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"Now Showing"

Re: "Now Showing"

peep said:
Disney has their hands all over Iron Man? Love to see ya reasoning for why this makes the film worse? Or how it even makes a slight difference on how the film was made etc? Yeah they reap the profits from the film at the end of the day but they don't even touch the films as far as I can see.

The original script touched a lot more on Stark's alcoholism (as was hinted at throughout Iron Man 2), but Disney rejected the first draft and made them remove the sub-plot: http://www.movie-censorship.com/news_en.php?ID=5315

That's Disney having their hands all over the film.
Watched Rise of the Guardians yesterday on a mate's fancy 3D telly. I was expecting it to be dreadful, but its actually not bad. For the first time ever, I actually quite liked the 3D, and felt like it did add some interest to the film. The plot was utterly predictable, but then, what do you expect for a kid's film? Could've done with a few more lol moments, and the elf things are blant minions rip offs *sigh* Meh.

Overall, yeah, not bad.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

This is a hard film to review. Other than it is the best film to represent the events and horrors of an insane institution, it is just an unbelievable film. It truly is an unforgettable film. I enjoy long still shots of characters such as in Citizen Kane. This movie perfects that direction setting an unforgettable mood that matches the story it is telling. The acting is too good. Nurse Ratched is an unbelievably underrated villain. Her acting is fantastic always matching the mood of the film. Jack Nicholson's acting is some of his best work, perhaps his best of all time. It is perfect. Some well known actors started their major careers with this film such as Danny DeVito and Christopher Lloyd. They play great "loonies". It is a truly fantastic film. 10/10. Spoiler below.

Billy's death is the saddest scene I have seen in a long time. I tear up every time. When Mac started to strangle Ratched, I was hoping he would kill that woman. She sadly makes it. When he is lobotomized, he dies. What is in his body is not him but a hollow shell holding his soul, keeping him from heaven. Chief sets Mac and himself free. They can finally fly away from where they don't belong.
Ploddish made it his personal mission to introduce me to the world of Ghibli whilst staying at his last week.

My Neighbour Totoro (English dub)
OMG, I adore it! Yes, nothing much happens, but does that really matter? It's beautiful and quirky and cute. It's also just the right amount of weird for me to be able to keep up with. Cat bus <3 I want a GIANT Totoro bean bag that I can curl up and sleep on and pretend I'm Mei.

Spirited Away (English dub)
Really odd. I was only just about able to keep up with what was going on. Didn't help that I was so shattered on thurs night that I fell asleep. I somehow missed the fact that Haku was the dragon until he was half dead. I dunno, I'm crap at following the plot of films. It is great, and I didn't hate it, but, I dunno, just not really my thing I guess.

Kiki's Delivery Service (English dub)
Much like Totoro, not a lot happens, but its all very sweet and lovely. I didn't warm to it quite so much though, but I did still enjoy it. Needs more giant fluffy creatures.

Howl's Moving Castle (Japanese with English subs)
What. The. ****. Like, seriously? I literally haven't got a **** clue what was going on. At all. Not just because it was subtitled either, I literally just have no idea what was going on. Waaaaay too far off the weird scale for me to cope with.

On a completely different note, sat in front of the telly with a curry at Jake's last night.

Lots of actual LOL moments plus quite a few cringe moments. It is basically just the female Hangover though. If you like that kinda thing, then this is definitely worth a watch. I loved it :)
Re: RE: "Now Showing"

Hangover 3

Slightly different than first two, but after credit scene is one of best ever.

Star Trek 2

Nic said:
Ploddish made it his personal mission to introduce me to the world of Ghibli whilst staying at his last week.

My Neighbour Totoro (English dub)
OMG, I adore it! Yes, nothing much happens, but does that really matter? It's beautiful and quirky and cute. It's also just the right amount of weird for me to be able to keep up with. Cat bus <3 I want a GIANT Totoro bean bag that I can curl up and sleep on and pretend I'm Mei.

Spirited Away (English dub)
Really odd. I was only just about able to keep up with what was going on. Didn't help that I was so shattered on thurs night that I fell asleep. I somehow missed the fact that Haku was the dragon until he was half dead. I dunno, I'm crap at following the plot of films. It is great, and I didn't hate it, but, I dunno, just not really my thing I guess.

Kiki's Delivery Service (English dub)
Much like Totoro, not a lot happens, but its all very sweet and lovely. I didn't warm to it quite so much though, but I did still enjoy it. Needs more giant fluffy creatures.

Howl's Moving Castle (Japanese with English subs)
What. The. ****. Like, seriously? I literally haven't got a **** clue what was going on. At all. Not just because it was subtitled either, I literally just have no idea what was going on. Waaaaay too far off the weird scale for me to cope with.

Hurray! :)

It's odd that the one based on Western literature is the one that confused you the most :lol: The story for Howl's is all over the place though, with so much going on so randomly.

Totoro is my personal favourite I think, for exactly why you say. Nothing really happens, but it happens in such a perfectly paced and presented way. The animation and characters are gorgeous to just sit and watch and it's such a "lovely" film. It's utterly captivating. I like the oddness of Spirited Away, the whole parents to pigs and monster in the baths thing. It's such wild imagination, I love it.

Not seen Kiki yet, it's sitting on the V+ box waiting for the kids to gather and watch it with me.

This is a Japanese film, one of few decent ones that haven't been butchered by the Americans. Its about an understaffed, badly run hospital, one day there's a huge mistake, and one of the patients falls off his bed, and he is pretty much dead before the doctors get there, but then one of the nurses accidentally kills him. Then they are given an emergency patient, he's seriously ill, bleeding green, and dissolving from the inside out. What do they do? Decide to try and figure out what new disease they have discovered. But they all get it, and all hell starts to break loose.

This is a film which for the majority of its running time, is quite mediocre and nothing all that new. On the other hand, this film has a twist. And the whole film's greatness relies on this twist. Without revealing anything, you will understand the whole film a hell of a lot better. It is definitely an OMG moment.

Decent little film with beautiful twist, would give any American film a run for its money.

Fast And Furious Six

No Spoilers
I wasn't expecting it to be much however I was taken by surprise. It had the good, old car chases with some actual gripping moments. The chase through London was awesome and the tank and plane climax was amazing. The cast were all great and the villain was very threating. Just a great, fun, sexy-ish movie!

Star Trek in2 Darkness

I loved it, but the more I think about it the more mediocre I think it is. Still, an enjoyable film that is a decent follow up to the first one.

Hangover III

I do love the first one, the second one was just the first film in a different location and the third? Well, its very different to the first two, in that its more of a rubbish thriller with no plot instead of a no-brainer comedy. Just avoid it if you can, it's so unfunny and 98% of the film is in the trailers. There is one redeeming scene which is within the credits at the end. In my opinion it should have started with that and gone on that journey instead of trying too hard to be different.
peep said:
Star Trek in2 Darkness

Hangover III
Saw both of these recently and totally agree with your thoughts on both, Star Trek was a solid good film, definitely worth seeing.

Hangover 3 was shockingly bad, the credit scene was easily the best bit of the film.

A quirky little French film which is rather enjoyable. Maybe a little predictable but the music and the cast make it a fun ride. Who knew a type-writing contest would be so intense?

Fast and Furious 6

We sat in D-Box seats which are really good fun with a silly action film like this. I really couldn't care about the characters or what was going on but it was enjoyable to watch. London <3
The Truman Show

What a SHOCK!!! I was expecting just another Jim Carrey movie like Liar Liar or Ace Ventura. What I got was one of the best films I have ever seen, and, without a doubt, one of the most underrated films of all time. It was a sad, inspirational, beautiful film that I would suggest to anyone that can appreciate a film. It is smart and clever with shots that hold weight and Jim Carrey's best performance ever. I don't want to ruin the film, but see it if you want a fantastic film. In my top 50 ever.

Re: "Now Showing"

^ A lack of previous personal knowledge isn't the same as being underrated. The Truman Show is pretty much universally recognised as an absolutely brilliant film, was nominated for a **** load of awards and made a huge crapload of money.
^ I've seen Gump so many times I could quote almost any line of dialogue from it, and yet it doesn't seem to get old. The Truman Show is a better film, though.

Star Trek Into Darkness

Fun movie to see in the theater because of the sensational special effects & big action sequences, but perhaps not quite as good as the first.

Also got trapped indoors by heavy rain over the past 2 days, so I went on a Rocky binge & watched movies I-IV. I'd seen them all before but not for a while. They're all entertaining in their own ways, but I'd rank them:

1. Rocky - Probably the best script and certainly the one with the most character development. Due to that, it's also got the most exciting & satisfying finish to the final fight, even though it's the only one he doesn't win.
2. Rocky IV - So what if the overbearing Democracy vs. Communism message culminates with a schmaltzy post-fight speech wherein Rocky is cheered on by a massive throng of Russians who hated his guts just 45 minutes prior? The soundtrack is a goldmine of 80's synth cheeze and Ivan Drago is by far the most badass & intimidating Rocky opponent. This movie kicks ass. Go America.
3. Rocky III - There's a big dropoff here, but the redeeming quality is Mr. T as Clubber Lang giving us a couple memorable quotes, including the original "I pity the fool."
4. Rocky II - It's a decent enough movie, in fact it's probably better than III and IV, but it's just not very memorable by comparison. Carl Weathers is pretty cool and all, but if you're gonna make a sequel with a fairly predictable outcome, I feel like the antagonist has to be a little more colorful.
After Earth

Easily the worst movie of the year, yet PETA and greenpeace and every other hippie **** organization will say it's the best movie ever. It's literally a sequel to The Happening. Several scenes of trees/grass/plants just blowing in the wind. Just beyond awful. Saw it to see how bad it would actually be, and never dreamed it would be that bad. Scientology garbage and go hug a tree nonsense.

I'd rather watch the Twilight series on repeat for a year than suffer through that **** again.

Just saw this 2 days ago and it was absolutely fantastic. It was ridiculously better than I had expected and I recommend you go see it (this coming from a guy who doesn't really like Tom Cruise). The plot was pretty good, the music was good, and the overall effect of the movie was great. I also thought the ending was perfect. Overall I thought it was the best one I've seen all year, but I'd only seen Iron Man 3 before Oblivion this year.
tomahawKSU said:
After Earth

Easily the worst movie of the year, yet PETA and greenpeace and every other hippie **** organization will say it's the best movie ever. It's literally a sequel to The Happening. Several scenes of trees/grass/plants just blowing in the wind. Just beyond awful. Saw it to see how bad it would actually be, and never dreamed it would be that bad. Scientology garbage and go hug a tree nonsense.

I'd rather watch the Twilight series on repeat for a year than suffer through that **** again.

I was thinking about going to see it just based on the previews and my general enjoyment of Will Smith movies, but then I found out that it was an M. Night Shyamalan picture. Immediate turn-off.
Hangover 3

It was better than the second one for sure. I liked that they didn't use the same exact storyline as the first two, and there was actually a few pretty funny moments in it even though I had been told that it was hardly funny at all. Alan <3
