers Dark Side Of The Moon.

The story is weak there's just nothing to the film at all.

Sorry just the normal marvel rubbish.

marc said:
Watched the Avengers over the weekend.

What a load of rubbish, for me it's just like Transformers Dark Side Of The Moon.

The story is weak there's just nothing to the film at all.

Sorry just the normal marvel rubbish.

just a pile of **** that got smothered with silver polish and served on a shiny platter. Can't wait for the sequel :<
Re: "Now Showing"

I'm so glad someone has come out and said it, every review I've heard is from Marvel fanboys and so tainted and unreliable, I can't believe the thing is in the RCDB top 250!

nadroJ said:
I'm so glad someone has come out and said it, every review I've heard is from Marvel fanboys and so tainted and unreliable, I can't believe the thing is in the RCDB top 250!

This is what happens when we have coaster enthusiasts who are also movie enthusiasts :lol: Although I do wish Duane would do something like that!

I haven't really trusted imdb's ratings anyways, there are plenty of movies (cba to list them, there's at least 10) that they have at 7+ and I just can't stand to watch them.
Why the Avengers hate? :(

I've seen a few films recently. When in the States I watched The Campaign.

I really enjoyed this film, very funny and also slightly emotional. There's clearly a few digs in there at American politics that I don't get because I don't follow it all the time but it didn't detract anything for me. I just really enjoyed its silly humour.

Rating: 4/5

Hope Springs

This was quite fun, some quite awkward scenes purely because of who stars in the film but it's generally a great bit of entertainment. Although fairly similar to lots of other rom-coms it manages to be that bit different and original to be a good watch.

Rating: 3.5/5

The Sweeney

Wow, what utter tripe this was. I'm not even particularly sure why I hated this as much as I did, I think it might be the main characters that I just didn't like and that's never a good starting point for me. I think I'm also just bored of this British stereotypical gangster flick (even if this is based on coppers), it just feels to forced and fake and that irritates me.

Rating: 1/5


Heard lots of good things about this so was looking forward to it. First things first, why so little Oldman? That upset me a bit. I think it took its time to kinda get going but it does build slowly into something quite good. I thought Guy Pearce was excellent as the ultimate douche villain. So overall it's ok.

Rating: 3/5


I hated the look of this from the trailer which wasn't helped by the 'from the peeps that gave you Coraline' - a film I loathed. However from the very first scene I was so pleasantly surprised to find a film that is brilliant from start to finish. I loved the style of it, the animation was amazing, the 3D actually had depth to it and it was really funny. So glad I saw this film and I recommend that everyone else does too.

Rating: 4.5/5

Really looking forward to Frankenweenie now, I feel like we're being spoilt with two stop motion films referencing Horror movies within such a short time period.
Continuing my quest to become ever more culturally educated, here are a few more old-ish movies I've just gotten around to watching:

The Princess Bride
It's cute, definitely campy, but also self-aware. Sometimes the jokes fell flat on me but others were pretty solid. Best of all, I now know the source of that meme: "You keep using that word... I do not think it means what you think it means." 7/10

The Breakfast Club
Just too melodramatic for my liking, and I didn't really think the parts that were supposed to be funny were that funny at all. I feel almost guilty for disliking this since it's been put up on this pedestal as "the greatest high school teen movie ever," but I didn't see that in it at all. The intended message is nice enough, I guess - that kids too easily fall into stereotyped cliques and should make an effort to look past them and judge their peers on who they really are - but I just felt like it was laid on entirely too thick at parts. Also, other than Judd Nelson, I thought the actors did a pretty meh job. 5/10

Edward Scissorhands
This was interesting... bizarrely engaging, surprisingly funny in parts, and quintessentially Tim Burton. I actually enjoyed it quite a bit more than I thought I would. Johnny Depp is perfect in his role, and Winona Ryder is just insanely cute. 7.5/10

Super 8
Surprisingly solid, believable performances from the child leads in this movie. It got a little bit predictable once the plot started developing, but Abrams did a nice job of maintaining just enough mystery to draw the audience in. The CGI effects were interesting: in some scenes, such as during the train wreck, they appeared kind of dated and the physics made them pretty unbelievable. In others, such as those in the final scenes of the film around the water tower, they looked a lot more sophisticated and modern. I'm not sure if this was by design to enhance the 1970's feel of the movie, but it made for an interesting watch. Overall, a solid film, entertaining for all ages, basically your typical Spielberg offering. 8/10

Beverly Hills Cop
Just a really fun movie to watch. It's not necessarily great cinema, but it's a classic popcorn action comedy, blending appropriate amounts of each genre with a cool-as-hell performance from Eddie Murphy to create a really enjoyable flick. I loved the awesomely dated soundtrack as well. 8.5/10
End of Watch

This movie had real potential, but the handheld camera bit ruined it. That said, I have never been bothered by that film method before, I actually like it if it is used on the right type of movie, but they could have "fixed" the problem by saying the movie was a documentary on cops in south central, instead of just carrying the camera around themselves. Besides for the camera work, I really enjoyed it. Very intense in a few parts, but also at the end almost brought tears. Very good when it wasn't shaky.

The Lorax- 6/10

Way way way way wayyy too preachy for my liking. The animation was cute and such but I didn't really enjoy the film. I can see why kids do, but yeah, not my fave, although the Lorax and little bears and stuff were cute.

Went in hoping it would be entertaining, nothing great, but just good entertainment. Definitely a must see. Great twist at the end, a lot of things I didn't expect. Ending is very interesting and has me scratching my head. Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitz were absolutely amazing. Wish it would have been longer though.

Re: "Now Showing"

^How does it compare to 12 Monkeys? I've heard there are a lot of similar themes (and actors haha).
Lately I've seen...

Dredd - It was awesome. Lots of shooty, stabby, deathy action. Yes, it was a less Asian version of The Raid, and no, the action wasn't quite as good as The Raid, but, it did actually have some sort of plot and characters, so I'd say the two were pretty even.

House At The End Of The Street - Eh. Didn't seem like it was ever really meant to be a cinema film, but, as far as crap, forgettable horror goes, it was OK.

Cabin In The Woods - **** yeah awesome. Can't say anything else without spoiling its awesomeness.

The Campaign - Rubbish. There were a handful of mild LOLs, but nothing I could quote now. It dragged, which considering it was 85 minutes long is bad, and the whole "political message" was about as subtle as you'd expect a film clearly aimed squarely at American voters to be. Total disappointment.

Looper - Also rubbish. I mean, come on. First of all
It forgets its a science fiction film about time travel about a third of the way in. And they don't really mention it again after JGL has stumbled into what can only be described as a REALLY bad Omen ripoff

The "twist". That's not a twist, if you didn't figure out that
that psycho kid was the Rainmaker after about two seconds, you're an idiot.

But that's fine, because the ending of the film teaches us all
It's fine to be an at least double murderer before you've even hit puberty as long as you then get some money, you'll only turn out evil if you're poor. Cause rich people can do anything they want, cause they're rich, and therefore good.

The second act as a whole was awful,
I don't know who decided to turn it from high-concept science fiction into sitting around a farm house crying that a child doesn't call you mommy
, but it was the decision that ruined this movie.

It's really comparable to Twelve Monkeys, because that's awful and over-rated.

It's not this decade's Matrix, Mr Poster-Writer. That'd be Inception.

I also watched The Avengers. I don't need to tell you how awesome that is and how wrong everyone else in this thread is.
The twist was so obvious the second JGL was given the map and Bruce Willis went to the other place. The movie was clearly about JGL, so they weren't going to give Willis the big part of the movie.

Here is the thing that I can't figure out, and it seems to be either you believe one way, and the other people are idiots, or you believe the other way, and the other people are idiots. Spoiler:
At the end of the movie after JGL kills himself and the kids mom brushes his hair, it flashes to the kid, when she does the same thing. A lot of people say this makes them be the same person, but it really doesn't work, but kind of like Inception, it is open to interpretation to an extent.

I really liked it. Yes it had a huge change of pace midway through, but you could kind of tell that was gonna happen from the previews.
Saw The Campaign for the second time today. I still think it's hilarious, my parents thought so too.

Also saw Looper.

I really enjoyed it, I loved the whole concept of it since I heard the film existed and the film really delivered. It was just great to watch and yeah, I just loved it.

Rating: 4.5/5
The concept of the film was great, it just gets tossed out the window a third of the way in in favour of something a lot crapper, and the reprecussions the idea has are discussed once, and then Bruce Willis just goes "LETS NOT TALK ABOUT IT".

A great science fiction film will show you an idea, show you it in action, and then show the **** hit the fan as a result. Like Inception. This showed you it, and then quickly stuffed it back in its pants because its mom got home. None of the time travel stuff got explored, so the whole film just fell flat.

It didn't work as a science fiction film, and it worked even less
on a "human level" because the kid was a massive, massive douche. And a near-serial murderer. But, like I said, that's fine, cause now he's rich so all is forgiven. Man, if only Jon Venables and Robert Thompson could have gotten their hands on some silver bars they'd have been saved. HE KILLED YOUR SISTER YOU STUPID CHARACTER. GIVE A ****. What dreadful writing that was, with no semblance of how real humans would react.

It genuinely upsets me this is getting touted as an "intelligent thriller" up there with stuff like The Matrix and Inception. I know that bar a few really, really, really amazing comic book films, and Cabin in the Woods this year has been AWFUL, but, come on.